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Amiga Events : MUI 4.0-2015R1 for AmigaOS4/PPC and AmigaOS3/m68k and MUI 3.9-2015R1 for AmigaOS3/m68k released
Posted by tboeckel on 2015/2/15 12:37:32 (2456 reads) News by the same author
Amiga Events

The MUI for AmigaOS development team is proud to announce the immediate release of version 4.0-2015R1 of the Magic User Interface for AmigaOS4/PPC and AmigaOS3/m68k as well as the final release of version 3.9 2015R1 for AmigaOS3/m68k. Please find the release archives in our download section [​​​​​http://download.muidev.de/].

Like all former releases a keyfile is required to enable all available settings. Old keyfiles from MUI 3.8 can be used without any restriction.

This is the first public release of MUI4 for AmigaOS3/m68k after it has been distributed together with AmiKit8 already.

Please note that MUI4 for AmigaOS3/m68k is definitely targeted at powerful systems with a fast CPU and a fast graphic board. Although it is still possible to run this release on a real 68k machine an emulation like WinUAE is very highly recommended. Also colormapped screens with 256 colors at most are still supported, but MUI4 makes heavy use of fancy truecolor images and effects which cannot be provided on colormapped screens with the full range of possibilities.

Please also note that this will be the last and final release of MUI 3.9 for AmigaOS3. All further development efforts will be put into MUI4.

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Author Thread
Published: 2015/2/15 14:11  Updated: 2015/2/15 14:11
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9074
You rokz. I always like how successively, logical and fast you works over mui , as well as how you deal with bug-reports and how you talk with all of us in fora/mails. For year or two you help me with anything i throw at you (and many times, it even wasn't your worry or mui problem).

Year by year you works on mui, over all those problem.. Its all here at least in the state which we all can't ever hope before. Thumb up ! Such good mans and professionals like you should know it :) Hope mui will evolve more and more.
Published: 2015/2/15 18:20  Updated: 2015/2/15 18:20
Just popping in
Joined: 10/23/2013
From: Kuusamo, Finland
Comments: 106
Published: 2015/2/15 20:16  Updated: 2015/2/15 20:16
Home away from home
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Italy, Perugia
Comments: 3773
 Re: Thanx!
As usual all was done in a very professional way, like other projects (YAM, MUI class etc) the availability of a proper bugtracker and the possibility to talk daily with developers still helping a lot for the immediate fixing of the various problems and for any eventual request

I am increasingly convinced that the public bugtracker was an excellent idea, in the future it would be great to have the same public mechanism in AmigaOS4 too

Well done Thore, you are the best !
Published: 2015/2/15 23:02  Updated: 2015/2/15 23:02
Quite a regular
Joined: 05/16/2010
From: Grimsby, UK
Comments: 950
Your conclusion that ticket #134 was the same as reported in #15 was correct. Thank you, the corruption is no longer present, do carry on the good work.
Published: 2015/2/16 0:01  Updated: 2015/2/16 0:01
Quite a regular
Joined: 05/16/2010
From: Grimsby, UK
Comments: 950
Oops I spoke to soon, it is still corrupting.
Published: 2015/2/16 9:50  Updated: 2015/2/16 9:50
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/29/2006
From: Lyon, France
Comments: 1250
 Left and right arrow keys not working
I reverted to the previous MUI release (thanks to the RollBack system) since left and arrow keys were not working anymore with Odyssey with this new release of MUI.
Published: 2015/2/16 14:30  Updated: 2015/2/16 14:30
Just popping in
Joined: 01/01/2007
From: Latina, Italy
Comments: 209
 Re: Left and right arrow keys not working

What do you mean saying "left & right keys don't work" ? On my system with latest mui i can scroll horizontally the web page with those keys
Published: 2015/2/16 19:20  Updated: 2015/2/16 19:20
Just can't stay away
Joined: 10/25/2007
From: Gothenburg / Sweden
Comments: 1175
Thanks for the update, your the best :)
Published: 2015/2/16 21:21  Updated: 2015/2/16 21:21
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/24/2006
From: Gloucestershire, UK.
Comments: 1172
 Re: MUI 4.0-2015R1 for AmigaOS4/PPC and AmigaOS3/m68k and...
Locks my system up loading images (AISS?) in YAM 2.9p1.
Published: 2015/2/16 22:34  Updated: 2015/2/16 22:34
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/29/2006
From: Lyon, France
Comments: 1250
 Re: Left and right arrow keys not working
Regarding left and arrow keys, I mean those of the keyboard when typing a text in Odyssey for instance.
Published: 2015/2/16 23:28  Updated: 2015/2/16 23:28
Just can't stay away
Joined: 01/06/2008
From: Pennsylvania, USA
Comments: 1356
 Re: Left and right arrow keys not working
I'm typing this with Odyssey and new MUI and the arrow keys are working.
Published: 2015/2/17 2:57  Updated: 2015/2/17 2:57
Home away from home
Joined: 07/07/2009
From: Man Cave, Canada
Comments: 3091
 Re: MUI 4.0-2015R1 for AmigaOS4/PPC and AmigaOS3/m68k and...
awesome just awesome! Thanks Thore my classic and NG miggies love ya
Published: 2015/2/17 8:12  Updated: 2015/2/17 8:12
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/29/2006
From: Lyon, France
Comments: 1250
 Re: Left and right arrow keys not working
Xenic : I'll give it a try again so.
Published: 2015/2/17 10:18  Updated: 2015/2/17 10:18
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/29/2006
From: Lyon, France
Comments: 1250
 Re: Left and right arrow keys not working
A French Amigan has the same trouble : he can't go right and left in his text with the arrow keys when typing or editing a message (for example when answrering in forums).
Published: 2015/2/17 13:16  Updated: 2015/2/17 18:41
Just popping in
Joined: 11/25/2007
From: Caen (France)
Comments: 177
 Re: Left and right arrow keys not working
I am this french amigan !
I am a star...
Seriously, I can't edit my posts here or in the amiga-ng forum using right and left cursors.
In Yam, I don't have this problem. So my question is which mui class is used in odyssey ?

EDIT: I have just noted that even in the google search bar the keys are not working too.
Published: 2015/2/18 6:40  Updated: 2015/2/18 6:40
Just popping in
Joined: 03/23/2007
From: Rehmerloh, Germany
Comments: 231
 Re: Left and right arrow keys not working
First of all, a public forum is no bugtracker. Please use the MUI bugtracker. I cannot read each and every available forum in the world.

Seriously, I can't edit my posts here or in the amiga-ng forum using right and left cursors.

I just tried this myself and for me everything is working perfectly. Did you modify the default shortcuts for cursor movements for Odyssey?

In Yam, I don't have this problem. So my question is which mui class is used in odyssey ?

YAM and Odyssey don't have much in common, except MUI. YAM uses TextEditor.mcc for editing and displaying mails, Odyssey does everything on its own.

EDIT: I have just noted that even in the google search bar the keys are not working too.

Check your keyboard settings in MUI prefs. Try resetting them to defaults.

And please use the bugtracker.
Published: 2015/2/19 14:30  Updated: 2015/2/19 14:30
Just popping in
Joined: 11/25/2007
From: Caen (France)
Comments: 177
 Re: Left and right arrow keys not working
as you already told many times, we must use the bug tracker.
Yes, but here, I wanted to have the others' view about that problem, find a solution.
As you suggested, I created a ticket and hope you will find a solution.
Published: 2015/2/20 4:50  Updated: 2015/2/20 4:50
Just popping in
Joined: 03/23/2007
From: Rehmerloh, Germany
Comments: 231
 Re: Left and right arrow keys not working

Thanks for the ticket, but unfortunately you opened it anonymously. This makes communication very hard if not impossible, unless you check the ticket yourself on a regular basis, because you won't get any notification mails. If possible please create yourself an account at muidev.de. I can then set you as original reporter.
Published: 2015/2/20 5:41  Updated: 2015/2/20 5:41
Home away from home
Joined: 07/07/2009
From: Man Cave, Canada
Comments: 3091
 Re: MUI 4.0-2015R1 for AmigaOS4/PPC and AmigaOS3/m68k and...
working great on my X1000 but can anyone confirm if it's worth running on my 1200T with 060@50 ??
Published: 2015/2/20 10:49  Updated: 2015/2/20 10:49
Just popping in
Joined: 11/25/2007
From: Caen (France)
Comments: 177
 Re: Left and right arrow keys not working
I tried the muimaster novirtual with no changes.

I tried to create an account but I am not an human... I don't understand what it didn't work.
As anonymous, could I write some comments?
Published: 2015/2/20 20:03  Updated: 2015/2/20 20:03
Just popping in
Joined: 03/23/2007
From: Rehmerloh, Germany
Comments: 231
 Re: Left and right arrow keys not working
I tried to create an account but I am not an human... I don't understand what it didn't work.

The correct answer is "Amiga".

As anonymous, could I write some comments?

No. That's one more reason why communication is impossible without an account.
Published: 2015/2/21 2:11  Updated: 2015/2/21 2:11
Just popping in
Joined: 11/25/2007
From: Caen (France)
Comments: 177
 Re: Left and right arrow keys not working
Thomas, I created an account: login YesCop
If you want, you can change the author to YesCop.
I didn't see how to do a comment, I didn't see any button or link. Am I a lamer?
Published: 2015/2/21 8:53  Updated: 2015/2/21 8:53
Just popping in
Joined: 03/23/2007
From: Rehmerloh, Germany
Comments: 231
 Re: Left and right arrow keys not working
Thomas, I created an account: login YesCop
If you want, you can change the author to YesCop.

I did that and your account is approved already. And my name is Thore.

I didn't see how to do a comment, I didn't see any button or link. Am I a lamer?

You must log in before you can post a comment.
Published: 2015/2/21 18:46  Updated: 2015/2/21 18:46
Quite a regular
Joined: 03/28/2010
From: Palencia-Spain
Comments: 785
 Re: MUI 4.0-2015R1 for AmigaOS4/PPC and AmigaOS3/m68k and...
Thanks for the update, fantastic for the OS3.9
Published: 2015/5/18 0:59  Updated: 2015/5/18 0:59
Just popping in
Joined: 07/11/2010
From: Grand Blanc, MI U.S.A.
Comments: 26
 Re: MUI 4.0-2015R1 for AmigaOS4/PPC and AmigaOS3/m68k and...
I recently installed AmigaOS4.1 FE and Amiupdate is showing that I lack this version of MUI. I couldn't install it via AmiUpdate and I can't seem to get to muidev.de/downloads to manually download it either. Is anyone else having this problem? Thanks!
--Barry Steenbergh
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