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Poll Manual
Posted by orgin on 2007/6/27 23:02:22 (23877 reads)

This is how polls will work on Amigans.net.

How to create a poll:

1. Go to the forum section and select the "Polls" forum under "Other".

2. Click the "New poll" button.

3. Enter the fields for the forum thread and press "Submit".

4. The poll form will now show up. Enter the details for the poll and press submit.

5. The poll is now created.

How to comment on a poll:

Commenting in the polls forum is not possible, unless you are a staff member who has forgotten that you're not supposed to comment there. To comment on a poll do the following:

1. Click the "Polls" link in the Main Menu.

2. Click the "Results" link for the poll you want to comment on.

3. Click "Post comment".

How to view/vote in a poll:

Either use the "Polls" link in the Main Menu or go to the Forum section and select the "Polls" forum under "Other".

  0   Article ID : 12
How to Submit an Article to Amigans.net
Posted by Mikey_C on 2007/6/27 22:20:16 (28731 reads)

A simple walk through guide to publishing Articles on Amigans.net

Before you start. Some guidelines.

1: You can use either plain text or HTML if you wish for your article/review

2: Please refrain from linking to images outside this site, as inevitably, webpages disappear and images are lost, so please upload all images per article.

3: Always bear in mind that you should try and pitch your article to as wide a range of people as possible, so wherever possible avoid jargon (or if you must, explain it first)

Getting Started.

It is recommended that you pre-write and lay out your text first before pasting it in here, either via plain text or HTML.

if you decide on plain text, here are some Xoops layout commands that may be of some help.
Resized Image

To Start, click on the Submit Article, just below Archive which is just below the Articles main link on the left of this page.

You will be taken to a page very similar in look to a forum post submission form.
Paste your pre-written text or HTML code within the Article text area of the form.

Once you have checked that your text is as was intended (click preview) ENSURE you select one of the radio boxes within the section entitled "Major Change?"
(Minor should be your least level of change) - before clicking on the (POST) button at the bottom of the form. Otherwise no text will be updated!

Uploading images.
We will make no bones about this, uploading images via the articles section is a chore, as only ONE image may be uploaded at any one time.

Click on the (Browse File) button within the "Select file" section, navigate to where you have placed your image and once you have selected your image, hit the "Post" button (ensuring you have ticked at least the "Minor" radio button previously within the "Major Change?" section)

Your article should re-appear, click the edit button, but not before you have clicked on the image you have uploaded at the bottom of the text you have written. This is vital as you will need the URL to display the image within your paragraph (Ibrowse users note, that you will have to click on the image once, then, right click on the image, select "View seperately" to display the correct url for the image.

Once you have the correct url for the image, find the exact spot where you require your image to appear and using the img command (as described previously) add the url to your image within the img tags.

Tip: remember you can also, use img align=Right or Align=Left within the img tag.

For this task we would recommend you upload all your images first, and using multiple browser windows for grabbing urls to your various images, edit them into place within your main browser window containing your text.

Once you have finished, ensure you have selected the most appropiate category in your article.


  0   Article ID : 8

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