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Issue with new SuperTuxKart upload
Home away from home
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There is an issue with new uploaded supertuxkart.

I especially upload a new version with a different name, not pure "supertuxkart.lha", but "supertuxkart_081.lha", because of its very-very different games with the same name.

Old SuperTuxKart (0.6.4), are works over MiniGL.

New SuperTuxKart (0.8,1), works _only_ over Ogles2, and its really different game, just with the same name.

So, plz, rename new suprtuxkart.lha to supertuxkart_081.lha, and I will reupload old one as supertuxkart.lha, or, as supertuxkart_061.lha.

They both different games, with the same name, and I can't call it anyhow different...

Also, screenshots, of course, didn't fit anymore.

Can that be fixed plz? I.e. put old archive back, and that one makes as supertuxkart_081 ?

If old archive deleted now, I can reupload it again, but then all statistics and screenshots die.

The best way, of course, is to put back the old archives and rename the new one to supertuxkart_081 as I do from beginning.

That is issue because not everyone has ogles2 supported cards and minigl based archive just disappear


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Re: Issue with new SuperTuxKart upload
Supreme Council
Supreme Council

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Then call it supertuxcart_minigl and supertuxcart_ogles2.

Easiest way is if you upload the old file to replace the current one and the new file not using a version in its name but rather a description of what makes it different like the two above examples.

OS4Depot does not allow version names in the file names, nor several versions of the same file.

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Re: Issue with new SuperTuxKart upload
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Yeah, will do it like that, will re-upload new one with ogles2 name and old one with minigl name.


OS4Depot does not allow version names in the file names, nor several versions of the same file.

It's not that it version in names, it mostly like for example different versions of the same diskmag: hugi37, hugi38, hugi39, etc. All different, while the same name.

edit: I was lucky enough to download old archive and old description from se.os4depot.net while it not syncs with the main one :) So once 12 hours passed I will replace things (as for now I upload more than 9 files, so blocked for 12 hours)

Edited by kas1e on 2019/12/25 21:37:26
Edited by kas1e on 2019/12/25 22:06:54
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Re: Issue with new SuperTuxKart upload
Home away from home
Home away from home

See User information

latest v0.8.1 just came up right now on OS4depot

Edited by 328gts on 2019/12/26 17:52:20
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