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Amigans IRC Channel
Posted by orgin on 2013/10/17 15:32:25 (47974 reads)

To get in contact with fellow amigans in a live chat you can connect to the amigaworld.net IRC network.

Server: irc.amigans.net
Channel: #amigans

To connect to the irc server you can download the excellent Wookiechat IRC Client.

You can use a browser based client by clicking the "IRC Window" link in the top menu under the site banner

Some channels of interest:

#Amigans - Our own official channel

#Amigadev - An english channel for Amiga developers. Run by the UtilityBase web site.

#safir - An amiga channel for swedish amiga users. Run by the Safir web site.

Once joined you may want to change your nick name using this command:

/nick yournick

(Just type the command into the text input field of the irc client)

  2   Article ID : 11
IRC night on #amigans channel
Posted by Mikey_C on 2013/9/24 19:04:59 (2015 reads)

Before Facebook, Before Google + Or Twitter, there was IRC (Internet Relay Chat)

IRC (to quote a joke) is multiplayer notepad, with an IRC client such as Wookiechat or Amirc (on the amiga platform) you selecet a network of IRC Servers (In this case irc.amigaworld.net) and for the purpose of tonight join the Amigans.net IRC Channel #amigans (this is before twitter stole the hash tag)

Anyhow before the days of social media, the IRC scene was buzzin with people chatting to each other (via private chat rooms) or on a main channel, taking part in either discussions or (as is human nature) flame wars.

IRC night is a chance to re-live the days when IRC was king and before social media took over(newbies welcome!)

Our IRC night is an infrequent thing, and its announced a week or so in advance. The IRC Service runs 24/7 and there are always people logged in, but IRC night gives us a chance to see the numbers swell to their hayday in Amiga land and gives us a chance to catch up with old friends.

Join us

But please note, no flame wars.

  0   Article ID : 34
Amigans staff members
Posted by orgin on 2011/3/31 7:17:02 (34743 reads)

orgin - Supreme Council
Rigo - Supreme Council

poweramiga - Amigans Defender
Mikey_C - Amigans Defender
SLayeRDK - Amigans Defender
ssolie - Amigans Defender
Chris - Amigans Defender
magic - Amigans Defender
afxgroup - Amigans Defender

klesterjr - Illusionist
Mason - Illusionist

walkero - Site builder

hnl_dk - Staff

  0   Article ID : 23
Featured Donations
Posted by orgin on 2008/8/3 20:35:25 (2680 reads)

History of featured donations:

December 2008
Resized Imageevilrich,
Resized Imageorgin,

November 2008
Resized Imageafxgroup, Andrea Palmat?. Thanks to his efforts we have an indispensable port of MPlayer, plus numerous libs, a plug in for DVPlayer, some games, cairo 2D gfx library as well as contributing to OWB.
Resized Imagehnl_dk, Henning Nielsen Lund. Rarely seen on Amigans.net nowadays. HNL is very much the programmers, programmer, having written ABC-Shell and a whole host of differing SDKs and programmers utilities.

October 2008
Resized ImageHans, Hans de Ruiter has contributed vastly to the Amiga OS4 effort, his most recent efforts include a RadeonHD Driver and MINI GL which for one man is a fantastic achievement. Please Donate to Hans if you can!
Resized ImageRogue/tfrieden, The Frieden Boys, Nuff Said. Go Donate.

September 2008
Resized ImageKen Lester Jr, A very talented man who, alongside Mason, has Given Amiga OS the visual identity we have come to recognise. Whether you need an icon for AmigaOS4, or UAE, or even for a web portal, Ken has been here for the community providing us with eye candy for absolutely nothing.
Resized ImageThe man behind, Unsatisfactory Software, which has brought us Wet Weather for the Amiga and other utilities, but now, much more important, he brings us NETSURF the new, lightweight, compact Web Browser for the Amiga.

August 2008
Resized ImageXeron is the equivelant of Rolls Royce, he doesn't churn out much that often, but when he does, its pure quality.
His pftp program and Hively tracker have received acclaim from many quarters. but unlike a Rolls Royce, it doesn't cost much, as a matter of fact it doesn't cost anything!
Resized ImageWhat can you say about Salass00? Well, if Spot up is China then Salass00 is close behind, shall we say, Taiwan?
Fredrik is the second most prolific author on OS4 Depot. Lets, put it this way, if Xeron is the rolls royce of the amiga scene, then Salass00 is to the man who supplies the tyres, the fuel, wipers, switches etc.
Without him and his myriad of Libraries and utilities, the Amiga would be so far back in terms of usage, you'd need a time machine to visit the 80's

July 2008
Resized ImageSpot Up is the amiga equivelant of "Made in China" the amount of ports this guy churns out for AmigaOS4 is almost on an industrial scale. He isn't human! Check out the number of uploads to OS4 Depot. Which includes Magazeux, Spot's Porting for Dummies Guide, MoleInvasion and many, many more.
Resized ImageSurely you've heard of him by now??? No? what planet are you on? Thanks to Jahc we have, Wookiechat, SabreMSN, Rockbeat, SimplePlay and alas; the FartButton! Please donate what you can, but mind the photo on the front page, its not for the faint hearted!

June 2008
Resized Image
Edgar Schwan (CygnusEd)
Works include:
Cygnix X11 Port, FontForge, OWB Libraries and more! Over 40 bits of software on OS4 Depot and counting!
Very much a developer at the forefront of AmigaOS4 development.

Resized ImageJoerg Strohmayer
Again, needs very little introduction, responsible for OWB a free, fully featured AmigaOS4 Web browser with full CSS capability etc. plus, SFS, AmiDVD, CPU TempDocky and many more too!

  0   Article ID : 26
Radio Amigans
Posted by orgin on 2007/6/27 23:05:09 (10280 reads)

What you need to get started.

On an Amiga.

Either Tune Net or AmigaAMP
via the streaming options on both (which differ) enter the URL http://www.amigans.net:8000

If there is a webcast occuring Audio will be heard upon connection. Note that broadband is highly recommended.

On a Windows PC

There are a plethora of streaming client software for the PC.
Use your software of choice (We recommend Winamp)

again, just enter the url: http://www.amigans.net:8000 and if

If there is a webcast occuring Audio will be heard upon connection. Note that broadband is highly recommended.

Some helpful info:

If you have your mime type set up to look for .pls then use the following url.


Amplifier can be used also for the streams.

  0   Article ID : 13
The Terms Of Service
Posted by orgin on 2007/6/27 23:00:45 (25054 reads)

This is the Terms of Service, also known as the TOS.

1. This board is private property to which its guests contribute to make an informative, friendly and helpful resource.

2. The owners of the board, and its appointees have the final say in what is or is not appropriate on the board and whom they wish to permit to use the resources and whom they wish to deny.

3. When guests posts to this board they must do so in line with the letter and the spirit of the Terms of Service. Any perceived or actual breach of this Terms of Service can and will be met with moderation and/or account termination.

4. Guest contributions to this board are subject to editing and moderation. By contributing to the board you are granting a de-facto and de-jure right to the owners ( defined in clause (2) ) to moderate and edit the contribution as they deem appropriate. All edited and moderated items will be accompanied by a flag that identifies that the item was edited or moderated and when the edit took place unless the said item was removed.

5. Guests on this board are expected to be constructive, helpful, informative, honest, polite and above all to be nice and respect each other. Any breach of this attitude by any Guest will be moderated and punished under clause (2).

6. This board may not be used to libel, slander or otherwise defame ( see the record keeping statement (8) ), nor breach privacy rules and laws and nor may its content and that of its Guest provided content be copied or reproduced in any form without permission subject to the rules and laws of the owner host nation. Records will be kept of any breach or complaint, and the board will be liable to cooperate fully with any civil or criminal action. To protect the rights of the individual, the board will always err on the side of the complainant.

7. The common discussion theme of the board is covered by the Statement of Intent document. The board reserves the right to terminate discussions and accounts that either directly or surreptitiously, deviate from that theme, descend into advocacy or advertising for items outside of this support statement without notice. This includes, but is not limited to, discussions involving the unauthorized distribution or duplication of copyrighted material. Similarly, where the board perceives an item is relevant to a discussion thread, we may permit the occasional reference to a paradigm or concept or its implementation. The decision is ours.

8. The board will maintain a record of all interactions from a given connection with the site. This includes information on location, IP address, ISP, whether or not an anonymous/open proxy was used, any session or signature key, the time taken, the OS used ( where available ) and the action taken with its content (see note 9). Such information will be retained for the maximum legally permitted time under the host nation law and will be provided to the following parties, on application:

8.1 The legal authorities of the host nation, under the limitations provided by any relevant data protection law for Civil or Criminal issues.

8.2 The owners of the board, to monitor for abusers, those trying to circumvent a ban or set up multiple accounts without permission.

9. Private messages are just that, private. No record will be maintained of a private message other than for the recipient or the sender. Content of private messages is the only item which does not get recorded.

10. The owners of the board retain the right to ban entire IP address ranges, access from a specific country or through an anonymous or open proxy at any point or take any such measures as it needs in order to comply with publishing and editing law and in order to enforce its right to choose under clause (2) the users of this resource.

11. You are not allowed to submit any information, or links to information, which infringes any third party intellectual property, including but not limited to copyrights, trade secrets, or patents

  5   Article ID : 10
Statement of Intent
Posted by orgin on 2007/6/27 23:00:10 (25946 reads)

Amigans.net was created to provide a friendly Amiga website where users can share their daily amiga experiences and to discuss amiga related topics in a light friendly environment.

We want Amigans.net to be a place that inspires Amiga users to use their Amigas and to find the original fun of being Amigans. Whether that is development, games, music creation, creating graphics or applications. All creative things that once inspired us to follow this platform.

While 'Amiga' has become quite a broad term since the demise of Commodore this site focus on the following areas:

- Next generation
AmigaOS4, compatible software and related hardware

- Emulation
Emulation of 68k AmigaOS and 68k Amiga hardware

- Classic
68k AmigaOS, compatible software and hardware

Join Amigans.net and help us make Amiga fun again!

  4   Article ID : 9

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