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Re: BSzili port requests
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Is Heart of the Alien doable?

Talos BlackBird (awaiting a Miggy like OS)
Amiga 4000 OS3.9 / Pegasos II OS4.1 FE
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Re: BSzili port requests
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Just popping in

Talos BlackBird (awaiting a Miggy like OS)
Amiga 4000 OS3.9 / Pegasos II OS4.1 FE
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Re: Timberwolf news
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Just popping in

Thank you for the update.

Talos BlackBird (awaiting a Miggy like OS)
Amiga 4000 OS3.9 / Pegasos II OS4.1 FE
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Re: Pagestream5-Pro Under OS4.1 Upd4
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Just popping in

I launch it from its icon and it works fine. I thought the 68k versions were included with the PPC version?

Talos BlackBird (awaiting a Miggy like OS)
Amiga 4000 OS3.9 / Pegasos II OS4.1 FE
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Re: Pagestream5-Pro Under OS4.1 Upd4
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Just popping in


Try also as I think you will find that it works well under 4.1 update 4.

Talos BlackBird (awaiting a Miggy like OS)
Amiga 4000 OS3.9 / Pegasos II OS4.1 FE
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Re: Help, my sam is dying...!?
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Just popping in

Did you try reseating the video card?

Talos BlackBird (awaiting a Miggy like OS)
Amiga 4000 OS3.9 / Pegasos II OS4.1 FE
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Re: Getting Napalm to run on AmigaOS 4.1.2?
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Are there any more updates to your patch planned to fix the enemy AI timing and or sound issues?

Talos BlackBird (awaiting a Miggy like OS)
Amiga 4000 OS3.9 / Pegasos II OS4.1 FE
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Re: Getting Napalm to run on AmigaOS 4.1.2?
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You need to change audio.directpaula in napalm.prefs to audio.ahi

I have the same problemas busytech and my audio.directpaula has already been changed to audio.ahi.

Talos BlackBird (awaiting a Miggy like OS)
Amiga 4000 OS3.9 / Pegasos II OS4.1 FE
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Re: Getting Napalm to run on AmigaOS 4.1.2?
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Just popping in


Thanks for doing this. I bought this game way back when in anticipation of my shiney new boXer. We all know that never materialized. I was never able to get it to run on my 4000 so it has gathered dust for years, until now.

Talos BlackBird (awaiting a Miggy like OS)
Amiga 4000 OS3.9 / Pegasos II OS4.1 FE
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Re: vacuum news for os4
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Just popping in

Is BTG a possibility?


Talos BlackBird (awaiting a Miggy like OS)
Amiga 4000 OS3.9 / Pegasos II OS4.1 FE
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Re: Time preferences
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Just popping in


Yes, just add the line "Date SERVER PREFS" to your User-Startup,. With out the quotes. Here is what mine looks like.

;BEGIN Time Correction
;END Time Correction

Talos BlackBird (awaiting a Miggy like OS)
Amiga 4000 OS3.9 / Pegasos II OS4.1 FE
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Re: Time preferences
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Just popping in


"Date SERVER PREFS" works awesome. Thanks for this tip.

Talos BlackBird (awaiting a Miggy like OS)
Amiga 4000 OS3.9 / Pegasos II OS4.1 FE
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Re: Getting Napalm to run on AmigaOS 4.1.2?
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Just popping in

This is awsome news.

Talos BlackBird (awaiting a Miggy like OS)
Amiga 4000 OS3.9 / Pegasos II OS4.1 FE
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Re: Getting Napalm to run on AmigaOS 4.1.2?
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Just popping in


What steps did you take to get that far?

Talos BlackBird (awaiting a Miggy like OS)
Amiga 4000 OS3.9 / Pegasos II OS4.1 FE
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Re: problems with new AmiUpdate
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Just popping in


I have ver. 2.7 on my Peg2 and all is fine. It works as it should with no lock-up.

Talos BlackBird (awaiting a Miggy like OS)
Amiga 4000 OS3.9 / Pegasos II OS4.1 FE
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Re: ragemem benchmark results thread !
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Just popping in


Nice RAM speed you have there.

Talos BlackBird (awaiting a Miggy like OS)
Amiga 4000 OS3.9 / Pegasos II OS4.1 FE
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Re: ragemem benchmark results thread !
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Just popping in

RAGEMEM v0.34 - compiled 11/02/2010

CPU: Motorola MPC 7447/7457 Apollo 1.1 @ 999 Mhz
Caches Sizes: L1: 32 KB - L2: 512 KB - L3: none

---> L1 <---
READ: 7616 MB/Sec
WRITE: 2541 MB/Sec

---> L2 <---
READ: 2235 MB/Sec
WRITE: 1946 MB/Sec

---> RAM <---
READ: 133 MB/Sec
WRITE: 431 MB/Sec
WRITE: 811 MB/Sec (Tricky)

---> VIDEO BUS <---
READ: 56 MB/Sec
WRITE: 184 MB/Sec

Talos BlackBird (awaiting a Miggy like OS)
Amiga 4000 OS3.9 / Pegasos II OS4.1 FE
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Re: Clipdown - can't watch/download videos from YouTube
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Just popping in


Do you have getvideo 0.27?

Talos BlackBird (awaiting a Miggy like OS)
Amiga 4000 OS3.9 / Pegasos II OS4.1 FE
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Re: midi music with ultima 7 (exult)?
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Just popping in


It's been a long time since I set it up. Do you have the .ogg files inside Data/Music?

If not download these . . .



Create a music directory in exult/data (i.e. exult/data/music/) and extract the two ZIP files U7MusicOGG_1of2.zip and U7MusicOGG_2of2.zip into this directory.
Start the game and select "DigitalMusic" from the "SETUP/Midi Convert" option and restart the game.

Talos BlackBird (awaiting a Miggy like OS)
Amiga 4000 OS3.9 / Pegasos II OS4.1 FE
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Re: Imediate GR here when attempting to run Timberwolf
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Just popping in


OK compared the two and guess what? They were different. As a matter of fact I found many SObjs that were older than what should have been installed by Update 2, so I reinstalled Update 2. I am happy to say that this post is brought to you by Timberwolf.

Thank you for your quick response. Thanks to all of you who made this Amiga version possible. Great job for an Alpha.

Talos BlackBird (awaiting a Miggy like OS)
Amiga 4000 OS3.9 / Pegasos II OS4.1 FE
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