Just popping in 
Ok, using scout, following is the tasks & processes
Address Type Pri NUM State SigWait FreeStack Name
$6FF71A80 task 12 --- waiting $C0000000 32,592 a1ide.device - chip 0 port 0 $6FF71AE0 task 12 --- waiting $C0000000 32,592 a1ide.device - chip 0 port 1 $6F005E10 process 0 --- waiting $7E00D000 31,520 AmiDock $6F7A39C0 task 0 --- waiting $C0000000 3,856 application.library messageserver $6F005C90 process 0 --- waiting $80001000 32,464 ASYNCWB $6F62FAF0 process 5 --- wait dos $00000100 32,444 AUDIO $6FDB7190 process 10 --- wait dos $00000100 8,016 CD0 $6FDB7910 process 5 --- waiting $80000100 7,744 CON $6FDB7C10 process 5 --- waiting $80000100 7,744 CON $6EFC2520 process 5 --- waiting $80000100 32,320 CON $6EFC26A0 process 5 --- waiting $80000100 32,320 CON $6EFC29A0 process 5 --- waiting $80000100 32,320 CON $6DC83B40 process 5 --- waiting $80000100 32,320 CON $6F62F970 process 0 --- waiting $80000000 32,496 ConClip $6FF71840 task 5 --- waiting $F0000000 32,624 console.device $6F73F030 process 0 --- waiting $00001100 32,592 datatypes.library $6F005B10 process 0 --- waiting $80009000 32,256 DefIcons $6FDB7010 process 10 --- waiting $A8000100 7,984 DH0 $6FDB7310 process 10 --- waiting $A8000100 7,984 DH1 $6FDB7490 process 10 --- waiting $A8000100 7,984 DH2 $6FDB7610 process 10 --- waiting $A8000100 7,984 DH3 $6FF96900 process 5 --- wait dos $00000100 8,000 dos_flc_handler $6FF96A80 process 5 --- wait dos $00000100 8,032 dos_nbmd_process $6FF96C00 process -5 --- waiting $0000E000 8,032 dos_signal_server $6FA26920 process 5 --- waiting $80000000 32,320 ENV $6F561680 process 12 --- waiting $E0001000 32,592 eth3com.device $6FDF4070 task 0 --- waiting $A0000000 32,592 hub.usbfd $6FDF40D0 task 0 --- waiting $A0000000 32,592 hub.usbfd $6EDDD4A0 process 0 --- waiting $33C09000 62,640 IBrowse $6FFAA360 task -128 --- ready $00000000 4,048 idle.task $6FF71240 task 20 --- waiting $80000000 32,624 input.device $6EDDD7A0 process 0 --- wait break C $00001000 63,884 muigfx.library $6FA26C20 process -5 --- waiting $80000000 32,256 Picasso96 $6FDB7A90 process 10 --- waiting $C0000100 7,408 RAM $6FA26020 process 0 --- waiting $80000000 32,608 ramlib $6FDB7790 process 5 --- waiting $80000100 7,744 RAW $6F005990 process 0 --- waiting $80001000 32,512 RAWBInfo $6FDB7D90 process 0 --- waiting $00007000 32,496 reaper.task $6F561800 process 4 --- waiting $C0000000 32,588 RexxMaster $6DC839C0 process 1 --- running $00000020 29,568 Scout.os4 $6EFDF6D0 task 0 --- waiting $40000000 7,872 screenblanker.library timing dispatcher $6EFC2220 process 0 --- waiting $E0001000 32,016 ScreenBlankerEngine $6EFC2820 process 1 --- waiting $40000000 32,304 string.gadget server $6F561080 process 0 --- waiting $F8003000 32,336 TCP/IP Configuration $6F561380 process 0 --- waiting $F8009080 32,288 TCP/IP Control $6F62F370 process 0 --- waiting $80003000 32,592 TCP/IP Log $6F561200 process 0 2 waiting $D0000080 31,296 TCP/IP Superserver $6F62F1F0 process 3 --- waiting $80000000 32,496 TEXTCLIP $6FF71EA0 task 15 --- waiting $BC001000 32,560 UHCI Controller Task Unit 0 $6FF71F60 task 15 --- waiting $BC001000 32,560 UHCI Controller Task Unit 1 $6FF71E40 task 18 --- waiting $F8007000 16,208 USB stack $6F63CDE0 process 0 --- waiting $80001000 32,592 USB stack Process $6F66E1D0 process 1 3 waiting $80000000 32,368 Workbench $6FA26320 process 1 --- waiting $80000000 32,576 Workbench Clipboard Server $6F005690 process 1 --- waiting $00003000 32,640 Workbench DosList Notify $6FA26AA0 process 0 --- waiting $0000F000 30,096 ? IPrefs ?
i also looked at devices and resident from scout. The lsi53c8xx can only be found in resident.
I hope this helps