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Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I downloaded ImageMagick from oS4 depot, dearchived & copied it to HD and set the path to the bin drawer, as i did not see install instructions;
I tried to use identify
7.Stock:Backup_Datas/_Pictures> identify ballen-5d.jpg
identify: UnableToOpenConfigureFile.
identify: MissingAnImageFilename.

Of course the image file is there
7.Stock:Backup_Datas/_Pictures> list ballen#?
ballen-5d.jpg 440440 ----rwed 15-May-12 13:56:48
: http://users.telenet.be/amigaone/amig ... pics/03-jpg/ballen-5d.jpg

Snoopy shows identify is looking for a path given by env variable
i did point it to the /conf/ drawer containing /magic.xml as wall as to the filepath to no avail

What am i supposed to do ?

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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Amiga user since 1985
AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester

Ps. I hate the new amigans website. <shudder>
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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I'll take a look at it. The port on OS4Depot is from 2004. Deserves to be updated.

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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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There's a 2005-09-28 version on aminet:


Amiga user since 1985
AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester

Ps. I hate the new amigans website. <shudder>
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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I did a quick port, and it works. I don't know if it supports .iff/.ilbm though. It asks for proc: when you run it, so I'll have to fix that. You need to set a high stack but that can be solved too (stack cookie). I couldn't enable the networking stuff.

No binaries to share yet. Give me a day.

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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Great, it's really nice that you port a more recent version of IM.

I tried to quick compile the last version too few weeks ago, it "worked" (images could be identified, converted,etc) but I was blocked by :
-binaries were 27Mb size
-files could be passed to the IM tools only from shell, not from amiga CLI otherwise DSI
-assign problem
-no svg support

I'm really interested to learn how you solved these problems, especially the files names.
Thank you by advance.

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Re: ImageMagick
Just popping in
Just popping in

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@MickJT is it possible for you to add support of text? is very important for me

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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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"I'm really interested to learn how you solved these problems, especially the files names."

Not exactly sure what you mean there. If you're referring to the issue in the 1st post, perhaps -lunix did the trick? I always use that, because if you need to use some linux based script you downloaded off the net that happens to use unix paths, then it'll just work. Or configure scripts that sometimes run executables to check or generate files.

When you say "only from shell, not from amiga CLI", do you mean POSIX shell? (/bin/sh). Shell/CLI normally mean the same thing for me.

The DSI I encountered went away after I increased the stack size. The binaries are about 27MB in size (9MB when stripped), but that can all be sorted using shared-object libraries, or if the only concern is the archive size, then xdelta3 could be used (like with ffmpeg).


If you're referring to adding text/labels to an image, that'll probably work. I built it with freetype and fontconfig support (a quick crude port of fontconfig that I did for ffmpeg). If you mean something that ImageMagick doesn't support, then I doubt I could add any features. I'm not a coder; more of a tweaker.

Edited by MickJT on 2014/7/10 7:27:20
Edited by MickJT on 2014/7/10 7:31:52
Edited by MickJT on 2014/7/10 7:34:09
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Re: ImageMagick
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I played with imagemagick a while ago and had the same issue with the config path.

My Version: OS4Depot Version, 6.1.4

Solution for UnableToOpenConfigureFile:

Copy the .xml files from share/ImageMagick-6.1.4/config to the main path of the program files (where convert etc. are).

Within this folder, the config files works here.

My quick test which works:
RAM Disk:ImageMagick-6.1.4-ppc-amigaos-bin/bin> convert img.jpg -scale 200x200 ram:img1.png



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Re: ImageMagick
Just popping in
Just popping in

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adding text/labels to an image... yes!!!

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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Yes, I meant /bin/sh.
Thank you for the tip, i will try -lunix.

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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Have you tried ImageConverter on aminet? It's very similar to imagemagik, here's the cli help...

> imageconverter
ImageConverter <inputpattern> [options]

-od <dir> specify output directory (default: current dir)
-of <file> specify output filename without path (default: same as input)
This parameter can contain:
%f for the original filename stem
%c for the image count
-count start value for the image counter
-? show this help
-width/w <n> specify maximum width in pixels or percent of original size
-height/h <n> specify maximum height in pixels or percent of original size
-compress/c <n> [0...100] compression ratio for JEPG
-format/f <f> save-file-format: PNG, BMP, BMP5, ILBM, JPEG or AB3I
-force force the width/height (ignores aspect), otherwise they are maximum values
-hq use high quality for pattern rendering
-rx <n> roll image in %
-ry <n> roll image in %
-sx <n> shift pattern 'duplicate' in % from the middle for pattern generation
-sy <n> shift pattern 'duplicate' in % from the middle for pattern generation
-px <n> fade zone in % to patternize image in x direction
-py <n> fade zone in % to patternize image in y direction
-cx <x> cut image at position x
-cy <y> cut image at position y
-cxs <w> cut image segment w long
-cys <h> cut image segment h high
-fold roll the image in the middle (:="rx 50 -ry 50")
-iso generate ISO perspective image
-sharpness/s <n> sharpness for resizing [0(soft)...1(sharp)]
-interpol/i <i> set interpolation algo (none,linear,window,gui,alpha,guiold)
-rotate <d> rotate the image d degrees clockwise
-gray convert image to grayscale
-img <n> load image #n, if multiple images found in file
-dither <bit> dither image to <bit> bits
-dithermode <dm> set dithermode (none,err,noise,errnoise,tk,shift)
-contrast <c> increase/decrease contrast (-100 lower contrast, 0=no change, 100 higher contrast)
-brightness <b>
-tint <$rrggbb> <mix> tint in the given color (note the $ if hex number!) with mix 0...256
-sharpen <s> sharpen or blur (-100 blur, 0=no change, 100 sharpen)
-gray convert image to gray
-lp <amount> low pass filter [0..1]
-hp <amount> high pass filter [0..1]
-ic <amount> illumination correction [0..1]
-glare <radius> <mix> fairy tale effect
-gamma <g> 0..1...2
-tilemod <mod> create spritesheet with <mod> colums
-createalpha <t> create an alpha based on brightness with t as fade zone
-alphatrans <t> change the overall transparency [0..256...)

Resize/process and compress image files and save them as jpeg, png, bmp, iff-ilbm or ab3i (AmiBlitz3 Image).
If <inputpattern> is #?, an ASL requester will pop up instead of matching all files.

Amiga user since 1985
AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester

Ps. I hate the new amigans website. <shudder>
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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Here's something to test: [removed]

You MUST set a high stack in the shell before running it. A stack cookie can be added later.

If you're doing something that invokes libfontconfig, the first time it will take a long time to build a font cache. Just wait patiently.

The gcc 4.7.1 cross compiler I use couldn't link with dynamic libs for some reason, so I copied it over to my Sam and linked it there.

I'm sure there's probably many bugs remaining. There's no SVG support (I think it needs librsvg, and we don't have and likely won't have the dependencies needed to build it).

Edit: There is an internal SVG renderer, but it's very basic and doesn't properly render everything.

Edited by MickJT on 2014/7/11 1:33:17
Edited by MickJT on 2014/7/11 1:35:37
Edited by MickJT on 2014/7/11 6:02:14
Edited by MickJT on 2014/7/14 10:30:33
Edited by MickJT on 2014/7/15 3:48:42
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Re: ImageMagick
Home away from home
Home away from home

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When printing the "help text" the usage section puts the device name of the current directory instead of the path to the imagemagick command.


Usage: RAM Disk [options ...] file [ [options ...] file ...] [options ...] file


Usage: AmigsOS4 [options ...] file [ [options ...] file ...] [options ...] file

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Re: ImageMagick
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Seems to use netpbm as an intermediate (for iff files at least) and pops up a requester for dev: (/dev/null ?)

I don't think netpbm is built with libunix, but any way redirection is handled by the shell so you will either need to convert /tmp/foo to T:foo first or use abc-shell

(NB libunix can cope with T:foo but DOS not /T/foo or at least it won't do what you expect)

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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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thanks for the suggestion, works better, at least an output for identify, but still

8.RAM Disk:> list #?.jpg
inzicht.jpg 9333 ----rw-d Sunday 21:48:51
-krokus7-smoutebol.jpg 67568 ----rwed 07-Jan-12 18:09:11
2 files - 75K bytes - 6 blocks used

8.RAM Disk:> identify ram:-krokus7-smoutebol.jpg
identify: UnableToOpenConfigureFile.
ram:-krokus7-smoutebol.jpg JPEG 640x480 DirectClass 66kb 0.080u 0:01

8.RAM Disk:> convert img.jpg -scale 200x200 ram:inzicht.jpg
convert: UnableToOpenBlob.
convert: MissingAnImageFilename.

8.RAM Disk:> convert img.jpg -scale 200x200 ram:-krokus7-smoutebol.jpg
convert: UnableToOpenBlob.
convert: MissingAnImageFilename.

glad to see updating ImageMagick is on the way

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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Have you tried ImageConverter on aminet?

Thanks for that suggestion too.
... having looked on Aminet, i can't find it however.

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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Weird, I can't find it either. it does have an aminet readme so I must have got it from there.

Here's a link to the exe and readme.

Amiga user since 1985
AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester

Ps. I hate the new amigans website. <shudder>
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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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when saving to my download drawer i noted it was allready there
I have downloaded it from
The archive is still there, although the 'download' link does not work.
Don't know where i got that link from.

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Re: ImageMagick
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I have fixed the DEV: requester (it was looking for /dev/urandom. It reads from RANDOM: now) and the "Usage:" lines.

ilbmtoppm (in netpbm on OS4Depot) is not built with libunix. It wouldn't make any difference anyway because the command line used is:

ilbmtoppm "[input]" >"[output]"

What I've done now is disabled the use of symlinks and hardcoded RAM:T as a temporary path. You can also use the MAGICK_TEMPORARY_PATH env variable so long as the path doesn't end with a colon (it'll still work but bring up requesters).

Link: [removed]

Statically linked. A stack cookie and version tag are now included as well.

Edited by MickJT on 2014/7/11 23:42:31
Edited by MickJT on 2014/7/11 23:46:21
Edited by MickJT on 2014/7/12 0:34:37
Edited by MickJT on 2014/7/14 10:31:08
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