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Re: Amiga 1200 AGA demo help needed !
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Read the xdms.txt file. That should tell you what you need to know.

If you are familiar with adf then use xdms to extract the dms file to an adf file.

From xdms.txt file:


xdms u foo.dms

This will unpack the file foo.dms in the current directory and save it as
foo.adf, also in the current directory.

so based on that open a shell and type in:

xdms u AGA-pos-Eng.dms

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Amiwest 2009 IRC
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I thought this was important. Please save this info.

[13:06] <@sundown> IF AW goes down this weekend & takes the channel with it, #6 wants to use irc.superhosts.net (6667), #team*amiga for show messages

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SGI 80-core Personal Supercomputer packs a punch on the cheap
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Not exactly pocket change cheap but I still thought this was interesting.


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Re: The Mikey_C Webcast! Thursday, August 13th 19:00BST (GMT+1)
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Is there an address for this web cast?

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CGI Artist Tobias Richter Joins the Phase II Team
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I thought this was interesting.
Read about it here:

Direct link to article:

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Re: OS4 ARM port?
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ex-LSD wrote:

Is there a behind closed doors attempt to port OS4 to ARM?

I doubt we would be able to know if there was.

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Re: deskop replica
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Antique wrote:

I usually dl to ram. But would be easy just clickin the lah file on wb istead of opening the ram disk. And you can just remove the files when you're finished with them.

I don't know if you can access Amiga Workbench as you would a directory. But I also don't know if you would want to.

Are you familiar with the "leave out" option for icons?

Create a download directory with icon somewhere on your hard drive such as Main/download. Then use the icons "leave out" option to place a copy of the download icon on the workbench. This gives you quick access to your download directory and keeps your files contained. Have you ever opened an archive to have all the files in the archive created in the same directory you are working in? That could seriously mess up your workbench.

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Fun Weather
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The snowflakes coming down were huge - potato chip size.

Click a picture to get a larger version.

This picture taken at 10:30 AM:
Resized Image

This picture taken at 4:30 PM the same day:
Resized Image

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Re: Ram for AmigaOne XE
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I was looking at the MemoryTen page and was happy to see the listing for the AmigaOneXE. But they list the XE chipset as being intel.

Machine name: AmigaOne XE
CPU options: AmigaOne XE
Chipset: Mobile Intel 915GM
Front Side Bus options:
Memory Speed options: Supports PC-133 Reg. ECC Memory
Special notes: Support upto 2GB with 2 memory Slot

Is this a typo or is there an intel memory controller?

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Re: Special review of the Colmar show
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Thanks Elwood. That was a good injection of optimism.

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SATA NCQ need a hardware gurus advice
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I am not expecting a dealer to be up on SATA NCQ so I am asking in a more open forum.

While reading up on SATA I ran accross this bit of info:
"Soon after SATA/150's introduction a number of shortcomings were observed. At the application level SATA could only handle one pending transaction at a time like PATA. The SCSI interface has long been able to accept multiple outstanding requests and service them in the order which minimizes response time. This feature, Native Command Queuing (NCQ), was adopted as an optional supported feature for SATA 1.5 Gbit/s and SATA 3.0 Gbit/s devices." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_ATA#SATA_3.0_Gbit.2Fs

I am now thinking of getting a SATA card for my A1.
/me remembers the days of SCSI...

I can buy SATA drives that support NCQ or save money and buy SATA drives that do not. (At least that is how it looks)

The reading I have done leads me to believe that a sata driver does not have to support Advanced Host Controller Interface which allows advanced features of SATA such as hot plug and Native Command Queuing.

What I need help with is knowing how much support there is for SATA on the A1.


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Re: Another Open Source web browser to port :-)
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Have you guys read about the EULA?

http://gizmodo.com/5044871/google-chr ... from-blog-posts-to-emails

11.1 You retain copyright and any other rights you already hold in Content which you submit, post or display on or through, the Services. By submitting, posting or displaying the content you give Google a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute any Content which you submit, post or display on or through, the Services. This license is for the sole purpose of enabling Google to display, distribute and promote the Services and may be revoked for certain Services as defined in the Additional Terms of those Services.

That is being changed but what a load of bull.

http://gizmodo.com/5045050/google-upd ... me-eula-to-be-less-creepy

Google has responded with haste to the huge outcry about a section in Chrome's EULA that gives Google "a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license" to do all kinds of dirty stuff?in public no less?to content you post through Chrome. Rebecca Ward, Senior Product Counsel for Google Chrome, told Ars that it's actually an oopsie from basically copying and pasting the same EULA it uses in other products, and that they're updating it as fast as they can to remove the ridiculous terms.

She says that Google is

"working quickly to remove language from Section 11 of the current Google Chrome terms of service. This change will apply retroactively to all users who have downloaded Google Chrome."

I hope this realy was just an oopsie and not a sign of worse things to come.

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Re: Jokes! and More Jokes! :-) (Adult Humour)
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Mikey_C wrote:
I haven't posted any good jokes in ages
And still you insist on trying?


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Re: Your Attention Please! Your Attention Please!
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We're getting paid for OS 4 work.

Thats good to hear. LOL
With latest news that I have I wasn't sure.

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Re: Latest News on Live 'C' Programming event in UK (for Complete Beginners)
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I live near Seattle, Wa and would love to attend something like this. If there is a way to cast this thing that would be great. Barring that, if it were recorded in some fashion that would also be nice.

Several months ago I found a tutorial with example code for creating a GUI on the Amiga. I could not get it to work on my A1 compiling with GCC. bummer.

I would be willing to pay for a course that taught how to create a calculator like the one that comes with AmigaOS.
This would be for OS4 using Reaction.

(Now that I think of it I don't recall what the calculator looks like in OS4. I like the history window in the earlier versions.)

I will accept free tickets to the UK for anyone with more money than they know what to do with.

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Re: Epistula Site Not Found
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The concept of "soon" may vary from person to person.
Since this is an Amiga station let's say two weeks.

Edited by goody on 2008/4/20 12:25:21
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Re: Got many blu rays?
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Antique wrote:
Just curious about how many got blu ray movies? Since it will be the new movie standard

With the current price of hardware I wont be looking at blueray anytime soon. I havn't priced movies yet.

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Re: Hyperion's AOS4.x in a 3.0 GHz Desktop, How Much Money is Needed?
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Atheist wrote:
This is what the specs would be:

1 GB ram
>3 GHz CPU
a current GPU w 256 Megs
250 Gig HD
Price: $1,100
monitor of your choice, extra

It would take only 4 to 6 months to be available.

Production run, 3,000.

I know the answer to that question, and you will be shocked at how little it is.

I don't mean to come across as a jerk - but whats the point?
Without the OK from Amiga inc this will never happen. And then there is the OS4 side of the picture as well.

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Re: Merry Christmas/Season Greetings All.
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Just popping in

Wow, the optimism in this thread is great. Good to see.
Merry Christmas everyone.

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Re: cranu
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Amigo1 wrote:

I copied sdk:c/tar and gzip to C: now cranu works...

thanx a lot!

It's great to see a happy ending.

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