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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Capehill wrote:@Maijestro

If problem is now that ScummVM is using the compositing driver for SDL_Renderer, then please open SDL2 prefs and select "software" as driver, or just set the variable on shell:

setenv SDL_RENDER_DRIVER "software"

Thanks for the help

I have set the SDL prefs to software and saved, but that just gives me a gray window output when I start ScummVm.

ScummVM SDL Software

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Could you run ScummVM with -d9 switch and post the log somewhere (will grow big), just to make sure we're not missing something obvious (or 3D is still picked up somewhere)


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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Raziel wrote:@Maijestro

Could you run ScummVM with -d9 switch and post the log somewhere (will grow big), just to make sure we're not missing something obvious (or 3D is still picked up somewhere)

Can you please explain to me how exactly I have to proceed ? Do I have to start the "-d9 switch" from the ScummVM Gui or via the shell.

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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I probably shouldn't intrude on this post.
But a few years ago I ran ScummVM in beta version.
Kindly sent to me by "Raziel" whom I thank for his availability.

I honestly no longer remember how I did it.
Using the emulation I clearly couldn't expect it to work like it did on real Amiga hardware.

However if you can get it to work.
A strange "BUG" will occur in games like Blade Runner, Broken Sword etc.

The bar in game menus will not be visible.
And you won't be able to access inventories.
So you basically won't be able to play it.

The version I sent you while making use of "PatchCompositeTag" is able to support all these games instead.

But the later versions I always talk about the AmigaOS Emulation suffer from this "BUG".

So I kept the version I sent you.

What do you see when you close your eyes ?
I see light, lots of light
I see you, dad
And I see mommy too
And I see me and we are together
And we play forever.
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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Maybe now I remember but I'm not sure there is a "composite tag" patch released by Thellier dedicated to the Ogles

that I have but I have to find it submerged in my Hard Disk

Which if I remember correctly worked with Scumm I don't know the reasons but it worked.

What do you see when you close your eyes ?
I see light, lots of light
I see you, dad
And I see mommy too
And I see me and we are together
And we play forever.
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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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However, you must not forget that we use a completely different emulation with the Pegasos 2 and you cannot compare that with WinUae as well.

90% of the things under the Pegasos 2 emulation are comparable to real hardware and work the same way.

The problem is that software rendering was not compiled properly and only the graphics card part 16/32 with opengl (3d acceleration) was tested.

Or please prove me wrong .

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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I would also compile the code myself under AmigaOs4.1, but for that I would need exact instructions. And then I could test it...

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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sgit clone github.com/scummvm/scummvm scummvm

cd into "scummvm"
sh ./configure --enable-plugins --enable-release --disable-detection-full

If you want to compile a smaller target, add this
--disable-all-engines --enable-engine=scumm,agi,agos

You can add or remove any engine that is in-tree

gmake amigaosdist

Edited by Raziel on 2023/4/21 6:07:16

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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I took your advice into account, but unfortunately it breaks with this error message when compiling:

Img: https://ibb.co/c6GQZxz

This is my configuration before compiling:


I can also provide you with the whole log file, but it wouldn't do any good, I'm sure there is a SDL2 problem under AmigaOs4.1 especially in 16 bit compositing/software mode.

I have exactly the same problem with MilkyTracker SDL2, but it works with Warzp3d and Opengl, ScummVM does not.

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Give me a day and I'll be back home.

Do you have libz.so installed?


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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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No, I have only installed the latest SDK 54.16. Also I found their wiki, these are the files I need to add to the SDK?

"libvorbisfile, libvorbis, libFLAC, libogg, libmad, libtheoradec, libfaad, libmpeg2, liba52, libfreetype, libGL and/or libogles2"

What files do I need to add to the latest SDK?

Anyway you are doing a great job with ScummVM and I would like to use it too. The Qemu/Pegasos2 emulation is very fast and ScummVM would run fantastic on it even without 3d support.

Maybe you could compile it for me and provide it to me, I could test it then. I am not sure what would be the best way to use it for me.

There seems to be a SDL problem when switching to the software renderer under AmigaOs4.1, you must have read this already. As much as I would like to use ScummVM it makes no sense to test this software until SDL is fixed.

Still, please explain to me what "libz.so" is it an SDL affiliation?

Edited by Maijestro on 2023/4/30 17:40:04
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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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I tried to set this up for some time now.

It's a folder containing *infrequent* builds of ScummVM (and their tools) from my local toolchain.

I'll keep them updated, but it depends on whether i'm home or not, so expect big gaps in between updates.

It is *not* Amiga browser friendly i'm afraid (one of the many reasons it took me so long to set up), but it keeps the full build with all engines in main tree (except the frozen ones) including the tools (difference to the daily builds, is that it has all dependencies built in and the binary is highly optimized).

You can test new games/engines with this, but expect bugs, crashes and unpolished experience.

Maybe this will help in your endeavour?


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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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I have only installed the latest SDK 54.16. Also I found their wiki, these are the files I need to add to the SDK?

"libvorbisfile, libvorbis, libFLAC, libogg, libmad, libtheoradec, libfaad, libmpeg2, liba52, libfreetype, libGL and/or libogles2"

What files do I need to add to the latest SDK?

Not to the SDK, but to your toolchain.
Get the dependencies on OS4Depot.net.
libogles2 is only needed as library in libs:, scummvm has their own implementation without the need to be build against it (iirc)

Check the link one post above and keep your questions coming

NB: The build in there is (right now) a little outdated, but updates will follow


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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Thanks for your efforts that is really nice. The build as well as all other builds do not work because no suitable screen can be opened.

The SDL output does not jump to software mode even if the settings are set for it. It always falls back to compositing/openGL mode.

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Mmh, I need to find a way to block out all OpenGL stuff to be able to test.

I don't think I caught your -d9 log?
Did you post one?

Please start scummvm in a console with
scummvm -d9

and post the output.

There really should be a fallback


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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Back to the framerate drop in Grim Fandango, if i may?

I let glsnoop run and can pinpoint where it drops, the log even shows a one second gap where it drops.
Not that i know what or why it's caused, but maybe you can read more out of it?

Please see here for the drops
[536.958750ScummVMW3DN_SetViewport: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
539.040136ScummVMW3DN_TSSetParameterstexSampler 0x3cb57138tags 0x5de5f0c8 ([W3DN_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER0]  )
544.407518ScummVMW3DN_SetViewport: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
545.437790ScummVMW3DN_TSSetParameterstexSampler 0x3cb57138tags 0x5de5f0c8 ([W3DN_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER0]  )

I can also see an issue...
[541.292482ScummVMWarningunsuccessful operation detected

You can get the log (and latest build) here: https://gofile.me/6YNda/t5PP67MuL

I hope you can make something out of the log.

Thank you very much for taking the time


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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Raziel wrote:@Maijestro

Please start scummvm in a console with
scummvm -d9

and post the output.

There really should be a fallback

Here you have the ScummVM -d9 log:
Neuer Shell-Prozess 8
8.Workbench:> scummvm -d9
Debuglevel (from command line): 9
Reading plugins from plugin directory ''
Couldn't open plugin directory 'plugins'
Couldn't open plugin directory '/usr/local/lib/scummvm'
Using SDL Video Driver "os4"
Invalid joystick: 0
Using SDL Audio Driver "amigaos4"
Output sample rate: 44100 Hz
Output buffer size: 2048 samples
Output channels: 2
WARNING: OpenGLGraphicsManager::endGFXTransaction: Could not load any graphics mode!!

SDL settings are on Software and this is my ScummVM.ini with you Build:


I don't think it will be helpful for them.

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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It says right at the start

WARNING: OpenGLGraphicsManager::endGFXTransaction: Could not load any graphics mode!!

so it still uses OpenGL when it shouldn't


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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Raziel wrote:@Maijestro

It says right at the start

WARNING: OpenGLGraphicsManager::endGFXTransaction: Could not load any graphics mode!!

so it still uses OpenGL when it shouldn't

We should wait for the next SDL2 release candidate and then investigate the problem again.

Capehill has already been able to reproduce that the SDL output still always switches to Compositing/OpenGL, even when the settings in the SDL Prefs are set to Software.

Did you compile it without OpenGL support?

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Nope, what it finds it uses and it also shouldn't be necessary since there should be a fallback

Ah, yes, that reminds me to install the new SDL2 release and recompile...

ok, new package up, compiled against SDL2 2.26.5-rc1

Edited by Raziel on 2023/5/2 19:40:19

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