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Reminder to people trying to register on the website
Supreme Council
Supreme Council

See User information
As Mikey_C wrote earlier:

Please note, that we are continuing to be vigilant regarding Spam Users/Accounts. So we ask all new members to fill in some meaningful details on the second page (Under "Advanced") when registering.
This will allow us to tell the difference between genuine users and spammers.

In addition, once your account is activated, you will get a confirmation email. Please Ensure you provide a genuine email address. If it bounces, the account will be removed.

Please sign up and when you do, by all means say hello in Our New Member Introduction Forum(Click on [New Topic] button, top left hand side)

Thank you for your support.

Vacca foeda. Sum, ergo edo

Mr Bobo Cornwater
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Re: Reminder to people trying to register on the website
Supreme Council
Supreme Council

See User information
If you don't enter any useful information into the extra fields there's a good chance that your registration will be rejected.

If you suspect that your registration has been rejected then try to register again, but this time enter some useful information that lets us identify you as an amiga interested person.

Vacca foeda. Sum, ergo edo

Mr Bobo Cornwater
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