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Software News : NetSurf 3.7 released!
Posted by Chris on 2017/10/23 12:47:30 (1252 reads) News by the same author

NetSurf is a small, fast, CSS-capable web browser for multiple platforms including AmigaOS.

NetSurf 3.7 features performance improvements, improved page layout, and many fixes. Also new is a treeview search feature, which allows Hotlist (Bookmarks), History and Cookies to be searched. We recommend all users upgrade to NetSurf 3.7.

Official downloads (AmigaOS 4 version)
AmigaOS3 beta version

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Author Thread
Published: 2017/10/26 8:55  Updated: 2017/10/26 8:55
Amigans Defender
Joined: 05/01/2009
From: Czech Republic
Comments: 1650
 Re: NetSurf 3.7 released
Thank you, Chris! NetSurf is my browser of choice (posting from it now :-) ).
Published: 2017/10/28 10:21  Updated: 2017/10/28 10:21
Just popping in
Joined: 12/05/2006
From: Vantaa,Finland
Comments: 41
 Re: NetSurf 3.7 released!
Hi Chris,

currently AmiUpdate won't update because it seems AmiUpdate Database knows still only NetSurf v. 3.6. Could you update it, please? Also, the current AutoInstall script seems to just start the Installer tool. Could there be a 'real' autoinstall so do the necessary updating without user intervention?

Published: 2017/10/28 12:24  Updated: 2017/10/28 12:39
Amigans Defender
Joined: 11/17/2006
From: England
Comments: 3423
 Re: NetSurf 3.7 released!
I saw a mention of AmiUpdate elsewhere which reminded me I needed to change that. However the site isn't working on my tablet anymore, and then I forgot again. I'll sort it out in a minute. (edit: done, although for some reason it has the same version number, appears to have been wrong last time, AmiUpdate picks up the changed date though)

The autoinstall does the update without user intervention. The fact it uses Installer is irrelevant.
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