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Hardware News : Campaign for Radeon HD driver support
Posted by eXec on 2009/7/24 10:46:31 (2488 reads) News by the same author
Hardware News

The Amiga platform, in spite of its development, is still incompatible with many contemporary solutions. A good example is lack of a complete support for the up-to-date graphic cards, especially in the field of 3D acceleration (OpenGL) or the Color Management System (ICM). Hans de Ruiter is the one who has met the challenge to develop drivers for the latest AMD Radeon HD graphic cards. The project, which started last year, has already given the first results. It?s reasonable to support Hans de Ruiter?s work in order to reward him for his achievements and to encourage him in his further work.

That?s the reason why the eXec internet magazine has launched a campaign for Radeon HD driver support. The campaign is addressed to Amiga enthusiasts who are eager to accelerate the development of Amiga platform. Donations can be made by <a href="http://hdrlab.org.nz/radeonhd-donate">HDR donate button</a>. For a start, the eXec editorial staff is donating a purchase of a HIS Radeon 4350 PCI graphic card, which so far is the most modern solution of AMD for low-end market.

About Radeon HD driver:
The goal of this project, leaded by the Hans the Ruiter, is to create an Amiga OS graphic driver for R5xx (and following) GPUs. One of the motivations for Hans? work is to be able to use shaders, that are present in the modern GPUs. However, it is important to mention that full support of modern graphic cards need much work to be done. Hans initiative is an important step, that in future will allow to introduce many modern technologies, such as; UVD or shader.

About eXec magazine:
eXec is the oldest and the only internet magazine in Poland, that is exclusively oriented to the Amiga platform. It has started its activity in the year 2000, in a form of a newspaper (attached with CD). Now it is available only as websites: <a href="www.exec.pl</a>" title="http://translate.google.pl/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=pl&ie=UTF-8&u=www.exec.pl&sl=pl&tl=en">www.exec.pl</a>" rel="external">http://translate.google.pl/translate? ... >www.exec.pl</a> and <a href="http://translate.google.pl/translate?hl=pl&sl=pl&tl=en&u=http%3A%2 %2Fwww.amigaos.pl">www.amigaos.pl</a>. eXec stuff and readers are still looking for the new opportunities to support development of the latest versions of AmigaOS.

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Published: 2009/7/24 18:22  Updated: 2009/7/24 18:22
Home away from home
Joined: 11/26/2006
From: a dying planet
Comments: 5622
 Re: Campaign for Radeon HD driver support
Nice going

Alas, the RadeonHD 2400 is the highest end card which is useable (so far?) with the current hardware solutions due to the missing functionalyty of a PCIe capable slot.

The 4350 *is* a PCIe card and thus not useable

But maybe i?m missing the point?
Published: 2009/7/24 21:38  Updated: 2009/7/24 21:38
Just popping in
Joined: 04/01/2008
From: Wołomin, PL
Comments: 35
 Re: Campaign for Radeon HD driver support
New HIS Radeon 4350 is a PCI one - it is usable.
Published: 2009/7/24 22:53  Updated: 2009/7/24 22:53
Home away from home
Joined: 11/26/2006
From: a dying planet
Comments: 5622
 Re: Campaign for Radeon HD driver support
I see, cool
Published: 2009/7/24 22:55  Updated: 2009/7/24 22:55
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/24/2006
From: Sanremo
Comments: 1910
 Re: Campaign for Radeon HD driver support
Hope to see development for the actual gfx boards, they need improvments too

Btw i am happy for the news
Published: 2009/7/25 11:07  Updated: 2009/7/25 11:07
Just popping in
Joined: 02/01/2007
From: Bergamo, Italy
Comments: 122
 Re: Campaign for Radeon HD driver support
Did donate my bit to the project.
Shame that my HD 2400 PCI is not compatible with the Sam440ep (not flex) bios, but still what Hans is doing is of fundamental importance.
Keep it up!
Published: 2009/7/25 11:14  Updated: 2009/7/25 11:16
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Joined: 11/03/2008
From: South France
Comments: 765
 Re: Campaign for Radeon HD driver support
I Agree.

Sad that Hans is alone in this project because having 2 or 3 coders should definitively be a +

Courage Hans it's a great project :)
I will soonly acquire an HD2400 PCI for my SamFlex 800 :p

Published: 2009/7/28 20:38  Updated: 2009/7/29 2:37
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Joined: 03/11/2008
From: International
Comments: 19
 Re: Campaign for Radeon HD driver support
New HIS Radeon 4350 is a PCI one - it is usable.

this is very good for many reasons. I do believe the 4xxx ATI series are part of the new "programable" series. Meaning we can do whatever we wish to do with them.

I would like to see us jump past OpenGL to maybe OpenCL or our own "Amigia" format. A new Amiga graphics system that runs OpenCL within the framework.

Let's stop playing catch-up and create!

A good whitepaper is available on the Troika website.

http://troikang.com/news See GPGPU

Published: 2009/7/29 0:26  Updated: 2009/7/29 0:26
Home away from home
Joined: 01/26/2007
From: New Zealand
Comments: 2807
 Re: Campaign for Radeon HD driver support
I would like to see us jump past OpenGL to maybe OpenCL or our own format "Amigia" format that works within that framework. Let's stop playing catch-up and create!

IMHO, OpenGL 3.0 support is a higher priority. After that, OpenCL would be a good idea. I think that we should use standards wherever possible, unless those standards are poor. One step at a time though; 2D acceleration still needs to be completed.

Thank you to everyone who donated. It is much appreciated, and I'm pleased to see so much interest in this project.

Published: 2009/7/29 20:50  Updated: 2009/7/29 20:50
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/27/2006
From: UK
Comments: 296
 Re: Campaign for Radeon HD driver support
i was under the impression that MESA was the best way to get OpenGL compatibility, and that it was complient up to 2.1, but not 3.0, or would it be easier on devs to create a new implementation built around 3.0.
Published: 2009/7/29 23:41  Updated: 2009/7/29 23:41
Home away from home
Joined: 01/26/2007
From: New Zealand
Comments: 2807
 Re: Campaign for Radeon HD driver support

The MESA team should be working toward OpenGL 3.0 support right now.

Published: 2009/8/2 1:56  Updated: 2009/8/2 1:56
Just popping in
Joined: 11/28/2006
Comments: 69
 Re: Campaign for Radeon HD driver support
The MESA team should be working toward OpenGL 3.0 support right now.

are you on the MESA team or is this another group?
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