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Re: NetFS: Sam440ep & Sam440ep-flex don
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Is your network stable? I had a lot of instability just using IBrowse. Maybe thats a starting point to track it down.

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Apple Cinema Monitor
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Hi, i have a Apple Cinema Screen 23 and i cant get it to work past the boot screen. Anbody tried it before with the same result or solved that issue? I Tested it under MorphOS and the screen is recognized and used with the max resolution right away and that doesnt make much sense to me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: My AmigaOne X5000 twins - I need some help and advice.
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Just popping in

Mine was shipped from the UK and i believe in the box was a note or maybe they send a email to make sure everything is seated including ram and all the connectors. This is basic trouble shooting and after that you can go balistic. As mentioned before the Graphics card might be a culprit. Hope you find the issue real quick, good luck and congrats on the 5040

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Re: AmigaStore
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So now I'm pissed, I sent a pm to Amikit user because I was told they are involved with the Amistore somehow and never got a response. They sure as hell been online but can't check the messages. I bought the app a little while back and I had some patience but now I would really like to have a serial number for it.

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Re: AmigaStore
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Yes I got it from the Amistore, I did send a message to the developers/alinea and got a fast response. Thanks for that. I really thought I did the right thing and used the Amistore when I should have went to the website.

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Re: Unable to log in to AmiSphere account but able to log in to AmiStore
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First thing i would do is change the password to something simple and short just to test it. got to be that.

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Re: Unable to log in to AmiSphere account but able to log in to AmiStore
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Password to long or wrong ?

the "as" part can't be wrong, you got amissl running?

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Re: Unable to log in to AmiSphere account but able to log in to AmiStore
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Your credentials start with "as" and some numbers. Did you entered this or a name?

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Just popping in
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Sorry for the rant but who owns/runs the store? It's been over 7 day's I think like 2 weeks and I haven't received my Amiphoto serial. Send 2 mails in 2 directions and no response at all. I understand it's somewhat stressful at times but no reaction at all?

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Re: X5000 No Boot with particular RX550 Card
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is the Full driver installed? You could have a demo version of it and or your screen/tv doesnt support the resolution. Had the same issue before

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Re: SFS Problems
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So i ordered brand new WD drives (two of them) started with sfs2 same thing again. Is it me or whats the problem? For me its time to check the other filesystems out, i cant change fs every few days.

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Re: AmiPhoto
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I'm not worried about the money, who is running Amistore. I got a hd without updates (for amidvd and such in case I need it). I assume if I register it there it will generate a file which I can transfer to the other drive.

Thanks for the input guys

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Re: AmiPhoto
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I got it installed on the x5000 it starts but now I have a new issue, didn't receive a serial number

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Re: AmiPhoto
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ok i couldnt wait so i bought it from amistore, what can i say i see the logo and a gfx error message and thats that. doesnt start.

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Just popping in
Just popping in

Hi, does anybody have experience with AmiPhoto? Specifically with remote dirs and sub dirs with lot's of pictures? Im not to concerned about the speed to read the dirs just chrashing and such. Wanting to know before i buy it if it is stable for such tasks. Thanks for advice

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Re: SFS Problems
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Right clicked on the icon and quick format via workbench.

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SFS Problems
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Just popping in

New Shell process 6
6.Workbench:> "RAM Disk:Smartfilesystem/SFScheck" hd0:
Partition start offset : 0x00000000:0011ee00 End offset : 0x00000021:69a0d400
Surfaces : 17 Blocks/Track : 15
Bytes/Block : 512 Sectors/Block : 1
Total blocks : 280282995
Device interface : NSD (64-bit)

Checking RootBlocks
Checksum failure.
6.Workbench:> "RAM Disk:Smartfilesystem/SFSconfig" hd0:
SFSconfig information for hd0: (SFS version 1.293)
Start/end-offset: 0x00000000:0011EE00 - 0x00000021:69A0D400 bytes
Device API: NSD (64-bit)
Drive data: 512 bytes/block, 280282995 total blocks
Read-ahead cache: 4 lines * 1024 bytes readahead size = 4096 bytes
440791 accesses, 1923 (0%) misses
Copyback mode enabled
Max Name Length: 107
DOS buffers: 600
SFS settings: [NOT CASE-SENSITIVE] [RECYCLED, 350 entries]

Whats the problem i just created these partitions on the 8th of this month. I hardly used the Computer. Drive is swapped out i disconnected the SSD for a Spinning drive to see if it is the same.

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Re: Ibrowse
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right now everything is still stock setting (installed last weekend). if it works like this i probably leave it as is.

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Re: Ibrowse
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Lord have mercy, your're spot on. That solved it as far as i can tell. Thank you so much

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Re: Ibrowse
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Just popping in


Machine is the Sam460ex
Network is the builtin adapter.

right now i have it to a extra switch connected and the switch itself is connected to one of these wireless adapters so the sam is connected as dhcp via cable. this is just a temp setup to narow things down without changing the network to much.

for some reason i find myself using the sam more than the x5000 these days. problem is the same on both machines. i also checked the archive for corruption.

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