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Noob question about Assign
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I have a noob question :

I need to have assign with ":" in the name, but OS shouldn't thread this part as device. I.e. i need assign to be like:

"amiga:1200 that name"

So, i can then do "cd amiga:1200 that name": and it will come into, without threatening "amiga:" as independent device name

How can i do so ? I mean, there surely devices can be with ":" in the name, but i tried simple things like quotes, double-quotes, etc, and fail. Should be something trivial, but i use too much unix and win32, so just forgot amiga internals over time :)

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Re: Noob question about Assign
Home away from home
Home away from home

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“:” can not be part of anything expect volumes or devices.
You can assign frog: to "amiga:1200 that name"

assign amiga: dh1:amiga
assign frog: "amiga:1200 that name"
Cd frog:

If you have a messed up name you need to rename it, in a program that does not care.


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Re: Noob question about Assign
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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':' is an illegal character for filenames in Amiga

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Re: Noob question about Assign
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Interesting why i found in the "Exodus" game's binary "Exodus:The Last War" , and when it want CD, it ask to have exactly "Exodus:The Last War".. (and on disk of course no directory "the last war").

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Re: Noob question about Assign
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Missing null terminated string, somehow some extra text is printed.

never got that game working.


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