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muiowb tooltypes & template
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I do know only one tooltype working with muiowb PUBSCREEN
are there others?

MUi owb does not understand "owb ?" as a template request.
Is there any other help option ?

Muiowb launched with
>owb http://myURL
works but i get an error message
"Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file"

I don't get any error message when launching from icon of owblauncher, but have the same error when launching from OWB icon.
Other than the message i don't experience font problems.
How can i get rid of that message?

I have been searching for a manual (morphos) or even the morphos OWB archive without succes.

Thanks for help

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Re: muiowb tooltypes & template
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

See User information
I do know only one tooltype working with muiowb PUBSCREEN are there others?

I don't think PUBSCREEN is a tooltype either. It doesn't do anything when I start MUIOWB so maybe you have a screen set in the prefs and it just seems like PUBSCREEN is working.

Muiowb launched with
>owb http://myURL
works but i get an error message
"Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file"

I don't get that error. However, I never downloaded the suggested fonts and am just using the OS4 system fonts. I run MUIOWB from a script and never had your problem. You might try using the complete path to OWB or changing directories to the OWB directory (cd completepath/OWB) before starting the program. If that doesn't work you could run Snoopy and see what is different in the startup with the OWB program and with the launcher.

Amiga X1000 with 2GB memory & OS 4.1FE + Radeon HD 5450

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