Just can't stay away 
Joined: 2009/2/9 19:32 Last Login
: 2020/12/21 15:57
From Brussels Belgium
Registered Users
AmiStore is a great idea. This thread is your chance to explain how great it is & how great you plan it to grow (& maybe get usefull suggestions) The answers of the kind djrikki asks are pertinent & public answers will trigger more motivation to software development,. Even developers that do not care much for what they could earn, are interested in knowing how much downloads their product got & setting up communication with the users. Some may want for complex SW to be sure some initial contact is set up, on download. Is this possible ?
Could Amistore link to the developer's site's info :procuct page, manual that can be downloaded, official forum (elsewhere). The potential buyer would have a better idea of what the SW is about.
If not yet are you taking this up ? Please explain the general principles on how collaboration starts up & works ? How easy is this for the developer ?