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Re: Internal USB header on the Amiga 1222 motherboard - does it exist or not?
Posted on: 2024/9/28 15:09
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@salass00 - thank you for your reply. It all seems mildly positive then.
Does anyone else have any more details about the elusive onboard/internal USB header, its location and what it actually looks like?
Re: Buying brand new RAM for the Amiga 1222: Options/brands to consider?
Posted on: 2024/9/28 15:07
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Quote: We should make a database of working SODIMMs... new and used that we tested. Fully agreed. @Eliyahu - are you reading this? Perhaps the A1222 Guide would be a good place to publish a list of compatible RAM chips along with speed tests?
Internal USB header on the Amiga 1222 motherboard - does it exist or not?
Posted on: 2024/9/28 12:22
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The Amiga 1222's official (?) homepage states that the computer sports "2x External & 2x Internal USB port" (sic!). However, it doesn't mention anything about their specifications. Adding to the confusion, the official Amiga Tabor technical manual doesn't even acknowledge that there are any USB ports on the motherboards at all, neither external nor internal. I've been searching high and low for detailed, high resolution photos of the production ready motherboard that show any USB onboard headers, but so far I've haven't come up with anything; the photos I've found show prototype hardware or are of really low quality. However, a five year old post on Amiga.org claims that the Amiga 1222 does in fact have a "1x9-pin USB header" that "provides 2xUSB 2.0 ports". Is this accurate? If so, where is the header located? Are the header pins soldered on to the motherboard, or do you have to do it yourself? 
Re: Buying brand new RAM for the Amiga 1222: Options/brands to consider?
Posted on: 2024/9/28 12:02
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Maijestro and dooz, thank you for your inputs and URLs (granted, I didn't realize someone had already beat me to it). For the record, I've ordered a G.Skill SQ Series DDR3 8GB 1333MHz CL9 non-ECC SO-DIMM 204-PIN chip (SKU: "F3-10666CL9S-8GBSQ"). I'll post an update in the other thread once I know if it's working as intended or not.
Buying brand new RAM for the Amiga 1222: Options/brands to consider?
Posted on: 2024/9/23 18:41
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Since it appears that the Amiga 1222 has been released (can't find any announcements / pressreleases / product pages on A-EON.com, though - it's like the computer doesn't exist) now would be a good time to consider buying a motherboard. According to the " A1222 Guide: Initial Build and Setup"-guide, it seems as if there are a few pre-requisits to have in mind: * AmigaOS can currently "only" address 2 GB of RAM * The system expects "standard 1.5V DDR3 SO-DIMM" chips * The hardware has only been tested with "unbuffered, non-ECC SO-DIMMs running at 800MHz" * With this in mind, "2GB Kingston 1333MHz non-ECC SO-DIMM" chips "should work fine", according to the guide * The official (?) Amiga 1222 manual says that the computer has only been tested with two (!) RAM chips, both from Kingston - the KVR800D3S8S6/2G chip and the KVR13S9S6/2 chip. Both of these chips seem to be out of production. As a lot of people who have assembled their own systems can vouch for, using the wrong kind of RAM is like asking for trouble. Non-hardware compliant RAM usually result in seemingly random lockups, crashes and other unexpected behaviors. Since none of the recommended Kingston chipsets seem to be available any longer, and since A-EON haven't taken the time to test any other RAM circuits that are actually being manufactured in 2024, what other new options/brands are there to consider? (I do realize that used RAM can probably be bought on various auction sites, but this is not what I have in mind; I'd like a brand new Amiga, and starting my OS 4 journey by buying used parts isn't what I have in mind)
Re: Guide for New A1222 Users
Posted on: 2024/2/7 23:13
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Quote: We are talking about a system costing something like 1600 EUR! €1,600? Seeing how AmigaKit and A-EON seem to be doing their best to let their so called "Early Adopters" be the last ones to know what the rest of the world already seem to know - do you have a credible source for this, or is it just pure speculation on your part?
Re: Guide for New A1222 Users
Posted on: 2024/2/6 21:45
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Oh? Since Discord is closed off / propriety software that the owners seemingly refuse to port to AmigaOS, it's certainly is an odd platform for A-EON to make announcements on. Would you please mind quoting their post in this thread, so that everyone can read what they have to say?
Re: Guide for New A1222 Users
Posted on: 2024/2/6 20:56
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Quote: With orders for the A1222+ about to be taken shortly Interesting. Do you know something AmigaKit hasn't yet told its Early Adopters?
Re: Guide for New A1222 Users
Posted on: 2024/2/6 20:56
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Quote: With orders for the A1222+ about to be taken shortly Interesting. Do you know something AmigaKit hasn't yet told its Early Adopters?
Re: Catweasel SID player
Posted on: 2024/1/19 16:17
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"My driver"?
How about some context?
Re: Amiga 1222 Release Imminent (?), some (but not all) get heads up
Posted on: 2023/11/16 0:34
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Since you don't reveal any kind of source here, the credibility is hard to assess. Are you saying that you are an Amiga 1222 "early adopter", and that you somehow have received an e-mail from AmigaKit and/or A-EON and/or some other party?
If that's the case, then I'm sure quite a few other "early adopters" are asking themselves why they haven't been given any information at all.
Re: Who is getting the A1222 Plus?
Posted on: 2023/7/29 16:47
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[quote]If existing users buy the a1222, then the community doesn't grow. Which is counterproductive.[/quote]
You are right, of course. That's why threads like these don't belong on Amiga sites, but rather Linux messageboards and Reddit. Even a modest influx of Linux users and developers to Release 4.1-powered Amigas would make a ton of difference.
Re: Who is getting the A1222 Plus?
Posted on: 2023/7/27 21:18
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@AmigaOldskoolerQuote: AmigaOldskooler wrote:Hi everyone,
I was wondering who here is planning to get the new A1222 Plus I am so getting one. I'm really psyched about it, so here's hoping for a ton of A1222-built software in the coming months - QuakeWorld included.
Re: Guide for New A1222 Users
Posted on: 2023/7/27 20:52
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Quote: eliyahu wrote:@jap
The A1222 is physically a x16 slot, but only x4 electrically. Keep that in mind. I should probably note that in my guide. So in plain English, the Amiga 1222 accepts x16 cards, but access them at x4 speed? If you use a PCI splitter with two cards, does that mean they both run at x2 speed? Speaking of which, can you use PCI splitters with the A1222 in the first place? I'm sure I'm not the only one with questions like these, so perhaps updating the guide with the A1222's "expandability" in mind is a good idea?
Re: FlashMandelNG A1222/Tabor compatibility
Posted on: 2022/10/17 21:44
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Quote: and report me if SPE version runs ok on his machine. "His"?
Re: [A1222] Catweasel 4 PCI + Radeon graphics card: Possible combo?
Posted on: 2022/9/25 19:50
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Quote: You need a adpaper, PCIe to PCI, I guess some Sam460 owners have some experience with that maybe. Thank you for clarifying. Quote: There is only one slot on the motherboard . A x16 PCIe compatible connector . Got it - only one slot. From what I understand of what has been said in this thread so far, it seems like the A1222 Kickstart needs to support adapters, though. Quote: Something about a1222. Even photos, more or less final :) Thank you. I know that there are low-res photos of the A1222 available, but I'm still baffled you have to actively search from them from third-party sources. Why the official homepage doesn't offer one single photo is beyond me. Quote: catweasel.device has not been updated by Ian in a long time "Ian"? Quote: You cannot plug more than one card without some sort of PCIe fan-out adapter, which would most likely require kernel support. Got it. Thank you - and I suppose that Hyperion will have to implement support in the Kickstart ROM then?
[A1222] Catweasel 4 PCI + Radeon graphics card: Possible combo?
Posted on: 2022/9/25 12:34
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The topic says it all, like the say. Browsing the official A1222 homepage (which hasn't been updated since December, 2020) you get the impression that A-EON's upcoming Amiga 1222 has two PCI expansion slots: Quote: x4 PCIe gen 1 link allows data rates of 2.5Gb/s per lane x16 PCIe compatible connector to support Radeon RX graphics cards Since there isn't a single photo of the Amiga 1222 (you read that right - not a single photo showing the product), how this should be interpreted is anyone's guess. Assuming, however, that there are two different PCI slots - one rated with x4 speed, and one with x16 speed, would it be doable to install a Catweasel 4 PCI floppy controller as well as a Radeon graphics card into the motherboard?
Re: Release 4.1 [460LE vs A1222]: The Price of Admission
Posted on: 2022/9/14 18:39
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@arfcarl It seems you are right. The product page still shows its name is 460CR, but an announcment made back in February says otherwise. On top of that, if that photo shows the final consumer product it looks like they've changed the PCB color from red to green.
Release 4.1 [460LE vs A1222]: The Price of Admission
Posted on: 2022/9/14 18:14
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If Amiga retailers and OS developers are to be believed, there is a surge of interest in the platform from people without proper OS 4.1 hardware. As of mid-September 2022, the only viable option to jump on the modern Amiga train is to buy an Amiga X5000. However, with a price tag of over €2,000, that is far from realistic for the potential user base. Enter the SAM 460LE and the Amiga A1222. While the latter has been delayed on several occasions and while its developer - British A-EON - refuses to update the A1222 homepage - the former is expected to hit store shelves within a matter of weeks. The advent of an entry-level Amiga system should bust the OS 4 door wide open - right? Well, that all comes down to how deep your pockets are. Unlike the Amiga 1222 - which has a lot of its sub-systems on board its motherboard - the SAM460LE is cost reduced for a reason. Apart from the SAM460LE motherboard, its users will have to bring a SATA controller for the hard drive, a graphics card and a sound card to the table (filling up all available three PCI slots in the process). A complete SAM460LE is around €900, including sales tax. It's a lot of money - but just how much money is it? Is a seat onboard the Amiga bullet train in 2022 too high? At the end of the day, that's a question every budding or returning Amiga user will have to ask themselves. When they do, they are well advised to know that the Amiga 500 was introduced to the US market for an asking price of $699 USD in 1987 - equivalent of around €1,670/$1,670 USD today. If you are currently on a Legacy Amiga or on foreign operating system but want a slice of the Release 4 cake - what do you think a reasonable price tag is? Will A-EON be able to launch the A1222 at a lower price than what the SAM460LE is expected to cost? Any thoughts and comments are most welcome!
Edited by FirstNinja on 2022/9/14 18:40:31
Re: Amigans Discord
Posted on: 2022/8/11 17:09
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Just thinking out loud here but... if this site has an IRC channel and the IRC, open-source protocol is readily supported on AmigaOS then why split the local community by introducing a new chat-like service some Amiga users can't use? Isn't joining everyone under one flag the reasonable thing to do, or am I missing something here?
Having one crowded place with a lot of Amiga users cross-pollinating each other seems like a more fruitful avenue than having ten half-empty hangouts.