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Re: New MicroA1 owner asking questions
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Ok, I'll try it. Problem is that I already separately tried the uae version which comes with RunInUAE and it gives me similar fatal ISI crashes like the other versions I have tried (these include the EasyUAE version kas1e suggested)

I never encountered this kind of problems when running E-UAE on A1 XE. Maybe it is some other problem (even HW related) than actual E-UAE which causes the instability and ISI crashes. Sadly, it only seems to have a effect on E-UAE (no other programs have stability problems).

So I am now looking for suggestions for those other instability reasons - and of course possible remedies. All help is greatly appreciated. Things that come into my mind are:

Low graphics mem (running E-UAE from 16-bit WB)?
Wrong resolutions/screen depths?
Conflicting applications?
Faulty memory?
Memory leaks?

"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
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Re: New MicroA1 owner asking questions
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Can anyone please help me with the instability of EUAE when running on MicroA1? So far I have tried following EUAE versions:

SDL version from OS4Depot
version which comes with RunInUAE package
E-UAE 0.8.29-WIP3 SDL (this was the version I used without problems in A1 XE)

All of these crash at some point of the game (for example, WormsDC) with ISI error. The whole machine crashes, not just the emulation), forcing a reboot.

OS4 is the same version I used in XE (the A1 XE boot partition was copied to the uA1 boot disk). So all the system files (including SDL files) are same as in XE.

Can file system (SFS) cause instability ?n EUAE (old one used FFS)?

"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
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Re: New MicroA1 owner asking questions
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I have now tried the recommended EUAE versions but none of them seem stable enough. Even the one I used in old machine crashes with ISI error. Any ideas how to debug what could cause the instability?

"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
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Re: New MicroA1 owner asking questions
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Ok, sound is working now. Many thanks for your assistance

Thanks to you guys I am starting to run out of questions but here's a few more:

Any ideas how to salvage data from those unreadable partitions of the A1-XE boot disk?

Which version of EUAE do people use with uA1 and OS4.1? I copied the one I used under A1-XE but it crashed (ISI) all the time.

USBCtrl appears to be malfunctioning in my setup as I get this error:

4.OS4:> usbctrl start
Error: USBCtrl only works with USB Stack v52.11

Version seems to be right

4.OS4:> version usb
USB 52.11

Any ideas what's wrong?

"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
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Re: New MicroA1 owner asking questions
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Many thanks for all the kind answers. The machine is up and running. I managed to connect the old A1 hard disks into MicroA1 and most of the partitions on them where ok. Couple partitions were marked "unreadable", I am not completely sure why (MediaToolBox seems to recognize them ok). Is it possible to repair them without losing data they currently contain?

So graphics card upgrade is not a option - I used to have R7000 in my AmigaOne XE when I bought it so I should be able to cope with its limitations.

How do you connect the sound in MicroA1? There seems to be three connectors for sound in the backplate and header for front audio connector (which the tower housing uA1 does not have). What kind of cables do I need? Does OS4.1 support 5.1 sound?

"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
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New MicroA1 owner asking questions
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After my AmigaOne XE was hit by a lightning and apparently died (investigations are ongoing but it does not look good) I was desperate to get my Amiga "fix" and also looking way to salvage the data from A1-XE hard drives. So I bought a secondhand MicroA1. Yes, I could have bought a SAM motherboard but ended up buying a full system with less money. Plus, I got it quickly (before the withdrawal symptoms managed to fully kick in)

So, now I have this "new" machine and some questions - some might be stupid but please bear with me. I did some searching but could not find answers to following items:

1) What can be connected to the PCI slot (and supported by OS4, of course)? Better graphics card would be nice, but I am also thinking other possibilities like SII0680, Catweasel, TV cards etc.

2) Are there any HW features/restrictions limiting the usage? I assume the ArticiaS/USB/DMA issues are no longer present in uA1, is this correct?

3) Does the onboard IDE support PATA/SATA drives?

4) Are there any limitations posed by the uA1 hardware I should be aware of?

5) Should I be able to connect the old A1 hard drives (assuming they still work) to the Micro and use (even boot) from those?

6) What is the latest UBoot MicroA1 can use?

"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
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MPlayer and corrupted video
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Apologies if this problem has been discussed before, but I could not find any threads concerning it.

Any ideas why playing some of the short movies (wmv, mpg, flv, avi) with latest MPlayer result in corrupted video? The audio is working, and the clip runs and ends without problems, but the video is messed up.

I am using MPlayer in AmigaOne XE-G4 under OS4.1.

"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
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Re: OWB 3.27
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First I just unpacked the OWB 3.27 archive and started the browser by double-clicking the OWBLauncher icon. This has worked before, but now it resulted in a GR.

I took your advice and just copied the new OWB exe and icudata.owb to the OWB 3.25 directory, and now the OWB starts without problems.

It still does not work with the site I mentioned in my previous email, though.


I can provide a crashlog if somebody needs it.

"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
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Re: OWB 3.27
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OWB3.27 does not work here - I get a non-recoverable Grim Reaper when it is loading on my machine (AmigaOne XE-G4, OS4.1). Any ideas what might be wrong?

OWB3.25 works very well, though I still cannot connect to my Internet mail site


"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
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Re: OWB 3.21
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Ok, thanks for the info. DO we need to do something (like reopen the bug item)?

AW, OWB V3.21 seems to work very well otherwise - many thanks to Joerg for this new version!

"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
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Re: OWB 3.21
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It seems OWB V3.21 has problems with this site:


OWB V3.19 displays the page just fine, the new OWB gives an error:

"Number of redirects hit maximum amount"

Any ideas what's causing this?

"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
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Re: OWB 3.17
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Hmmm...you are right. Apparently it was not copied to the installation library when I unpacked the lha file in DOpus and copied the files over the 3.15 installation files

Got it now, thanks for your help

I have another question - any idea why 3.17 seems to load pages considerably slower than 3.15? For example, this site

Newspaper Kaleva

is loaded in 12 seconds with OWB 3.15 while OWB 3.17 takes 25 seconds to finish loading it. Even the default starting page ('about:') takes about 10 seconds to load with OWB 3.17 (in OWB 3.15 it is loaded in few seconds)

Edited by GrumpyOldMan on 2009/10/29 18:10:02
"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
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Re: OWB 3.17
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I missed the OWB 3.16 and it seems the updated curl-ca-bundle.crt it has is missing from OWB 3.17 - anyone knows where I can download the updated file?

"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
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Re: Scummvm expirience on os4.1 (7guest, full throttle, s&m)
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Raziel wrote:



It's running flawlessly here...

I remember that SDL thread crashes, but iirc they were gone with installing OS4.1.

Be sure to have all the updates installed and if this don't help, reinstall your OS and try again.

Is it a special occasion in the game where it crashes? Can you send me the save state or does it crash randomly?

If possible, I'd like to skip the 'reinstall OS' routine. Rest of the system behaves without any problems. I have OS4.1 and the three AmigaOne quickfixes installed.

Is it possibly some .so file behaving badly? Any special one I should check out?

No problem.

Check libstdc++ (thats the one that likes to crash my .so based exes) but there is unfortunately no indicator telling which crashed


Crashes happen in random situations - when I try to use some object, enter a room etc.

I have a save game file which crashes the game almost instantly - where do you want me to sent it? It seems PM here at amigans.net does not allow attachments.

Send it ot my private mail address, look at my account, it should be there, otherwise look at os4depot.net?s ScummVM entry, i?m listed as the porter


I can also sent the crash log to OS4Depot's crash log area if you like.

Do so aswell, please. Its always good to have the logs in a central place to review and such


Edit: I also get GR for "ScummVM":

Crash log for task "scummvm"
Generated by GrimReaper 52.7
Crash occured in module kernel at address 0x0141B334
Type of crash: unknown exception

Both crash logs are now uploaded to crashlog.os4depot.net .

Thats most surely the crash i also get when starting ScummVM while OWB is running...it seems libstdc++.so is crashing and taking the system (or at least part of it) with it

EDIT: One more thing, try to reinstall the game files, most of the questionable bahaviour in ScummVM (yes, even crashes) goes back to corrupted data files

EDIT2: Yes, the ScummVM crash is the same i get when OWB is open, seems to be a problem with the .so files, as is the DIG crash (at least it looks like) ... not that i could do anything about it.
The only thing you could try is to start ScummVM without any other programs open and try again...

Allthought the file sizes were exactly the same, I reinstalled the DIG files from the CD and now the crashes are gone. So it seems something went wrong when I copied the files first time.

I am happy the game works now but a bit worried about the reasons which caused the problem in first place. Was the file corrupted during copy or is my hard disk developing a fault?

Anyway, many thanks for your help!

"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
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Re: Scummvm expirience on os4.1 (7guest, full throttle, s&m)
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Just popping in



Raziel wrote:

It's running flawlessly here...

I remember that SDL thread crashes, but iirc they were gone with installing OS4.1.

Be sure to have all the updates installed and if this don't help, reinstall your OS and try again.

Is it a special occasion in the game where it crashes? Can you send me the save state or does it crash randomly?

If possible, I'd like to skip the 'reinstall OS' routine. Rest of the system behaves without any problems. I have OS4.1 and the three AmigaOne quickfixes installed.

Is it possibly some .so file behaving badly? Any special one I should check out?

Crashes happen in random situations - when I try to use some object, enter a room etc.

I have a save game file which crashes the game almost instantly - where do you want me to sent it? It seems PM here at amigans.net does not allow attachments.

I can also sent the crash log to OS4Depot's crash log area if you like.

Edit: I also get GR for "ScummVM":

Crash log for task "scummvm"
Generated by GrimReaper 52.7
Crash occured in module kernel at address 0x0141B334
Type of crash: unknown exception

Both crash logs are now uploaded to crashlog.os4depot.net .

Edited by GrumpyOldMan on 2009/6/21 23:15:17
"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
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Re: Scummvm expirience on os4.1 (7guest, full throttle, s&m)
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I've been playing DIG with latest ScummVM (0.13.1) and I get constant crashes during play.

Sometimes during play a debug console opens. If I type 'exit' in the console the game freezes.

On OS4 side I get following error:

_outputSize: 8406!
SDL_BlitSurface failed: Surfaces must not be locked during blit!

Sometimes the game crashes with GR:

Crash log for task "SDL thread 0x6a2dce30"
Generated by GrimReaper 52.7
Crash occured in module scummvm at address 0x7F09628C
Type of crash: DSI (Data Storage Interrupt) exception

Any ideas what could cause these?

I have the full crash log if somebody needs it.

"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
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HP ScanJet plays Queen
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Nice use of old hardware

Youtube video

"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
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New E-UAE in OS4Depot?
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Just noticed that E-UAE has been uploaded to OS4Depot - is this a new version of the emulator? The description mentions E-UAE 0.8.29-WIP4 which has been available on evilrich's E-UAE page for over a year - this is quite confusing

If it is a new version, what is different to WIP4? Is for example the problem with WHDLoad (cannot save games with certain slaves) fixed?

"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
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Re: USB Printer on OS4?
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Hans wrote:

To my surprise, Epson have GPL'd drivers for Linux which can be downloaded here. The RX 640 appears to have the same init string as the CX8400 that I used to have, and uses the ESC/P-R language.

The code looks pretty clean, and I spied a function to convert a JPEG or Raster image to ESC/P-R output, so it may well be possible for someone with knowledge of the Amiga printer driver structure to make a driver by adapting this code. What I particularly like is that the ESC/P-R code has been separated into a lib, and is thus decoupled from all the CUPS/Linux specific stuff. However, that person would have to have one of these printers and time to do it, so that's not me.


Should somebody decide to take on this noble task I hereby volunteer for a betatester job with my RX 640

"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
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Re: USB Printer on OS4?
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ZeroG wrote:

Remove the c/ in front of Installer and try again.

Thanks for the tip - the install now works ok. Also, the initcode compiled by Varthall now executes without problem and yes, I can actually get the RX640 to print text now!

Many thanks to Hans for the initcode, Varthall for the binary and the rest of you for the advice and support. You have made this grumpy old man much less grumpy now!

"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
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