I did put these in user startup
Assign CED: datas:teksten/CygnusEd5.6
Path "Datas:Teksten/CygnusEd5.6" Add
I still have this behaviour
New Shell process 5
5.Amiga OS 4:S> CED:Ed
CED: Unknown command
CED failed returncode 10
Ed: kan object niet vinden
5.Amiga OS 4:S> CED:
5.Datas:Teksten/CygnusEd5.6> CED:Ed /// works OK
In fact i did have such a "Path add" in my user startup , but no assign to CED:
But in sequence i changed the EDITOR internal variable in Gui4Cli.prefs from something as
"Datas:Teksten/CygnusEd5.6/Ed" to "CED:Ed"
I then observed that i had a CED assign in a script loaded only after Gui4Cli.prefs.
I then added the assign in user startup te be sure Gui4Cli could find the editor.
Now the observations above are independent of this history.
I still don't see the light