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Amigans News : Amigans.net - Helping Amiga Developers.
Posted by Mikey_C on 2008/5/29 12:10:00 (3907 reads) News by the same author

Amigans.net announces a partnership with our members and the community of AmigaOS4 developers

"Time to support those who keep us moving forward"

Here's how it works:

Every month, Amigans.net will have a forum post asking our members to nominate two developers we should all donate to every month. We will then take your suggestions, discuss it internally, decide on the developers and then feature two Paypal Donate buttons below the main Amiga Future advert on the right, for one month.

Developers will be able to nominate themselves or opt out if they so wish. At the end of the month, we will then ask for new nominations and feature another 2 new donate buttons for the following month.

The only condition is that you must be an existing developer of programs/utilities/icons/porter etc which will enrich the AmigaOS4 experience, plus, of course a paypal donate account.

The first two developers will start this coming June.

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Author Thread
Published: 2008/5/29 13:57  Updated: 2008/5/29 13:57
Amigans Defender
Joined: 11/18/2006
From: Flinders NSW Australia
Comments: 772
 Re: Amigans.net - Helping Amiga Developers.
this is a great idea
Published: 2008/5/29 14:53  Updated: 2008/5/29 14:57
Amigans Defender
Joined: 11/19/2006
From: Cambridgeshire, UK.
Comments: 2147
 Re: Amigans.net - Helping Amiga Developers.

I'd be more interested to hear from the membership to see what they think, but even more so from Developers, is this idea welcome?

All comments welcome guys (& Gals)
Published: 2008/5/29 15:25  Updated: 2008/5/29 15:25
Quite a regular
Joined: 12/06/2006
Comments: 537
 Re: Amigans.net - Helping Amiga Developers.
good idea really.
btw is it only devs or are others like mason and ken entitled too? I think the icons are part of the system and deserve some donations too, don't they?
Published: 2008/5/29 15:31  Updated: 2008/5/29 15:31
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/26/2006
Comments: 1492
 Re: Amigans.net - Helping Amiga Developers.
Cool idea! Ken and Mason are developers too, they develop icons.
Published: 2008/5/29 15:49  Updated: 2008/5/29 15:49
Just popping in
Joined: 12/05/2006
Comments: 93
 Re: Amigans.net - Helping Amiga Developers.
"The only condition is that you must be an existing developer of programs/utilities/icons/porter etc which will enrich the AmigaOS4 experience."

Would this apply, for example, to OS3.x developers whose programs are recompiled by others for OS4.0?
Published: 2008/5/29 16:06  Updated: 2008/5/29 16:06
Amigans Defender
Joined: 11/19/2006
From: Cambridgeshire, UK.
Comments: 2147
 Re: Amigans.net - Helping Amiga Developers.
It would have to work on OS4 primarily. That is this site's main focus. If a developer then wishes to port back to OS3.x that's okay, but the idea is to promote development for OS4
- And yes, Icons count!
Published: 2008/5/29 18:03  Updated: 2008/5/29 18:03
Just can't stay away
Joined: 12/01/2006
From: Germany
Comments: 1957
 Re: Amigans.net - Helping Amiga Developers.
Additionally a page with all OS4 developers with paypal donation buttons would be nice, something like amifund.net but OS4-only and with a list of the OS4 software of each developer.
Published: 2008/5/29 18:25  Updated: 2008/5/29 18:25
Quite a regular
Joined: 11/27/2006
Comments: 535
 Re: Amigans.net - Helping Amiga Developers.
I think this is a very good idea....

... however it should be remembered that donations should be made for work that has already been done, not in expectation of future work.

In other words, don't think that if you donate some cash that a project will suddenly get more work on it. :)
Published: 2008/5/29 23:54  Updated: 2008/5/29 23:54
Quite a regular
Joined: 11/28/2006
From: Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Comments: 759
 Re: Amigans.net - Helping Amiga Developers.
This is an excellent idea.

Also, adding in what joerg said in post #7 is important.

List other SW that they have done (and AOS version), and briefly what it does. Not a bunch of features of the SW, but clearly what it does in 2 or 3 sentences.

That way, even if you're not interested in what they just ported, you could prod them into improving or porting over what other item they worked on before.

There needs to be a page made then, of all the people that have been on the donation list already (with their SW credentials (all programs they did, were working on) itemized there.)
Published: 2008/6/3 14:31  Updated: 2008/6/3 14:31
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/22/2006
From: P'Boro, UK... Could that be ?
Comments: 496
 Re: Amigans.net - Helping Amiga Developers.
Additionally a page with all OS4 developers with paypal donation buttons would be nice, something like amifund.net but OS4-only and with a list of the OS4 software of each developer

Would it not be possible to extract Developers Name and their Programs from OS4Depot Database ?

Published: 2008/6/4 22:48  Updated: 2008/6/4 22:48
Just can't stay away
Joined: 12/01/2006
From: Germany
Comments: 1957
 Re: Amigans.net - Helping Amiga Developers.

Would it not be possible to extract Developers Name and their Programs from OS4Depot Database ?
Even if all OS4 software would be on os4depot.net the name doesn't help at all if you want to know if a developer has a PayPal account or not, and if he has one which email address and currency he is using for it.
Published: 2008/6/5 16:23  Updated: 2008/6/5 16:23
Just popping in
Joined: 12/05/2006
Comments: 93
 Re: Amigans.net - Helping Amiga Developers.
Well, I code for the Amiga generally, not just for a specific architecture. My development platform is OS3.9. I release 680x0 binaries and sources, and I work closely with other developers who recompile for other architectures: OS4, MorphOS and AROS. This means that software such as AmiArcadia, Worm Wars, Handy and Koules is available for various of the Amiga architectures rather than just one of them. I could refuse to allow OS3.9/MorphOS/AROS versions of my software but I don't think that would be a good idea.
Published: 2008/6/5 19:01  Updated: 2008/6/5 19:01
Just can't stay away
Joined: 12/01/2006
From: Germany
Comments: 1957
 Re: Amigans.net - Helping Amiga Developers.

Well, I code for the Amiga generally, not just for a specific architecture. My development platform is OS3.9. I release 680x0 binaries and sources, and I work closely with other developers who recompile for other architectures: OS4, MorphOS and AROS. This means that software such as AmiArcadia, Worm Wars, Handy and Koules is available for various of the Amiga architectures rather than just one of them.
There may be a few exceptions where that works, but in general it's the worst thing you can do. Instead of creating the best solution for one of the systems you have to create limited versions for all of them by sticking to the AmigaOS 3.1 functions. If I would have done that for example the AmigaOS4 SFS would be as slow as the AmigaOS 3.x version and there would be no SFS/2 format with support for files >= 4 GB, the AmigaOS4 port of OWB would be even less usable than the AmigaOS 3.9/m68k build, AmiDVD wouldn't exist at all, etc.
Published: 2008/6/6 10:51  Updated: 2008/6/6 17:04
Just popping in
Joined: 12/05/2006
Comments: 93
 Re: Amigans.net - Helping Amiga Developers.
Actually I code for the OS3.9 API, not the OS3.1 one. OS4/MorphOS/AROS have pretty good support for the OS3.9 API by now.

AFAIK there are no OS4-only functions that would make any of my programs better, the programs are feature-complete as is. The reason they are recompiled for OS4 native is generally to increase the speed. If I targeted OS4 only I don't think I would change a line of code.

Bounties should at the very least be available for those doing OS4 ports.
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