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Amiga Events : Amigift 2.0 have been finally released
Posted by Kicko on 2009/6/1 21:30:59 (2403 reads) News by the same author
Amiga Events

The AMIGIFT Project Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of AMIGIFT 2.0 (Final) Release.
What is AMIGIFT?
AMIGIFT is a peer-to-peer filesharing application which can connect to several networks at once by using plug-ins. Furthermore, it isn't another simple port but a 100% AmigaOS Native Application!

Thanks to its dynamically loadable system of plugins. AMIGIFT is not limited to the current known network plugins because new plugins can be easily created, it also includes a full-featured Graphical User Interface, made using MUI.

Yeah, it has happened... after a very long period of development, the Final 2.0 Version see the light, no more pre-releases! The list of changes since the previous public release are quite considerable, we encourage you to take the time to read through the ChangeLog if you're interested on using the program.

Most important changes to mention are the following:

1) The daemon no longer uses ixemul, we have now a totally native application!
2) Each of the libs and plug-ins are now compiled and loaded individually, rather than linked with the daemon executable.
3) GiFTMui (The MUI front-end) uses now MUI Custom Classes for everything.
4) LOTS of code have been either rewritten from scratch or optimized.
5) There's now a dopus-like file manager embed into GiFTMui.
6) ...and much, MUCH, more!

AMIGIFT 2.0 is designed on a portable fashion, hence you can test it quite easly, Here's a Quick-Start Guide:

1) Remove any signal of existance of any previous amigift version. ?
2) Download the main archive (AMIGIFT-2.0.lha)
3) Extract it somewhere, eg RAM:, and launch GiFTMui.
4) On this step, at your first run, you need to configure it, please read the documentation for further info on this.

For documentation, changelog, download etc please visit this link.


And please do READ the documentation on howto configure before saying it doesnt work etc
Dont forget to remove any older version and use this as a clean new install.

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Author Thread
Published: 2009/6/2 0:37  Updated: 2009/6/2 0:37
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/26/2006
Comments: 1492
 Re: Amigift 2.0 have been finally released
crashes for me during the initialization.. while the splashscreen shows.
Published: 2009/6/2 14:45  Updated: 2009/6/2 14:45
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/24/2006
From: Sanremo
Comments: 1910
 Re: Amigift 2.0 have been finally released
Have you installed the dependencies before launching the program ?
Published: 2009/6/2 18:36  Updated: 2009/6/2 18:36
Just can't stay away
Joined: 10/25/2007
From: Gothenburg / Sweden
Comments: 1175
 Re: Amigift 2.0 have been finally released

Have you read the docs on installation ?
Published: 2009/6/3 12:11  Updated: 2009/6/3 12:11
Just popping in
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Germany
Comments: 92
 Re: Amigift 2.0 have been finally released

running very nice here ;)
Thanks Diego and the rest of the Devs !

Published: 2009/6/6 15:23  Updated: 2009/6/6 15:23
Just popping in
Joined: 06/01/2009
Comments: 50
 Re: Amigift 2.0 have been finally released
An update fixing last reported issues is now available, check it out at:

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