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AmiPDF ?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Is the AmiPDF program supplied with Enhancer Software simply an update to the AmiPDF program supplied with AmigaOS 4.1 FE?

Does the Enhancer version of AmiPDF require other stuff from the Enhancer Software suite?


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Re: AmiPDF ?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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It require some new gadget classes from the package, but you can even download them for free (Enhanced core v2)

Sam440ep Flex 800Mhz 160GB HD + AmigaOS 4.1
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Re: AmiPDF ?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Given what it's based on, isn't AmiPDF supposed to be open source?

In theory that would mean the source should be avaialble.
Couldn't any bug fixes be ported from MattyOS back to AmigaOS
for everyne to use?



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Re: AmiPDF ?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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The engine is opensource but not the GUI around it
Engine was not updated aniway, it's the same as the old version from Hyperion

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Re: AmiPDF ?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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The engine is opensource but not the GUI around it

Not possible with GPL. If you use GPL code in a program and distribute binaries you're required to also make available the source to build those binaries. Read the license. It could be possible if engine and GUI were separate binaries but they aren't in AmiPDF. The only way that's not required if you have a commercial license from the copyright holder of xpdf who can license the code under different licenses but if they used the GPL version then all of it is under GPL including the code they added or changed.

Engine was not updated aniway, it's the same as the old version from Hyperion

Was that because the commercial license was only for that version? That's a bad idea as according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xpdf AmiPDF was based on xpdf 3 which is probably missing a lot of bug and security fixes so another reason to publish source so it can be updated with current GPL xpdf that fixes vulnerabilites and allow other people to support it when the original author does not have resources for that any more.

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Re: AmiPDF ?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Thank you for all the replies.

Since it appears that the actual engine has not been updated, I will continue with the Hyperion version of AmiPDF for now.


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