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Joined: 2007/9/11 12:31 Last Login
: Today 15:30
From Russia
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@All Have some user-kind issue annoy me a little bit : on the boot i load up lot of stuff automatically : dopus4, shell window, amidock, xdock, lots of commodities, etc.
So, once boot in progress, i see the workbench showed up it's face, then dopus4 and shell window runs, then amidock, xdock, commodities start to load up. And once everything loads up, i want my shell window to be active by default, without me needs to touch mouse when i want to type something in the shell window after boot.
Is there anything i can do in the system by saying it something like "once all loads up, make shell window to be active one" ?
ps. The shell window running from user-startup script, as the last entry in. All the other stuff, runs from the WBStartup.