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System crashes in loop
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System crashes in loop, got the mystery AmigaOS logo freeze problem on X1000, so pressed the CTRL+Amiga+Amiga I belive and got this interesting crash. kind stuck in a loop of crashes.
this comes from my RS232 serial port.

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE50: 7EA3AB78 mr r3,r21
0204CE54: 7FF5FB78 mr r21,r31
0204CE58: 39290001 addi r9,r9,1
0204CE5C: 913F0008 stw r9,8(r31)
>0204CE60: 48003CF9 bl 0x2050B58
0204CE64: 4BFFFF98 b 0x204CDFC
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE78 (0x0204CE78)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 02B216A4 DFFF5E70 00000000 DFFF5E54 00000000
8: 00000000 6FFAD067 00000003 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000067 DFFF5E88 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 033E7000 00000004 6FF78068 00000006 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CE64

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
>0204CE78: 1D4A000C mulli r10,r10,12
0204CE7C: 7EA5AB78 mr r5,r21
0204CE80: 7FE8F030 slw r8,r31,r30
0204CE84: 7FF8C030 slw r24,r31,r24
0204CE88: 7D083A78 xor r8,r8,r7
0204CE8C: 394A0044 addi r10,r10,68
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CEF0 (0x0204CEF0)
0: 0204C88C 0293FD70 06018040 02972480 6FF78068 DFFF5E88 DFFF5E54 00000000
8: 00000000 00001800 00000000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 8000001E 8000001F 80000017 00000001
24: 02951B00 02972480 00080000 6FF78000 00000000 6FF78068 00000006 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031A0C LR: 0204C88C

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CEE0: 83210024 lwz r25,36(r1)
0204CEE4: 83410028 lwz r26,40(r1)
0204CEE8: 8361002C lwz r27,44(r1)
0204CEEC: 83810030 lwz r28,48(r1)
>0204CEF0: 83A10034 lwz r29,52(r1)
0204CEF4: 83C10038 lwz r30,56(r1)
0204CEF8: 83E1003C lwz r31,60(r1)
0204CEFC: 38210040 addi r1,r1,64
0204CF00: 4E800020 blr
0204CF04: 39000020 li r8,32
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE60 (0x0204CE60)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 DFFF5E70 DFFF5E88 00000000 DFFF5E3C 033E0000
8: 00000000 00000004 033E8000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000067 DFFF5E88 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 033EF000 00000004 6FF78068 00000000 DFFF5E88
CR: 82F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CDB0

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE50: 7EA3AB78 mr r3,r21
0204CE54: 7FF5FB78 mr r21,r31
0204CE58: 39290001 addi r9,r9,1
0204CE5C: 913F0008 stw r9,8(r31)
>0204CE60: 48003CF9 bl 0x2050B58
0204CE64: 4BFFFF98 b 0x204CDFC
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE78 (0x0204CE78)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 02B216A4 DFFF5E58 00000000 DFFF5E3C 00000000
8: 00000000 6FFAD067 00000003 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000067 DFFF5E70 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 033F7000 00000004 6FF78068 00000007 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CE64

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
>0204CE78: 1D4A000C mulli r10,r10,12
0204CE7C: 7EA5AB78 mr r5,r21
0204CE80: 7FE8F030 slw r8,r31,r30
0204CE84: 7FF8C030 slw r24,r31,r24
0204CE88: 7D083A78 xor r8,r8,r7
0204CE8C: 394A0044 addi r10,r10,68
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CEF0 (0x0204CEF0)
0: 0204C88C 0293FD70 06018040 02972480 6FF78068 DFFF5E70 DFFF5E3C 00000000
8: 00000000 00001810 00000000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 8000001E 8000001F 80000017 00000001
24: 02951B00 02972480 00080000 6FF78000 00000000 6FF78068 00000007 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031A0C LR: 0204C88C

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CEE0: 83210024 lwz r25,36(r1)
0204CEE4: 83410028 lwz r26,40(r1)
0204CEE8: 8361002C lwz r27,44(r1)
0204CEEC: 83810030 lwz r28,48(r1)
>0204CEF0: 83A10034 lwz r29,52(r1)
0204CEF4: 83C10038 lwz r30,56(r1)
0204CEF8: 83E1003C lwz r31,60(r1)
0204CEFC: 38210040 addi r1,r1,64
0204CF00: 4E800020 blr
0204CF04: 39000020 li r8,32
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE60 (0x0204CE60)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 DFFF5E58 DFFF5E70 00000000 DFFF5E24 033F0000
8: 00000000 00000004 033F8000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000067 DFFF5E70 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 033FF000 00000004 6FF78068 00000000 DFFF5E70
CR: 82F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CDB0

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE50: 7EA3AB78 mr r3,r21
0204CE54: 7FF5FB78 mr r21,r31
0204CE58: 39290001 addi r9,r9,1
0204CE5C: 913F0008 stw r9,8(r31)
>0204CE60: 48003CF9 bl 0x2050B58
0204CE64: 4BFFFF98 b 0x204CDFC
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE78 (0x0204CE78)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 02B216A4 DFFF5ED0 00000000 DFFF5EB4 00000000
8: 00000000 6FFAD068 00000003 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000068 DFFF5EE8 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 03407000 00000004 6FF78068 00000000 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CE64

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
>0204CE78: 1D4A000C mulli r10,r10,12
0204CE7C: 7EA5AB78 mr r5,r21
0204CE80: 7FE8F030 slw r8,r31,r30
0204CE84: 7FF8C030 slw r24,r31,r24
0204CE88: 7D083A78 xor r8,r8,r7
0204CE8C: 394A0044 addi r10,r10,68
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CEF0 (0x0204CEF0)
0: 0204C88C 0293FD70 06018040 02972480 6FF78068 DFFF5EE8 DFFF5EB4 00000000
8: 00000000 00001820 00000000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 8000001E 8000001F 80000017 00000001
24: 02951B00 02972480 00080000 6FF78000 00000000 6FF78068 00000000 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031A0C LR: 0204C88C

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CEE0: 83210024 lwz r25,36(r1)
0204CEE4: 83410028 lwz r26,40(r1)
0204CEE8: 8361002C lwz r27,44(r1)
0204CEEC: 83810030 lwz r28,48(r1)
>0204CEF0: 83A10034 lwz r29,52(r1)
0204CEF4: 83C10038 lwz r30,56(r1)
0204CEF8: 83E1003C lwz r31,60(r1)
0204CEFC: 38210040 addi r1,r1,64
0204CF00: 4E800020 blr
0204CF04: 39000020 li r8,32
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE60 (0x0204CE60)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 DFFF5ED0 DFFF5EE8 00000000 DFFF5E9C 03400000
8: 00000000 00000004 03408000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000068 DFFF5EE8 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 0340F000 00000004 6FF78068 00000000 DFFF5EE8
CR: 82F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CDB0

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE50: 7EA3AB78 mr r3,r21
0204CE54: 7FF5FB78 mr r21,r31
0204CE58: 39290001 addi r9,r9,1
0204CE5C: 913F0008 stw r9,8(r31)
>0204CE60: 48003CF9 bl 0x2050B58
0204CE64: 4BFFFF98 b 0x204CDFC
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE78 (0x0204CE78)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 02B216A4 DFFF5EB8 00000000 DFFF5E9C 00000000
8: 00000000 6FFAD068 00000003 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000068 DFFF5ED0 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 03417000 00000004 6FF78068 00000001 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CE64

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
>0204CE78: 1D4A000C mulli r10,r10,12
0204CE7C: 7EA5AB78 mr r5,r21
0204CE80: 7FE8F030 slw r8,r31,r30
0204CE84: 7FF8C030 slw r24,r31,r24
0204CE88: 7D083A78 xor r8,r8,r7
0204CE8C: 394A0044 addi r10,r10,68
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CEF0 (0x0204CEF0)
0: 0204C88C 0293FD70 06018040 02972480 6FF78068 DFFF5ED0 DFFF5E9C 00000000
8: 00000000 00001830 00000000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 8000001E 8000001F 80000017 00000001
24: 02951B00 02972480 00080000 6FF78000 00000000 6FF78068 00000001 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031A0C LR: 0204C88C

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CEE0: 83210024 lwz r25,36(r1)
0204CEE4: 83410028 lwz r26,40(r1)
0204CEE8: 8361002C lwz r27,44(r1)
0204CEEC: 83810030 lwz r28,48(r1)
>0204CEF0: 83A10034 lwz r29,52(r1)
0204CEF4: 83C10038 lwz r30,56(r1)
0204CEF8: 83E1003C lwz r31,60(r1)
0204CEFC: 38210040 addi r1,r1,64
0204CF00: 4E800020 blr
0204CF04: 39000020 li r8,32
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE60 (0x0204CE60)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 DFFF5EB8 DFFF5ED0 00000000 DFFF5E84 03410000
8: 00000000 00000004 03418000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000068 DFFF5ED0 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 0341F000 00000004 6FF78068 00000000 DFFF5ED0
CR: 82F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CDB0

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE50: 7EA3AB78 mr r3,r21
0204CE54: 7FF5FB78 mr r21,r31
0204CE58: 39290001 addi r9,r9,1
0204CE5C: 913F0008 stw r9,8(r31)
>0204CE60: 48003CF9 bl 0x2050B58
0204CE64: 4BFFFF98 b 0x204CDFC
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE78 (0x0204CE78)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 02B216A4 DFFF5EB8 00000000 DFFF5E9C 00000000
8: 00000000 6FFAD068 00000003 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000068 DFFF5ED0 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 03427000 00000004 6FF78068 00000002 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CE64

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
>0204CE78: 1D4A000C mulli r10,r10,12
0204CE7C: 7EA5AB78 mr r5,r21
0204CE80: 7FE8F030 slw r8,r31,r30
0204CE84: 7FF8C030 slw r24,r31,r24
0204CE88: 7D083A78 xor r8,r8,r7
0204CE8C: 394A0044 addi r10,r10,68
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CEF0 (0x0204CEF0)
0: 0204C88C 0293FD70 06018040 02972480 6FF78068 DFFF5ED0 DFFF5E9C 00000000
8: 00000000 00001840 00000000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 8000001E 8000001F 80000017 00000001
24: 02951B00 02972480 00080000 6FF78000 00000000 6FF78068 00000002 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031A0C LR: 0204C88C

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CEE0: 83210024 lwz r25,36(r1)
0204CEE4: 83410028 lwz r26,40(r1)
0204CEE8: 8361002C lwz r27,44(r1)
0204CEEC: 83810030 lwz r28,48(r1)
>0204CEF0: 83A10034 lwz r29,52(r1)
0204CEF4: 83C10038 lwz r30,56(r1)
0204CEF8: 83E1003C lwz r31,60(r1)
0204CEFC: 38210040 addi r1,r1,64
0204CF00: 4E800020 blr
0204CF04: 39000020 li r8,32
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE60 (0x0204CE60)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 DFFF5EB8 DFFF5ED0 00000000 DFFF5E84 03420000
8: 00000000 00000004 03428000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000068 DFFF5ED0 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 0342F000 00000004 6FF78068 00000000 DFFF5ED0
CR: 82F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CDB0

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE50: 7EA3AB78 mr r3,r21
0204CE54: 7FF5FB78 mr r21,r31
0204CE58: 39290001 addi r9,r9,1
0204CE5C: 913F0008 stw r9,8(r31)
>0204CE60: 48003CF9 bl 0x2050B58
0204CE64: 4BFFFF98 b 0x204CDFC
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE78 (0x0204CE78)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 02B216A4 DFFF5EA0 00000000 DFFF5E84 00000000
8: 00000000 6FFAD068 00000003 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000068 DFFF5EB8 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 03437000 00000004 6FF78068 00000003 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CE64

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
>0204CE78: 1D4A000C mulli r10,r10,12
0204CE7C: 7EA5AB78 mr r5,r21
0204CE80: 7FE8F030 slw r8,r31,r30
0204CE84: 7FF8C030 slw r24,r31,r24
0204CE88: 7D083A78 xor r8,r8,r7
0204CE8C: 394A0044 addi r10,r10,68
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CEF0 (0x0204CEF0)
0: 0204C88C 0293FD70 06018040 02972480 6FF78068 DFFF5EB8 DFFF5E84 00000000
8: 00000000 00001850 00000000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 8000001E 8000001F 80000017 00000001
24: 02951B00 02972480 00080000 6FF78000 00000000 6FF78068 00000003 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031A0C LR: 0204C88C

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CEE0: 83210024 lwz r25,36(r1)
0204CEE4: 83410028 lwz r26,40(r1)
0204CEE8: 8361002C lwz r27,44(r1)
0204CEEC: 83810030 lwz r28,48(r1)
>0204CEF0: 83A10034 lwz r29,52(r1)
0204CEF4: 83C10038 lwz r30,56(r1)
0204CEF8: 83E1003C lwz r31,60(r1)
0204CEFC: 38210040 addi r1,r1,64
0204CF00: 4E800020 blr
0204CF04: 39000020 li r8,32
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE60 (0x0204CE60)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 DFFF5EA0 DFFF5EB8 00000000 DFFF5E6C 03430000
8: 00000000 00000004 03438000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000068 DFFF5EB8 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 0343F000 00000004 6FF78068 00000000 DFFF5EB8
CR: 82F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CDB0

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE50: 7EA3AB78 mr r3,r21
0204CE54: 7FF5FB78 mr r21,r31
0204CE58: 39290001 addi r9,r9,1
0204CE5C: 913F0008 stw r9,8(r31)
>0204CE60: 48003CF9 bl 0x2050B58
0204CE64: 4BFFFF98 b 0x204CDFC
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE78 (0x0204CE78)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 02B216A4 DFFF5EB8 00000000 DFFF5E9C 00000000
8: 00000000 6FFAD068 00000003 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000068 DFFF5ED0 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 03447000 00000004 6FF78068 00000004 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CE64

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
>0204CE78: 1D4A000C mulli r10,r10,12
0204CE7C: 7EA5AB78 mr r5,r21
0204CE80: 7FE8F030 slw r8,r31,r30
0204CE84: 7FF8C030 slw r24,r31,r24
0204CE88: 7D083A78 xor r8,r8,r7
0204CE8C: 394A0044 addi r10,r10,68
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CEF0 (0x0204CEF0)
0: 0204C88C 0293FD70 06018040 02972480 6FF78068 DFFF5ED0 DFFF5E9C 00000000
8: 00000000 00001860 00000000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 8000001E 8000001F 80000017 00000001
24: 02951B00 02972480 00080000 6FF78000 00000000 6FF78068 00000004 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031A0C LR: 0204C88C

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CEE0: 83210024 lwz r25,36(r1)
0204CEE4: 83410028 lwz r26,40(r1)
0204CEE8: 8361002C lwz r27,44(r1)
0204CEEC: 83810030 lwz r28,48(r1)
>0204CEF0: 83A10034 lwz r29,52(r1)
0204CEF4: 83C10038 lwz r30,56(r1)
0204CEF8: 83E1003C lwz r31,60(r1)
0204CEFC: 38210040 addi r1,r1,64
0204CF00: 4E800020 blr
0204CF04: 39000020 li r8,32
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE60 (0x0204CE60)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 DFFF5EB8 DFFF5ED0 00000000 DFFF5E84 03440000
8: 00000000 00000004 03448000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000068 DFFF5ED0 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 0344F000 00000004 6FF78068 00000000 DFFF5ED0
CR: 82F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CDB0

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE50: 7EA3AB78 mr r3,r21
0204CE54: 7FF5FB78 mr r21,r31
0204CE58: 39290001 addi r9,r9,1
0204CE5C: 913F0008 stw r9,8(r31)
>0204CE60: 48003CF9 bl 0x2050B58
0204CE64: 4BFFFF98 b 0x204CDFC
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE78 (0x0204CE78)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 02B216A4 DFFF5EA0 00000000 DFFF5E84 00000000
8: 00000000 6FFAD068 00000003 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000068 DFFF5EB8 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 03457000 00000004 6FF78068 00000005 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CE64

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
>0204CE78: 1D4A000C mulli r10,r10,12
0204CE7C: 7EA5AB78 mr r5,r21
0204CE80: 7FE8F030 slw r8,r31,r30
0204CE84: 7FF8C030 slw r24,r31,r24
0204CE88: 7D083A78 xor r8,r8,r7
0204CE8C: 394A0044 addi r10,r10,68
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CEF0 (0x0204CEF0)
0: 0204C88C 0293FD70 06018040 02972480 6FF78068 DFFF5EB8 DFFF5E84 00000000
8: 00000000 00001870 00000000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 8000001E 8000001F 80000017 00000001
24: 02951B00 02972480 00080000 6FF78000 00000000 6FF78068 00000005 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031A0C LR: 0204C88C

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CEE0: 83210024 lwz r25,36(r1)
0204CEE4: 83410028 lwz r26,40(r1)
0204CEE8: 8361002C lwz r27,44(r1)
0204CEEC: 83810030 lwz r28,48(r1)
>0204CEF0: 83A10034 lwz r29,52(r1)
0204CEF4: 83C10038 lwz r30,56(r1)
0204CEF8: 83E1003C lwz r31,60(r1)
0204CEFC: 38210040 addi r1,r1,64
0204CF00: 4E800020 blr
0204CF04: 39000020 li r8,32
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE60 (0x0204CE60)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 DFFF5EA0 DFFF5EB8 00000000 DFFF5E6C 03450000
8: 00000000 00000004 03458000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000068 DFFF5EB8 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 0345F000 00000004 6FF78068 00000000 DFFF5EB8
CR: 82F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CDB0

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE50: 7EA3AB78 mr r3,r21
0204CE54: 7FF5FB78 mr r21,r31
0204CE58: 39290001 addi r9,r9,1
0204CE5C: 913F0008 stw r9,8(r31)
>0204CE60: 48003CF9 bl 0x2050B58
0204CE64: 4BFFFF98 b 0x204CDFC
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE78 (0x0204CE78)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 02B216A4 DFFF5EA0 00000000 DFFF5E84 00000000
8: 00000000 6FFAD068 00000003 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000068 DFFF5EB8 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 03467000 00000004 6FF78068 00000006 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CE64

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
>0204CE78: 1D4A000C mulli r10,r10,12
0204CE7C: 7EA5AB78 mr r5,r21
0204CE80: 7FE8F030 slw r8,r31,r30
0204CE84: 7FF8C030 slw r24,r31,r24
0204CE88: 7D083A78 xor r8,r8,r7
0204CE8C: 394A0044 addi r10,r10,68
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CEF0 (0x0204CEF0)
0: 0204C88C 0293FD70 06018040 02972480 6FF78068 DFFF5EB8 DFFF5E84 00000000
8: 00000000 00001880 00000000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 8000001E 8000001F 80000017 00000001
24: 02951B00 02972480 00080000 6FF78000 00000000 6FF78068 00000006 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031A0C LR: 0204C88C

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CEE0: 83210024 lwz r25,36(r1)
0204CEE4: 83410028 lwz r26,40(r1)
0204CEE8: 8361002C lwz r27,44(r1)
0204CEEC: 83810030 lwz r28,48(r1)
>0204CEF0: 83A10034 lwz r29,52(r1)
0204CEF4: 83C10038 lwz r30,56(r1)
0204CEF8: 83E1003C lwz r31,60(r1)
0204CEFC: 38210040 addi r1,r1,64
0204CF00: 4E800020 blr
0204CF04: 39000020 li r8,32
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE60 (0x0204CE60)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 DFFF5EA0 DFFF5EB8 00000000 DFFF5E6C 03460000
8: 00000000 00000004 03468000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000068 DFFF5EB8 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 0346F000 00000004 6FF78068 00000000 DFFF5EB8
CR: 82F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CDB0

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE50: 7EA3AB78 mr r3,r21
0204CE54: 7FF5FB78 mr r21,r31
0204CE58: 39290001 addi r9,r9,1
0204CE5C: 913F0008 stw r9,8(r31)
>0204CE60: 48003CF9 bl 0x2050B58
0204CE64: 4BFFFF98 b 0x204CDFC
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE78 (0x0204CE78)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 02B216A4 DFFF5E88 00000000 DFFF5E6C 00000000
8: 00000000 6FFAD068 00000003 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000068 DFFF5EA0 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 03477000 00000004 6FF78068 00000007 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CE64

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
>0204CE78: 1D4A000C mulli r10,r10,12
0204CE7C: 7EA5AB78 mr r5,r21
0204CE80: 7FE8F030 slw r8,r31,r30
0204CE84: 7FF8C030 slw r24,r31,r24
0204CE88: 7D083A78 xor r8,r8,r7
0204CE8C: 394A0044 addi r10,r10,68
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CEF0 (0x0204CEF0)
0: 0204C88C 0293FD70 06018040 02972480 6FF78068 DFFF5EA0 DFFF5E6C 00000000
8: 00000000 00001890 00000000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 8000001E 8000001F 80000017 00000001
24: 02951B00 02972480 00080000 6FF78000 00000000 6FF78068 00000007 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031A0C LR: 0204C88C

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CEE0: 83210024 lwz r25,36(r1)
0204CEE4: 83410028 lwz r26,40(r1)
0204CEE8: 8361002C lwz r27,44(r1)
0204CEEC: 83810030 lwz r28,48(r1)
>0204CEF0: 83A10034 lwz r29,52(r1)
0204CEF4: 83C10038 lwz r30,56(r1)
0204CEF8: 83E1003C lwz r31,60(r1)
0204CEFC: 38210040 addi r1,r1,64
0204CF00: 4E800020 blr
0204CF04: 39000020 li r8,32
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE60 (0x0204CE60)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 DFFF5E88 DFFF5EA0 00000000 DFFF5E54 03470000
8: 00000000 00000004 03478000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000068 DFFF5EA0 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 0347F000 00000004 6FF78068 00000000 DFFF5EA0
CR: 82F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CDB0

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE50: 7EA3AB78 mr r3,r21
0204CE54: 7FF5FB78 mr r21,r31
0204CE58: 39290001 addi r9,r9,1
0204CE5C: 913F0008 stw r9,8(r31)
>0204CE60: 48003CF9 bl 0x2050B58
0204CE64: 4BFFFF98 b 0x204CDFC
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE78 (0x0204CE78)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 02B216A4 DFFF5EB8 00000000 DFFF5E9C 00000000
8: 00000000 6FFAD069 00000003 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000069 DFFF5ED0 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 03487000 00000004 6FF78068 00000000 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CE64

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
>0204CE78: 1D4A000C mulli r10,r10,12
0204CE7C: 7EA5AB78 mr r5,r21
0204CE80: 7FE8F030 slw r8,r31,r30
0204CE84: 7FF8C030 slw r24,r31,r24
0204CE88: 7D083A78 xor r8,r8,r7
0204CE8C: 394A0044 addi r10,r10,68
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CEF0 (0x0204CEF0)
0: 0204C88C 0293FD70 06018040 02972480 6FF78068 DFFF5ED0 DFFF5E9C 00000000
8: 00000000 000018A0 00000000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 8000001E 8000001F 80000017 00000001
24: 02951B00 02972480 00080000 6FF78000 00000000 6FF78068 00000000 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031A0C LR: 0204C88C

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CEE0: 83210024 lwz r25,36(r1)
0204CEE4: 83410028 lwz r26,40(r1)
0204CEE8: 8361002C lwz r27,44(r1)
0204CEEC: 83810030 lwz r28,48(r1)
>0204CEF0: 83A10034 lwz r29,52(r1)
0204CEF4: 83C10038 lwz r30,56(r1)
0204CEF8: 83E1003C lwz r31,60(r1)
0204CEFC: 38210040 addi r1,r1,64
0204CF00: 4E800020 blr
0204CF04: 39000020 li r8,32
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE60 (0x0204CE60)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 DFFF5EB8 DFFF5ED0 00000000 DFFF5E84 03480000
8: 00000000 00000004 03488000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000069 DFFF5ED0 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 0348F000 00000004 6FF78068 00000000 DFFF5ED0
CR: 82F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CDB0

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE50: 7EA3AB78 mr r3,r21
0204CE54: 7FF5FB78 mr r21,r31
0204CE58: 39290001 addi r9,r9,1
0204CE5C: 913F0008 stw r9,8(r31)
>0204CE60: 48003CF9 bl 0x2050B58
0204CE64: 4BFFFF98 b 0x204CDFC
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE78 (0x0204CE78)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 02B216A4 DFFF5EA0 00000000 DFFF5E84 00000000
8: 00000000 6FFAD069 00000003 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000069 DFFF5EB8 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 03497000 00000004 6FF78068 00000001 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CE64

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
>0204CE78: 1D4A000C mulli r10,r10,12
0204CE7C: 7EA5AB78 mr r5,r21
0204CE80: 7FE8F030 slw r8,r31,r30
0204CE84: 7FF8C030 slw r24,r31,r24
0204CE88: 7D083A78 xor r8,r8,r7
0204CE8C: 394A0044 addi r10,r10,68
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CEF0 (0x0204CEF0)
0: 0204C88C 0293FD70 06018040 02972480 6FF78068 DFFF5EB8 DFFF5E84 00000000
8: 00000000 000018B0 00000000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 8000001E 8000001F 80000017 00000001
24: 02951B00 02972480 00080000 6FF78000 00000000 6FF78068 00000001 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031A0C LR: 0204C88C

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CEE0: 83210024 lwz r25,36(r1)
0204CEE4: 83410028 lwz r26,40(r1)
0204CEE8: 8361002C lwz r27,44(r1)
0204CEEC: 83810030 lwz r28,48(r1)
>0204CEF0: 83A10034 lwz r29,52(r1)
0204CEF4: 83C10038 lwz r30,56(r1)
0204CEF8: 83E1003C lwz r31,60(r1)
0204CEFC: 38210040 addi r1,r1,64
0204CF00: 4E800020 blr
0204CF04: 39000020 li r8,32
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE60 (0x0204CE60)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 DFFF5EA0 DFFF5EB8 00000000 DFFF5E6C 03490000
8: 00000000 00000004 03498000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000069 DFFF5EB8 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 0349F000 00000004 6FF78068 00000000 DFFF5EB8
CR: 82F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CDB0

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE50: 7EA3AB78 mr r3,r21
0204CE54: 7FF5FB78 mr r21,r31
0204CE58: 39290001 addi r9,r9,1
0204CE5C: 913F0008 stw r9,8(r31)
>0204CE60: 48003CF9 bl 0x2050B58
0204CE64: 4BFFFF98 b 0x204CDFC
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE78 (0x0204CE78)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 02B216A4 DFFF5EA0 00000000 DFFF5E84 00000000
8: 00000000 6FFAD069 00000003 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000069 DFFF5EB8 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 034A7000 00000004 6FF78068 00000002 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CE64

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
>0204CE78: 1D4A000C mulli r10,r10,12
0204CE7C: 7EA5AB78 mr r5,r21
0204CE80: 7FE8F030 slw r8,r31,r30
0204CE84: 7FF8C030 slw r24,r31,r24
0204CE88: 7D083A78 xor r8,r8,r7
0204CE8C: 394A0044 addi r10,r10,68
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CEF0 (0x0204CEF0)
0: 0204C88C 0293FD70 06018040 02972480 6FF78068 DFFF5EB8 DFFF5E84 00000000
8: 00000000 000018C0 00000000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 8000001E 8000001F 80000017 00000001
24: 02951B00 02972480 00080000 6FF78000 00000000 6FF78068 00000002 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031A0C LR: 0204C88C

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CEE0: 83210024 lwz r25,36(r1)
0204CEE4: 83410028 lwz r26,40(r1)
0204CEE8: 8361002C lwz r27,44(r1)
0204CEEC: 83810030 lwz r28,48(r1)
>0204CEF0: 83A10034 lwz r29,52(r1)
0204CEF4: 83C10038 lwz r30,56(r1)
0204CEF8: 83E1003C lwz r31,60(r1)
0204CEFC: 38210040 addi r1,r1,64
0204CF00: 4E800020 blr
0204CF04: 39000020 li r8,32
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE60 (0x0204CE60)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 DFFF5EA0 DFFF5EB8 00000000 DFFF5E6C 034A0000
8: 00000000 00000004 034A8000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000069 DFFF5EB8 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 034AF000 00000004 6FF78068 00000000 DFFF5EB8
CR: 82F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CDB0

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE50: 7EA3AB78 mr r3,r21
0204CE54: 7FF5FB78 mr r21,r31
0204CE58: 39290001 addi r9,r9,1
0204CE5C: 913F0008 stw r9,8(r31)
>0204CE60: 48003CF9 bl 0x2050B58
0204CE64: 4BFFFF98 b 0x204CDFC
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE78 (0x0204CE78)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 02B216A4 DFFF5E88 00000000 DFFF5E6C 00000000
8: 00000000 6FFAD069 00000003 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000069 DFFF5EA0 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 034B7000 00000004 6FF78068 00000003 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CE64

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
>0204CE78: 1D4A000C mulli r10,r10,12
0204CE7C: 7EA5AB78 mr r5,r21
0204CE80: 7FE8F030 slw r8,r31,r30
0204CE84: 7FF8C030 slw r24,r31,r24
0204CE88: 7D083A78 xor r8,r8,r7
0204CE8C: 394A0044 addi r10,r10,68
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CEF0 (0x0204CEF0)
0: 0204C88C 0293FD70 06018040 02972480 6FF78068 DFFF5EA0 DFFF5E6C 00000000
8: 00000000 000018D0 00000000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 8000001E 8000001F 80000017 00000001
24: 02951B00 02972480 00080000 6FF78000 00000000 6FF78068 00000003 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031A0C LR: 0204C88C

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CEE0: 83210024 lwz r25,36(r1)
0204CEE4: 83410028 lwz r26,40(r1)
0204CEE8: 8361002C lwz r27,44(r1)
0204CEEC: 83810030 lwz r28,48(r1)
>0204CEF0: 83A10034 lwz r29,52(r1)
0204CEF4: 83C10038 lwz r30,56(r1)
0204CEF8: 83E1003C lwz r31,60(r1)
0204CEFC: 38210040 addi r1,r1,64
0204CF00: 4E800020 blr
0204CF04: 39000020 li r8,32
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE60 (0x0204CE60)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 DFFF5E88 DFFF5EA0 00000000 DFFF5E54 034B0000
8: 00000000 00000004 034B8000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000069 DFFF5EA0 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 034BF000 00000004 6FF78068 00000000 DFFF5EA0
CR: 82F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CDB0

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE50: 7EA3AB78 mr r3,r21
0204CE54: 7FF5FB78 mr r21,r31
0204CE58: 39290001 addi r9,r9,1
0204CE5C: 913F0008 stw r9,8(r31)
>0204CE60: 48003CF9 bl 0x2050B58
0204CE64: 4BFFFF98 b 0x204CDFC
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE78 (0x0204CE78)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 02B216A4 DFFF5EA0 00000000 DFFF5E84 00000000
8: 00000000 6FFAD069 00000003 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000069 DFFF5EB8 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 034C7000 00000004 6FF78068 00000004 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CE64

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
>0204CE78: 1D4A000C mulli r10,r10,12
0204CE7C: 7EA5AB78 mr r5,r21
0204CE80: 7FE8F030 slw r8,r31,r30
0204CE84: 7FF8C030 slw r24,r31,r24
0204CE88: 7D083A78 xor r8,r8,r7
0204CE8C: 394A0044 addi r10,r10,68
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CEF0 (0x0204CEF0)
0: 0204C88C 0293FD70 06018040 02972480 6FF78068 DFFF5EB8 DFFF5E84 00000000
8: 00000000 000018E0 00000000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 8000001E 8000001F 80000017 00000001
24: 02951B00 02972480 00080000 6FF78000 00000000 6FF78068 00000004 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031A0C LR: 0204C88C

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CEE0: 83210024 lwz r25,36(r1)
0204CEE4: 83410028 lwz r26,40(r1)
0204CEE8: 8361002C lwz r27,44(r1)
0204CEEC: 83810030 lwz r28,48(r1)
>0204CEF0: 83A10034 lwz r29,52(r1)
0204CEF4: 83C10038 lwz r30,56(r1)
0204CEF8: 83E1003C lwz r31,60(r1)
0204CEFC: 38210040 addi r1,r1,64
0204CF00: 4E800020 blr
0204CF04: 39000020 li r8,32
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE60 (0x0204CE60)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 DFFF5EA0 DFFF5EB8 00000000 DFFF5E6C 034C0000
8: 00000000 00000004 034C8000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000069 DFFF5EB8 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 034CF000 00000004 6FF78068 00000000 DFFF5EB8
CR: 82F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CDB0

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE50: 7EA3AB78 mr r3,r21
0204CE54: 7FF5FB78 mr r21,r31
0204CE58: 39290001 addi r9,r9,1
0204CE5C: 913F0008 stw r9,8(r31)
>0204CE60: 48003CF9 bl 0x2050B58
0204CE64: 4BFFFF98 b 0x204CDFC
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE78 (0x0204CE78)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 02B216A4 DFFF5E88 00000000 DFFF5E6C 00000000
8: 00000000 6FFAD069 00000003 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000069 DFFF5EA0 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 034D7000 00000004 6FF78068 00000005 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CE64

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
>0204CE78: 1D4A000C mulli r10,r10,12
0204CE7C: 7EA5AB78 mr r5,r21
0204CE80: 7FE8F030 slw r8,r31,r30
0204CE84: 7FF8C030 slw r24,r31,r24
0204CE88: 7D083A78 xor r8,r8,r7
0204CE8C: 394A0044 addi r10,r10,68
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CEF0 (0x0204CEF0)
0: 0204C88C 0293FD70 06018040 02972480 6FF78068 DFFF5EA0 DFFF5E6C 00000000
8: 00000000 000018F0 00000000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 8000001E 8000001F 80000017 00000001
24: 02951B00 02972480 00080000 6FF78000 00000000 6FF78068 00000005 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031A0C LR: 0204C88C

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CEE0: 83210024 lwz r25,36(r1)
0204CEE4: 83410028 lwz r26,40(r1)
0204CEE8: 8361002C lwz r27,44(r1)
0204CEEC: 83810030 lwz r28,48(r1)
>0204CEF0: 83A10034 lwz r29,52(r1)
0204CEF4: 83C10038 lwz r30,56(r1)
0204CEF8: 83E1003C lwz r31,60(r1)
0204CEFC: 38210040 addi r1,r1,64
0204CF00: 4E800020 blr
0204CF04: 39000020 li r8,32
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE60 (0x0204CE60)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 DFFF5E88 DFFF5EA0 00000000 DFFF5E54 034D0000
8: 00000000 00000004 034D8000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000069 DFFF5EA0 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 034DF000 00000004 6FF78068 00000000 DFFF5EA0
CR: 82F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CDB0

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE50: 7EA3AB78 mr r3,r21
0204CE54: 7FF5FB78 mr r21,r31
0204CE58: 39290001 addi r9,r9,1
0204CE5C: 913F0008 stw r9,8(r31)
>0204CE60: 48003CF9 bl 0x2050B58
0204CE64: 4BFFFF98 b 0x204CDFC
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE78 (0x0204CE78)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 02B216A4 DFFF5E88 00000000 DFFF5E6C 00000000
8: 00000000 6FFAD069 00000003 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000069 DFFF5EA0 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 034E7000 00000004 6FF78068 00000006 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CE64

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
>0204CE78: 1D4A000C mulli r10,r10,12
0204CE7C: 7EA5AB78 mr r5,r21
0204CE80: 7FE8F030 slw r8,r31,r30
0204CE84: 7FF8C030 slw r24,r31,r24
0204CE88: 7D083A78 xor r8,r8,r7
0204CE8C: 394A0044 addi r10,r10,68
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CEF0 (0x0204CEF0)
0: 0204C88C 0293FD70 06018040 02972480 6FF78068 DFFF5EA0 DFFF5E6C 00000000
8: 00000000 00001900 00000000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 8000001E 8000001F 80000017 00000001
24: 02951B00 02972480 00080000 6FF78000 00000000 6FF78068 00000006 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031A0C LR: 0204C88C

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CEE0: 83210024 lwz r25,36(r1)
0204CEE4: 83410028 lwz r26,40(r1)
0204CEE8: 8361002C lwz r27,44(r1)
0204CEEC: 83810030 lwz r28,48(r1)
>0204CEF0: 83A10034 lwz r29,52(r1)
0204CEF4: 83C10038 lwz r30,56(r1)
0204CEF8: 83E1003C lwz r31,60(r1)
0204CEFC: 38210040 addi r1,r1,64
0204CF00: 4E800020 blr
0204CF04: 39000020 li r8,32
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE60 (0x0204CE60)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 DFFF5E88 DFFF5EA0 00000000 DFFF5E54 034E0000
8: 00000000 00000004 034E8000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000069 DFFF5EA0 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 034EF000 00000004 6FF78068 00000000 DFFF5EA0
CR: 82F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CDB0

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE50: 7EA3AB78 mr r3,r21
0204CE54: 7FF5FB78 mr r21,r31
0204CE58: 39290001 addi r9,r9,1
0204CE5C: 913F0008 stw r9,8(r31)
>0204CE60: 48003CF9 bl 0x2050B58
0204CE64: 4BFFFF98 b 0x204CDFC
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE78 (0x0204CE78)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 02B216A4 DFFF5E70 00000000 DFFF5E54 00000000
8: 00000000 6FFAD069 00000003 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000069 DFFF5E88 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 034F7000 00000004 6FF78068 00000007 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CE64

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
>0204CE78: 1D4A000C mulli r10,r10,12
0204CE7C: 7EA5AB78 mr r5,r21
0204CE80: 7FE8F030 slw r8,r31,r30
0204CE84: 7FF8C030 slw r24,r31,r24
0204CE88: 7D083A78 xor r8,r8,r7
0204CE8C: 394A0044 addi r10,r10,68
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CEF0 (0x0204CEF0)
0: 0204C88C 0293FD70 06018040 02972480 6FF78068 DFFF5E88 DFFF5E54 00000000
8: 00000000 00001910 00000000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 8000001E 8000001F 80000017 00000001
24: 02951B00 02972480 00080000 6FF78000 00000000 6FF78068 00000007 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031A0C LR: 0204C88C

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CEE0: 83210024 lwz r25,36(r1)
0204CEE4: 83410028 lwz r26,40(r1)
0204CEE8: 8361002C lwz r27,44(r1)
0204CEEC: 83810030 lwz r28,48(r1)
>0204CEF0: 83A10034 lwz r29,52(r1)
0204CEF4: 83C10038 lwz r30,56(r1)
0204CEF8: 83E1003C lwz r31,60(r1)
0204CEFC: 38210040 addi r1,r1,64
0204CF00: 4E800020 blr
0204CF04: 39000020 li r8,32
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE60 (0x0204CE60)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 DFFF5E70 DFFF5E88 00000000 DFFF5E3C 034F0000
8: 00000000 00000004 034F8000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 00000069 DFFF5E88 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 034FF000 00000004 6FF78068 00000000 DFFF5E88
CR: 82F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CDB0

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE50: 7EA3AB78 mr r3,r21
0204CE54: 7FF5FB78 mr r21,r31
0204CE58: 39290001 addi r9,r9,1
0204CE5C: 913F0008 stw r9,8(r31)
>0204CE60: 48003CF9 bl 0x2050B58
0204CE64: 4BFFFF98 b 0x204CDFC
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE78 (0x0204CE78)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 02B216A4 DFFF5EB8 00000000 DFFF5E9C 00000000
8: 00000000 6FFAD06A 00000003 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 0000006A DFFF5ED0 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 03507000 00000004 6FF78068 00000000 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CE64

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0
0204CE70: 4BFFFEE4 b 0x204CD54
0204CE74: 3BE00001 li r31,1
>0204CE78: 1D4A000C mulli r10,r10,12
0204CE7C: 7EA5AB78 mr r5,r21
0204CE80: 7FE8F030 slw r8,r31,r30
0204CE84: 7FF8C030 slw r24,r31,r24
0204CE88: 7D083A78 xor r8,r8,r7
0204CE8C: 394A0044 addi r10,r10,68
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CEF0 (0x0204CEF0)
0: 0204C88C 0293FD70 06018040 02972480 6FF78068 DFFF5ED0 DFFF5E9C 00000000
8: 00000000 00001920 00000000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 8000001E 8000001F 80000017 00000001
24: 02951B00 02972480 00080000 6FF78000 00000000 6FF78068 00000000 00000001
CR: 22F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031A0C LR: 0204C88C

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CEE0: 83210024 lwz r25,36(r1)
0204CEE4: 83410028 lwz r26,40(r1)
0204CEE8: 8361002C lwz r27,44(r1)
0204CEEC: 83810030 lwz r28,48(r1)
>0204CEF0: 83A10034 lwz r29,52(r1)
0204CEF4: 83C10038 lwz r30,56(r1)
0204CEF8: 83E1003C lwz r31,60(r1)
0204CEFC: 38210040 addi r1,r1,64
0204CF00: 4E800020 blr
0204CF04: 39000020 li r8,32
System halted
Dump of context at 0x02971AC0
Trap type: Machine check exception
Machine State (raw): 0x1000000000103030
Machine State (verbose): [Hyper] [Super] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer: in module kernel+0x0004CE60 (0x0204CE60)
0: 0204CCEC 0293FD70 06018040 DFFF5EB8 DFFF5ED0 00000000 DFFF5E84 03500000
8: 00000000 00000004 03508000 00003030 22F44222 2C2300D0 0291BFB4 80000018
16: 02A8EAD0 00000000 00000040 02972C4E 0000006A DFFF5ED0 6FF78140 6FF78000
24: 00000000 00000000 00000001 0350F000 00000004 6FF78068 00000000 DFFF5ED0
CR: 82F44228 XER: 00000000 CTR: 02031CB4 LR: 0204CDB0

Disassembly of crash site:
0204CE50: 7EA3AB78 mr r3,r21
0204CE54: 7FF5FB78 mr r21,r31
0204CE58: 39290001 addi r9,r9,1
0204CE5C: 913F0008 stw r9,8(r31)
>0204CE60: 48003CF9 bl 0x2050B58
0204CE64: 4BFFFF98 b 0x204CDFC
0204CE68: 7F495030 slw r9,r26,r10
0204CE6C: 39000000 li r8,0


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Re: System crashes in loop
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Trap type: Machine check exception

The infamous "soft reboot gfx card crash", see also here for some more detail.

Nothing can be done about it...though i still wonder why it works sometimes and sometimes it don't...ghost in the machine, probably


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Re: System crashes in loop
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I had this issue on my X1000 when I first got it. It was fixed after a clean I installation using an ssd card. I never figured out the issue.

I have also witnessed it on my X5000. Very occasionally, the black AmigaOS 4.1 just hangs and I have to issue a reset. I never get it stuck in a loop.

RX 560.

In anycase, I am now recording the serial logs from now on waiting for a reproduction. When I reproduce it, I will see what the difference is.

This may not be exactly your issue, but there is an intersection I guess.

If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell.
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Re: System crashes in loop
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I don't have access to the bug tracker, tried a password recovery, but got no mail.

It does not look like the program counter has anything to do with the crash, any way.

>0204CE78: 1D4A000C mulli r10,r10,12

thats just a multiply r10 = r10*12

my guess is a crash is in a exception, that’s kind blamed on whatever random value the PC (Program Counter) is pointing at when it's happens.

system goes into a "System halted" but is unable to recover.


Basilisk II for AmigaOS4
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Re: System crashes in loop
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I don't have access to the bug tracker, tried a password recovery, but got no mail.

Hah, i hear you, i never ever received *any* email from the tracker (be it alerts, notifications, you name it). Their email setting is so broken (at least for mortal users)

There is not much information there anyway, just my crashlogs and serial debug output which shows pretty much the same as your post.
And Hans telling me he cannot fix it, albeit he tried.
Just too many variants of cards out there and the original driver (which he based his driver on) has dropped support for soft reboots a long time ago (or maybe it was never in)...


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Re: System crashes in loop
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Raziel wrote:@LiveForIt

Hah, i hear you, i never ever received *any* email from the tracker (be it alerts, notifications, you name it). Their email setting is so broken (at least for mortal users)

When I tried to sign up, I did actually get a response, months later, by which time of course it had timed out.

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Re: System crashes in loop
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Raziel wrote:@LiveForIt
The infamous "soft reboot gfx card crash", see also here for some more detail.

Nothing can be done about it...

is being said ... but has anyone ever tested this under Linux? I never tried but it seems to be actually possible to have an Amiga-like soft-reboot in Linux using kexec or kexec-reboot. So nothing goes through hardware/BIOS/whatever initialization.

Also in Linux and other OSes you have virtual machines which allow gfx card pass through. Starting/quitting/restarting virtual machine would then for the gfx card be like a soft reboot, where it is not re-hw-initialized in BIOS/whatever. If "nothing can be done about it", it would mean you could start virtual machine only once and second and future starts it would fail, too.

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Re: System crashes in loop
Home away from home
Home away from home

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"Nothing can be done about it" in terms of our dev situation..."nothing is impossible", but as long as one person develops the driver, some things tend to drop down the priority list.


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