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Amiga Events : Stickers Renew Volume 2 : 181 new labels for your disks and CD
Posted by 21stcentury on 2024/12/16 9:30:34 (581 reads) News by the same author
Amiga Events

Stickers Renew Volume 2 is the all new pack of Amiga labels for your floppy disks and CDs.

In this 2nd edition, 181 new labels for 50 of the greatest classic games will enchant you again. You'll be able to add a whole new dimension to your collection, and join the other media that were already packed to the rafters with the previous volume.

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As in the 1st pack, you'll find a visual identity for each edition (ECS, AGA, CD32 and CDTV) so you can classify or locate your games at a glance.

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Each label comes with official-style visuals, remastered HD images, vibrant colours and an impressive level of details. Your floppy disks and CDs will look great and give you an unbeatable sense of collecting.

Here's the list of 50 games represented in this new edition

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It's time to give the best face to your floppy disks and CDs and relive the excitement of the Amiga's heyday !

Complete your collection with

Stickers Renew Volume 1

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