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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Updater v 53.50

The DS appears after connecting to the servers, at the moment of displaying the list of files.

The GR shows error in the module elf.library.kmod

I put image in this link.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbi ... 7710271797&type=3&theater



AmigaOne X5000 OS4.1 FEU1 And Lubuntu 10.04
1200 towered with Blizzard PPC - BVision and Mediator
And a new fantastic Chameleon64
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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Upss Repetido..

AmigaOne X5000 OS4.1 FEU1 And Lubuntu 10.04
1200 towered with Blizzard PPC - BVision and Mediator
And a new fantastic Chameleon64
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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I don't have any Facebook account.
Send me a mail, please.

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I put it in the graphics area, this is the link :


I hope it helps you.
Thank you.


Edited by Rigo on 2018/10/20 22:38:20
Edited by Rigo on 2018/10/20 22:38:53
AmigaOne X5000 OS4.1 FEU1 And Lubuntu 10.04
1200 towered with Blizzard PPC - BVision and Mediator
And a new fantastic Chameleon64
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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I'm the only one with enhancer pack 1.4 updater crash?

I had a crash too, and I sent the crash report to Amikit.
Maybe you can send your too,

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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PM sent

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Any news from you, guys ?

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Replied to your PM..
Sorry for the delay

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Well, I made a new boot partition and start from scratch, now all works fine, but I have been left with the intrigue of what is wrong, I will compare libraries and others, I hope to find the differences.

Thank you.


AmigaOne X5000 OS4.1 FEU1 And Lubuntu 10.04
1200 towered with Blizzard PPC - BVision and Mediator
And a new fantastic Chameleon64
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BUG: MultiEdit Search window lose focus (while typing)
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Just checking if this is something that has already been fixed or if it is a genuine bug.


MultiEdit 1.8 (06.10.2018)
Copyright © 2016 A-EON Technology Ltd
All Rights Reserved.

Why is it still 2016?

Steps to reproduce:

1) Open MultiEdit
2) PD Menu Navigation/Find
3) You don't need to load a file, just type "anything" (<-example)
4) Click on "Find Next"
The message MultiEdit: anything not found appears in the Search window bar
5) Now quickly click into the "Replace": field so that the input cursor is there
6) Wait a few secs, so that the Search window bar can change from MultiEdit: anything not found to MultiEdit: Find and replace

Surprise, when that happens the cursor is gone, one can type into oblivion.
One needs to, once again, click into the "Search:" or "Replace:" fields to be able to type.


1) It happens reproducable every time
2) It happens if one types nothing and only lets the Search window sit there (activated)
3) It happens while one types in both the "Search:" and "Replace:" fields
4) It even happens after one clicks outside the Seach window to make it inactive and come back by making it active again


1) Sometimes while typing in the "Replace:" field i was thrown into the "Search:" field instead of the cursor going away completely, but very seldomly and i unfortunately cannot provide a reproducable example.
2) Notepad has the same problem, though that program simply eats away the character that one is typing, while the Search window bar changes the message, and restores focus afterwards immediately so that typing along is possible (still a bug in my book)

Because of 2) i fear that this is something that can't be fixed in Enhancer/MultiEdit for the guilty part not being available(?)

I'll happily pass it to the OS devs, if that'd be the case



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Re: BUG: MultiEdit Search window lose focus (while typing)
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If you got some time, could you please confirm or reject?



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Re: BUG: MultiEdit Search window lose focus (while typing)
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That's a known issue with updating the window title. It also affects NotePad.
It's a weird bug in intuition, somehow when the window title is updated the active gadget loses the focus. It's been reported against the OS, some initial investigation was done, but it's a really obscure one.

Interesting your comment that NotePad refocusses after a delay, it doesn't here.

It almost certainly affects other applicationas too, these are just the most obvious.

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Re: BUG: MultiEdit Search window lose focus (while typing)
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Thank you.

Do you maybe know the bug number?
So i could add my notes over at Hyperions without them needing to look it up.


It was fun while it lasted...

game box/art scans
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Re: BUG: MultiEdit Search window lose focus (while typing)
Home away from home
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The reason that you think that the focus was restored in NotePad and probably why the replace jumped to the search string, was that once the string gadget has lost focus, the keyboard short cuts come into play. Thus if you type as 'S' the search gadget is reactivated.

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Re: BUG: MultiEdit Search window lose focus (while typing)
Home away from home
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Ahhh, yes, that could very well be...i think the character of choice i was typing when testing was "s"...that triggered the field again.


It was fun while it lasted...

game box/art scans
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Re: BUG: MultiEdit Search window lose focus (while typing)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Question regarding MultiEdit v1.8 : why wordwrap does not work even when it is checked (and saved) in the menu ?
wordwrap works nicely in multiviewer...

Question 2 : there is a menu items to open recent files but it is always greyed. is it a not yet implemented feature or is there another reason ?

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Re: BUG: MultiEdit Search window lose focus (while typing)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I can confirm the "Recent Items" always being greyed out, "word wrap" does work here and takes me at a new line after column 77 (can be set in the Tool types).

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Re: BUG: MultiEdit Search window lose focus (while typing)
Home away from home
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You may be confusing the wordwrap as you type, with the horizontal scroller. Wordwrpa as you type is definitly working and this is what is controlled fromthe menu.

Disabling the horizontal scroller does not work currently (it should be off by default and enabled with the SCROLL tooltype.) I just fixed the logic on this in 1.10

Not sure when that broke, I always use the SCROLL setting in any editor I use, so didn;t notice that switching it off wasn't working.

The 'recent' menu should be working but will b grey out if there are no recent items. Check that the tool type RECENT is set to a meaningful variable name (without any ENV: part) and RECENTENTRIES is not 0

Defines the variable in which to store the recent list. Defaults to
MultiEdit/Recent. But you can set the samme variable in MultiViewer
to share te recent list.

Sepcify how many entries to keep in the recent list.
NB: Only files saved are stored in this list.

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Re: BUG: MultiEdit Search window lose focus (while typing)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Thanks for the explanation.

The "recent" and "recententries" tool types where completely missing but they are present in the debug version..

Maybe I somehow deleted them without noticing some time back.

I noticed MultiEdit does not create the drawer for the envarc: variable automatically if the "RECENT" tool type is activated. I had to manually
create a drawer named "MultiEdit" in envarc: for "MultiEdit/Recent" tool type to work.

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Re: BUG: MultiEdit Search window lose focus (while typing)
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I found a small error that was preventing the recent list was being craeted if it didn;t exist. Now fixed in 1.10. The variables are manipulated with the DOS SetVar / GetVar API so the directory does not need to be created in advance when all is working properly.

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