A couple of thoughts after using/nosing around the various applications:
* MultiEdit should have scrollbars around the text area, rather than scrollbars for the entire window (as per the Style Guide).
* Multiviewer has the same issue, although because of the layout it's "less weird" there (especially with file browser off).
* The clock doesn't appear to have the ability to be resized (maybe I'm being thick?)
* Time Prefs is not compatible with the original Time Prefs - the NTP option in particular does not correspond to the system-wide setting in the original OS version. The DST options are confusing - OS4 has these in Timezone prefs and already does it automatically, so this seems surplus to requirements on OS4 (handy for OS3 though!), and again it doesn't correspond to the OS4 system setting.
* Maybe it's my screen resolution/font size but the icons in the menus (all apps) are way too big.
* SDK file installation is all over the place. Some files under include_h, others in local/common. Please keep it consistent.
* I can't see any documentation/includes for using the new Notification features via application.library/Notify(). Maybe it's not possible?
That's all for now