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Is there some "scaling" patch/option/etc for the prefs:screen ?
Home away from home
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Is there any way so we can "rescale" hardcore screens to the resolutions we need with some tasty scaling algos, like done in all those emultors like dosbox, scummvm, games,etc ?

What i mean, is we have for example some app, which use 640x480 fullscreen. But i want to have it on 1920x1080 fullscreen : so i setup in "prefs:screens" a screen for this and set option to open this on 1920x1080 one : so far all good, new screen opens as expected, app correctly render in this 1920x1080 screnn but just in the size of window of original screen (i.e. 640x480).

Of course, can be good to have in prefs:screens an option "autoscale" and there choice of 5-6 popular scalers of x2,x3,x4 sizes , but as there none, and probabaly no one from os4dev team have interest or will have time for, maybe there already some patch flying somewhere which allow this ?

Or maybe in hacking way someone have any idea how an request to open original 640x480 mode can be hacked/patched and our code insterted, so instead will be opened 1920x1080 + added "autoscaling" algo (at least one), via compositing for example (so to not add any speed loss).

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Re: Is there some "scaling" patch/option/etc for the prefs:screen ?
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I thinking about trying to patch Screen Open, and Screen Close, and see if I can improve screen modes like 320x200 and 640x200 (hires), 320x512 (interlaced), and many more modes displayed incorrect as 640x480 mode, many programs/demos and games have hard coded bytes per row, scaling it can done by composition, anyway if OS4 development team improve the OS I be happy I won’t need to try patch it. But I'm busy now with a different project.

Some benefits smaller resolutions like 320x250 is 1/4 as many pixels as 640x480, so convert it from planar to chunky is 1/4 as CPU intensive so actually supporting lowres modes can give lot of programs, games and demos better FPS. Fakes AGA modes are pretty slow as they are now.

Edited by LiveForIt on 2021/2/15 18:37:13
Edited by LiveForIt on 2021/2/15 18:38:50

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Re: Is there some "scaling" patch/option/etc for the prefs:screen ?
Not too shy to talk
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Ideally OS4 would have a virtual screen mode driver that actually opens a window on a public screen and does some kind of picture in picture magic so that older apps that insist on opening a screen, and insist in opening a PAL screen for example can actually be used in a window on a HD screen.

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Re: Is there some "scaling" patch/option/etc for the prefs:screen ?
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Yes, writing a driver is better, less hacky I agree. But it’s also harder to do, takes more time.

if its driver or patch, opening it in a window makes sense while debugging, always nice to have console window to dump debug data in, nice to see things in real time, in case things go wrong.

I think that’s doable, but I won’t know before I try for real. (The OS might not like it.)

Better Fake Modes, won’t give you full AGA support, and I’m sure it will less compatible then what have in your WinUAE setup today.


Basilisk II for AmigaOS4
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Re: Is there some "scaling" patch/option/etc for the prefs:screen ?
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Re: Is there some "scaling" patch/option/etc for the prefs:screen ?
Home away from home
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Well, almost what I need, as it surely clones content with normal filtering , but only that, whole realisation is full of big and small issues (taking aside missing features).

Not sure if you have the interest to fix them.

First bug:

when CloneWindow is over the content of the cloned window, it then "double clones". Try to run clonewindow without args, clone any wb window, and then move clonewindow window over that wb window => have mess in clonewindow's window.

I.e. code has no checking to avoid cloning already cloned window when clonewindow's window are on top of the cloned window :)

Second bug:

Try to clone wb-window with opened directories as icons. As result, all of them are black in clonewindow's window.

Third bug:

When you press "W", clonewindow starts to be white, and nothing can be done just closing it.

4st bug:
broken rendering when using "CopyInput" and whole input didn't copied as expected anywyay, and so on.

5st bug:

If you move to offscreen original window, then in cloned window nothing shown.

6st bug:

If you move drag the screen while cloned window work, and then drag it back, then everything in cloned window stops for a while (like 4-5 seconds).

7st bug: everything "blinks" on clone window, like there is no proper vsync or something (while, original window of course shows all flooid and without bugs). Also probabaly because of that "top bar window" updating it always "blinks" and make thins be slower.

And so on and so on.

Idea is good, but it just unusable in current form.

There also some missing features , like, for example, opening it on new screen.

It also leave you with original window too, which kind of make it be a bit mess if you want to have the same , but just resized window.

But i think your source code can be used for patching instead. Like for example, i can try to patch W3D_OpenScreen calls, and if it ask for 640x480, then open instead 1920x1080, and then somehow insert usage of CompositeTags() so everything which will be rendering in, will be rescaled via compositetags to 1920x1080. Is it possible to do ?

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Re: Is there some "scaling" patch/option/etc for the prefs:screen ?
Home away from home
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Mode promotion is already built into the OS, in screens prefs.


Basilisk II for AmigaOS4
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Re: Is there some "scaling" patch/option/etc for the prefs:screen ?
Home away from home
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Mode promotion is already built into the OS, in screens prefs.

What do you mean by that?

I mean, it's like you didn't read my first post ?:) prefs:screen didn't do any autoscaling or filtering. It only give you ability to open app which use fullscreens, on your own screen, but you can't in prefs:Screen setup for 640x480 screen an 1920x1080 screen and be in hope it will be autoscaled/filtered to it. Instead it will just open 640x480 window on 1920x1080 screen, and that all.

CompositeTags() can do it, but i don't see anywhere in prefs:screen any option called "autoscale/filter".

I expected to see in the "Display" tab something like "autoscale" and "filter" options, but I see none. There I can only set a screen on which open an app that requests screens, but then it didn't scaled/resized/filtered/whatever. Just opened 640x480 on bigger screen and that all.

Edited by kas1e on 2021/2/16 18:37:40
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Re: Is there some "scaling" patch/option/etc for the prefs:screen ?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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It's a good topic with good ideas but there's no need to be shitty to each other. Can't you have a conversation without being so aggressive and rude to everyone?

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Re: Is there some "scaling" patch/option/etc for the prefs:screen ?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Find out all the info I need, thanks.

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Re: Is there some "scaling" patch/option/etc for the prefs:screen ?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Thanks for feedback but I didnt code for months...
Bug1) seems normal to me : act like two mirrors facing so works as expected
2) I know the bug but the cause is unknown: seems the os mask the icons somehow ...
3) works for me: certainly one of yours windows is "special" and cant be grabbed
4) some msg are copied well but some are missing : I dont know enough amigaos to find the fix
5) i know but dont know how to fix
6) i didnt knew but ditto
7) ditto

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