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Software News : AmigaOS 4.1 for Sam460ex
Posted by m3x on 2010/5/13 21:52:19 (2384 reads) News by the same author
Software News

Bassano del Grappa, 13 may 2010

Following the recent announcement about the Sam460ex, the latest addition to
the SAM family, ACube Systems is very pleased to announce that the work to
port AmigaOS 4.1 to the Sam460ex is in progress and it's carried out by our
partner Hyperion Entertainment CVBA.

Screenshots are available HERE

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Author Thread
Published: 2010/5/13 22:25  Updated: 2010/5/13 22:25
Home away from home
Joined: 11/30/2006
From: Norway
Comments: 2624
 Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Sam460ex
Nice one.

Hyperion doesn't have much free time these i days it looks like
Published: 2010/5/13 22:39  Updated: 2010/5/13 23:57
Just popping in
Joined: 12/03/2008
Comments: 131
 Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Sam460ex

hehehe. yeah hyperions seems to be bussy...

i am gald that x1000 comes out first...
thats the one i am locking forward to
Published: 2010/5/13 22:59  Updated: 2010/5/13 22:59
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From: www.amigakit.com
Comments: 723
 Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Sam460ex
Good news!
Published: 2010/5/13 23:07  Updated: 2010/5/13 23:07
Quite a regular
Joined: 03/28/2010
From: Palencia-Spain
Comments: 786
 Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Sam460ex
Well, I hope that the drivers'll run better than current Sam boards....
Published: 2010/5/13 23:12  Updated: 2010/5/13 23:12
Just can't stay away
Joined: 10/25/2007
From: Gothenburg / Sweden
Comments: 1175
 Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Sam460ex
Thanks Hyperion and Acube
Published: 2010/5/13 23:32  Updated: 2010/5/13 23:32
Home away from home
Joined: 05/19/2007
From: England
Comments: 3582
 Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Sam460ex
? They run fine here, especially with Update 2. (Not to say OS4 is bug free, but it runs pretty nicely all the same.)
Published: 2010/5/14 0:05  Updated: 2010/5/14 0:05
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 05/23/2007
From: Bergen/Norway
Comments: 416
 Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Sam460ex
Excellent news! Latest AmigaOS 4.1 for A1-X1000 and now also for SAM460ex! Very much appreciated! Great work!
Published: 2010/5/14 1:32  Updated: 2010/5/14 1:32
Just can't stay away
Joined: 02/23/2007
From: Finland, the land of Santa, sauna, sisu and salmiakki
Comments: 1205
 Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Sam460ex
Published: 2010/5/14 11:36  Updated: 2010/5/14 11:36
Quite a regular
Joined: 03/28/2010
From: Palencia-Spain
Comments: 786
 Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Sam460ex
I have problems with my DVDRom with AmiDVD and FryingPan, also with DiskImage Device.
Published: 2010/5/14 12:10  Updated: 2010/5/14 12:10
Just popping in
Joined: 12/01/2006
From: Odense, Denmark
Comments: 221
 Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Sam460ex
With all these different machine either available or in existence it would be nice to have them ranked. I mean - I have a MicroA1. How would that compare to the other OS4-machines? Of course, the A1X1000 will be the fastest, but how about the rest of them?

Speedwise - from slowest to fastest - like this?

SAM440 533mhz
AmigaONE SE 600mhz
SAM440 667mhz
SAM440 733mhz
MicroA1 800mhz
SAM460 1000mhz
AmigaONE XE 1000mhz
A1X1000 - 1XXXmhz

Is this the correct ranking if I am talking about day-to-day usage as well as E-UAE?

Would it be worthwhile for me to upgrade from the microA1 to the SAM460, for example?
Published: 2010/5/14 16:13  Updated: 2010/5/14 16:13
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9097
 Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Sam460ex
Where is Pegasos2 ?:) (i have 1ghz of cpu, but i know that some Peg2 owners speedup it to 1.25).
Published: 2010/5/14 17:18  Updated: 2010/5/14 17:18
Home away from home
Joined: 05/19/2007
From: England
Comments: 3582
 Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Sam460ex
@Templario Quote:
I have problems with my DVDRom with AmiDVD and FryingPan, also with DiskImage Device.

Sorry to hear that. Was there a thread where you described your problem? (If not you could start one. I'd want to know whether you built the system yourself or not. Exactly what problems you have. When the problem started. etc)
Published: 2010/5/14 17:58  Updated: 2010/5/14 17:58
Just popping in
Joined: 11/28/2006
From: France, Nantes
Comments: 249
 Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Sam460ex
Pancakes for everyone!

Good news
Published: 2010/5/14 22:21  Updated: 2010/5/14 22:21
Just can't stay away
Joined: 02/23/2007
From: Finland, the land of Santa, sauna, sisu and salmiakki
Comments: 1205
 Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Sam460ex

You took only Mhz rating into account. You have to take also L2 cache (size/none), bus speed, RAM speed, speed of graphics card and its GPU and speed of HD's (SATA/SATA2/PATA).
Published: 2010/5/15 6:12  Updated: 2010/5/15 6:12
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Joined: 12/05/2006
From: Vancouver, Canada
Comments: 192
 Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Sam460ex
@Skov -

I am hoping the Sam460 is faster overall than the Amigaone XE. It lacks Altivec and has a slightly smaller cache, but the memory interface is much faster, it has PCI-Express for graphics and it doesn't have the Articia chip to deal with.

I guess we will find out in September...
Published: 2010/5/19 9:39  Updated: 2010/5/19 9:39
Just popping in
Joined: 12/07/2006
From: Denmark
Comments: 95
 Re: AmigaOS 4.1 for Sam460ex
I might just settle with the 460 though the x1000 might be faster, I still think the 460 will be cheaper..
And being unemployed and on healthcare.. well
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