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GVP Impact Vision 24 gfx card
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Just popping in

Hi there,

I now have a GVP Impact Vision 24 card and it didn't have any drivers with it.
The card is in my A4000 and works.
i can plug a standard VGA monitor into it and get a semi resonable screen.

My plea for help is -
does anyone have the drivers for the card?
I have emailed GVP-M and asked them, but it has been several days now without a replay.


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Re: SCSI issues, help please
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Just popping in

hi all,

i have just tried a SCSI2 cd-rom and it works fine.

I don't think the scsi driver is made to handle SCSI3 devices.

SCSI works, and i now believe SCSI has always worked, it just might be me trying to push SCSI3 through a SCSI2 opening.

Thankyou to all who have provided help and guidance


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Re: SCSI issues, help please
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Just popping in


I think i can remember some termination issues from way back, but i have never had this much problem with SCSI before.

Uboot sees the two drives fine, it reports their brand, size and everything about them.

Hopefully it can be resloved soon.

These are the drives off my old A4000 in which i had a cyberstorm which wasn't repairable.


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Re: SCSI issues, help please
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Just popping in


please find following my bootlog

a1ide.device 52.1 (09.12.2006)
it8212ide.device 52.1 (09.12.2006)
lsi53c8xx.device 52.1 (09.12.2006)
lsi53c8xx_timeout : '30', adjusted ata timeout to 30
Running on AmigaOne
Found chip #0
Waiting for devices to spin up..
---> Port 0
Scanning SCSI bus...
ID: 0 Selection Timeout
Request_sense sense key 6 ASC 29 ASCQ 2
Target 15 not ready, retry 0
ID: F Selection Timeout
SCSI Error: Target 15 LUN 0 Command 00
CCB: 00 00 00 00 00 00 (len = 6)
Cntrl: SCSI Selection Timeout
Sense: SK 6 (Unit Attention) ASC 29 ASCQ 2
Status: Check condition
ID: 2 Selection Timeout
ID: 3 Selection Timeout
ID: 4 Selection Timeout
ID: 5 Selection Timeout
ID: 6 Selection Timeout
ID: 7 Selection Timeout
ID: 8 Selection Timeout
ID: 9 Selection Timeout
ID: A Selection Timeout
ID: B Selection Timeout
ID: C Selection Timeout
ID: D Selection Timeout
ID: E Selection Timeout
ID: F Selection Timeout
0 device(s) on port
Nothing started, bailing out

it seems like either the settings are wrong on my scsi drives.

also, i get the status: check condition from uboot, but only on a cold start. i do a scsi reset in uboot and it finds all the drives, then i boot OS4 and still get the same bootlog as above.

I hope this helps

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Re: SCSI issues, help please
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Just popping in


Ok, using scout, following is the tasks & processes

Address Type Pri NUM State SigWait FreeStack Name

$6FF71A80 task 12 --- waiting $C0000000 32,592 a1ide.device - chip 0 port 0
$6FF71AE0 task 12 --- waiting $C0000000 32,592 a1ide.device - chip 0 port 1
$6F005E10 process 0 --- waiting $7E00D000 31,520 AmiDock
$6F7A39C0 task 0 --- waiting $C0000000 3,856 application.library messageserver
$6F005C90 process 0 --- waiting $80001000 32,464 ASYNCWB
$6F62FAF0 process 5 --- wait dos $00000100 32,444 AUDIO
$6FDB7190 process 10 --- wait dos $00000100 8,016 CD0
$6FDB7910 process 5 --- waiting $80000100 7,744 CON
$6FDB7C10 process 5 --- waiting $80000100 7,744 CON
$6EFC2520 process 5 --- waiting $80000100 32,320 CON
$6EFC26A0 process 5 --- waiting $80000100 32,320 CON
$6EFC29A0 process 5 --- waiting $80000100 32,320 CON
$6DC83B40 process 5 --- waiting $80000100 32,320 CON
$6F62F970 process 0 --- waiting $80000000 32,496 ConClip
$6FF71840 task 5 --- waiting $F0000000 32,624 console.device
$6F73F030 process 0 --- waiting $00001100 32,592 datatypes.library
$6F005B10 process 0 --- waiting $80009000 32,256 DefIcons
$6FDB7010 process 10 --- waiting $A8000100 7,984 DH0
$6FDB7310 process 10 --- waiting $A8000100 7,984 DH1
$6FDB7490 process 10 --- waiting $A8000100 7,984 DH2
$6FDB7610 process 10 --- waiting $A8000100 7,984 DH3
$6FF96900 process 5 --- wait dos $00000100 8,000 dos_flc_handler
$6FF96A80 process 5 --- wait dos $00000100 8,032 dos_nbmd_process
$6FF96C00 process -5 --- waiting $0000E000 8,032 dos_signal_server
$6FA26920 process 5 --- waiting $80000000 32,320 ENV
$6F561680 process 12 --- waiting $E0001000 32,592 eth3com.device
$6FDF4070 task 0 --- waiting $A0000000 32,592 hub.usbfd
$6FDF40D0 task 0 --- waiting $A0000000 32,592 hub.usbfd
$6EDDD4A0 process 0 --- waiting $33C09000 62,640 IBrowse
$6FFAA360 task -128 --- ready $00000000 4,048 idle.task
$6FF71240 task 20 --- waiting $80000000 32,624 input.device
$6EDDD7A0 process 0 --- wait break C $00001000 63,884 muigfx.library
$6FA26C20 process -5 --- waiting $80000000 32,256 Picasso96
$6FDB7A90 process 10 --- waiting $C0000100 7,408 RAM
$6FA26020 process 0 --- waiting $80000000 32,608 ramlib
$6FDB7790 process 5 --- waiting $80000100 7,744 RAW
$6F005990 process 0 --- waiting $80001000 32,512 RAWBInfo
$6FDB7D90 process 0 --- waiting $00007000 32,496 reaper.task
$6F561800 process 4 --- waiting $C0000000 32,588 RexxMaster
$6DC839C0 process 1 --- running $00000020 29,568 Scout.os4
$6EFDF6D0 task 0 --- waiting $40000000 7,872 screenblanker.library timing dispatcher
$6EFC2220 process 0 --- waiting $E0001000 32,016 ScreenBlankerEngine
$6EFC2820 process 1 --- waiting $40000000 32,304 string.gadget server
$6F561080 process 0 --- waiting $F8003000 32,336 TCP/IP Configuration
$6F561380 process 0 --- waiting $F8009080 32,288 TCP/IP Control
$6F62F370 process 0 --- waiting $80003000 32,592 TCP/IP Log
$6F561200 process 0 2 waiting $D0000080 31,296 TCP/IP Superserver
$6F62F1F0 process 3 --- waiting $80000000 32,496 TEXTCLIP
$6FF71EA0 task 15 --- waiting $BC001000 32,560 UHCI Controller Task Unit 0
$6FF71F60 task 15 --- waiting $BC001000 32,560 UHCI Controller Task Unit 1
$6FF71E40 task 18 --- waiting $F8007000 16,208 USB stack
$6F63CDE0 process 0 --- waiting $80001000 32,592 USB stack Process
$6F66E1D0 process 1 3 waiting $80000000 32,368 Workbench
$6FA26320 process 1 --- waiting $80000000 32,576 Workbench Clipboard Server
$6F005690 process 1 --- waiting $00003000 32,640 Workbench DosList Notify
$6FA26AA0 process 0 --- waiting $0000F000 30,096 ? IPrefs ?

i also looked at devices and resident from scout.
The lsi53c8xx can only be found in resident.

I hope this helps


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Re: SCSI issues, help please
Just popping in
Just popping in


Hi sg2,

following is my pciscan

## Vendor Device Vendor name Description
01 0x10cc 0x0660 Mai Logic Incorporated
02 0x10cc 0x0661 Mai Logic Incorporated
03 0x10b7 0x9200 3Com Corporation
04 0x1106 0x0686 VIA Technoligies, Inc.
05 0x1106 0x0571 VIA Technoligies, Inc.
06 0x1106 0x3038 VIA Technoligies, Inc.
07 0x1106 0x3038 VIA Technoligies, Inc.
08 0x1106 0x3057 VIA Technoligies, Inc.
09 0x1106 0x3058 VIA Technoligies, Inc.
10 0x2206 0x3068 VIA Technoligies, Inc.
11 0x1000 0x000F LSI Logic / Symbios Log 53c875
12 0x1002 0x4966 ATI Technoligies Inc Radeon RV250 If

I hope this is of some help.


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Re: SCSI issues, help please
Just popping in
Just popping in


I will do the pciscan when i get home from work tonight.

i already have increased the SCSI spinup time, as some of my drives are a bit slow.

Thankyou for your help.


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Re: SCSI issues, help please
Just popping in
Just popping in


Hi all,

The SCSI card is made by Asus and has the LSI chip on it.

pcicsan in uboot reports the correct vendor and production ID.

No, lsi53c8xx.device.kmod does not appear in the initial list of medaitoolbox.

I have red the docs on the lsi53c8xx.device and it says that there is nothing to do. the drives should just appear on workbench.

All the kmods as per the docs are in place (standard install).

Should i add the lsi53c8xx.device to mediatoolbox or mounter ?


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Re: SCSI issues, help please
Just popping in
Just popping in


Hi Tony,

i am trying the SCSI card again.
U-boot sees the drives connected, but i can't see the drives on workbench or in media toolbox.

Do i have to mount the SCSI drives in mounter ?

Info devices doesn't show anything different.


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Re: network connection down, help please
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Just popping in


thankyou to all for providing help.
The A1 is back online.

It may have been a simple case of a new day, new start, a new mind and a new prefs for internet.

I am still a little confused as to why it stopped and why it took me sooooo long to get it back up again. but its working again.

A big thankyou to all.


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Re: SCSI issues, help please
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Just popping in

Hi Tony,
thanks for the info, all drives all present in kickstart and kickfile as part of the normal install.

I will continue with SCSI after i have fixed my network problem.


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network connection down, help please
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Just popping in

Hi all network gurus,
After a successfull OS4 final install on a clean drive, all was working well for a few days including network. Then after trying to get SCSI working, i lost my network connection.
I will continue with my SCSI concerns in my other thread.
I have tried all that i know about ethernet and networking to try and get my A1 back online.
Regardless if i use static or DCHP, auto connection or manual, the connection times out.
Is there a utility that can test the ethernet port (other then the one in the new connection wizard) ?
I hope the port is ok and its just something i am doing wrong.

Any help will be gratefully welcomed.


(The SCSI card has been removed from the A1)

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SCSI issues, help please
Just popping in
Just popping in

Hi there,
now with OS4 final working, i am now trying to get the SCSI to work.
I have read through the docs on the OS4 install.
U-boot sees the SCSI card and the HD.
How do i get workbench to see the drive?

If i recall correctly, i use to mount cybpcc.device or scsi.device and it would show the drive.

Please, any help to move me in the right direction.


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