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Software News : OWB 1.7
Posted by Jack on 2008/2/2 2:30:00 (2921 reads) News by the same author
Software News


New shared lib version of OWB:

1.6: No changes in the code, but it's now using shared libicu#? objects instead of statically linking the same 10 MB in each version again.

Download HERE

Edit (2 Feb. 2008): now 1.7

1.7 (31.1.2008)

- Implemented the font system for AmigaOS4.
Make sure outline fonts you installed yourself have the families set (in the Files tab in TypeManager).
- Reenabled GIF animations, with the much faster fonts they are no longer such a big problem, at least if there are only a few animations on a page.
- Updated to SVN revision 236.
- Added Andrea's ARexx port (hostname: OWB, commands: OPENURL "url", STOP, GOBACK, GOFORWARD).

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Author Thread
Published: 2008/1/27 8:45  Updated: 2008/1/27 8:45
Supreme Council
Joined: 11/16/2006
From: Sweden
Comments: 3294
 Re: OWB 1.6
Published: 2008/1/27 13:52  Updated: 2008/1/27 13:52
Supreme Council
Joined: 11/16/2006
From: Sweden
Comments: 3294
 Re: OWB 1.6
What's the difference between this and afxgroups OWB anyway?
Published: 2008/1/27 16:06  Updated: 2008/1/27 16:06
Home away from home
Joined: 11/26/2006
From: a dying planet
Comments: 5573
 Re: OWB 1.6

What's the difference between this and afxgroups OWB anyway?

I would like to know too?

I'm confused, as far as i get it:

1) afxgroups built the first version and keeps the
original up-to-date with patches to the source
2) joerg built another one with his own patches which
seems to make it work better (at all) on low spec systems

Why don't the two join forces?
Published: 2008/1/27 17:33  Updated: 2008/1/27 17:33
Quite a regular
Joined: 11/27/2006
From: Israel
Comments: 933
 Re: OWB 1.6
Joerg has a slower but more memory efficient allocation system, thus making it more suitable for <=256MB systems.
And dynamical linking is present in Joerg version only atm.
Both these are afaik.
I suppose that bug-fixes from both developers propgate both ways (at least that's my impression based on dissapearance of some of the bugs in both versions)

Published: 2008/1/27 20:44  Updated: 2008/1/27 20:44
Quite a regular
Joined: 11/17/2006
From: Peterborough. Big-Bash-Shire. England, Distro:Ubuntu & Os4
Comments: 789
 Re: OWB 1.6
I'd liked to have tried this out on my A1 but I'm confused as to what needs installing etc.
Published: 2008/1/28 0:51  Updated: 2008/2/3 0:09
Just can't stay away
Joined: 12/01/2006
From: Germany
Comments: 1944
 Re: OWB 1.6

I'd liked to have tried this out on my A1 but I'm confused as to what needs installing etc.
You have to download OWB.7z and libicu-3.4.7z from my homepage and from Richard Drummond's page the shared object SDL 1.2.11 archive.

To extract the 7-Zip (.7z) archives you can use the p7zip tool from my page ("7za x archive.7z", it doesn't support AmigaOS paths, you either have to use unix paths like /ram/OWB.7z or go to the directory in which the 7-Zip archive is) or install the XAD 7-Zip client and extract them with UnArc.

libSDL-1.2.so, libicuuc-3.4.so and libicudata-3.4.so have to be copied to SOBJS:, and from the OWB archive you have to copy the contents of the OWB/FONTS directory to FONTS: and the contents of OWB/S to S:.

[Changed the xad_7z link as the one currently on OS4Depot is slow - Chris]
Published: 2008/1/28 11:50  Updated: 2008/1/28 11:50
Amigans Defender
Joined: 11/18/2006
From: Flinders NSW Australia
Comments: 772
 Re: OWB 1.6
this is really looking good for a main stream browser runs great here and most sites work
Published: 2008/1/30 17:18  Updated: 2008/1/30 17:18
Supreme Council
Joined: 11/16/2006
From: Sweden
Comments: 3294
 Re: OWB 1.6
It's painfully slow though..
Published: 2008/2/1 17:40  Updated: 2008/2/1 17:40
Just can't stay away
Joined: 12/01/2006
From: Germany
Comments: 1944
 Re: OWB 1.6

It's painfully slow though..
Try version 1.7.

I've started porting OWB to AmigaOS4, in 1.7 it's using the OS4 font engine instead of libfontconfig and libfreetype. Especially if your FONTS:_TrueType directory is on a slow partition, for example a FFS one, it makes a big difference.
Published: 2008/2/1 19:49  Updated: 2008/2/3 4:00
Just popping in
Joined: 12/05/2006
Comments: 62
 Re: OWB 1.6
Whoah! It's much much faster now (1.7)!
Still hangs on some sites though (100% CPU, doing seemingly nothing), but all in all I'm impressed.
Published: 2008/2/3 3:58  Updated: 2008/2/3 3:58
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/22/2006
Comments: 415
 Re: OWB 1.7
http://wookiechat.amigarevolution.com/OWB_Toolbar1_0.lha -- Toolbar for OWB v1.7's ARexx port.. OPENURL, STOP, BACK, FORWARD..
Published: 2008/2/3 4:44  Updated: 2008/2/3 4:44
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/29/2006
Comments: 474
 Re: OWB 1.7
Thanks, jahc, for that that toolbar. I can see the ARexx port allowing for a lot of nice third-party UI possibilities if more commands are added.
Published: 2008/2/3 9:47  Updated: 2008/2/3 9:47
Just can't stay away
Joined: 12/01/2006
From: Germany
Comments: 1944
 Re: OWB 1.7
Since a lot of people seem to have problems with the fonts I've uploaded an archive with the .font and .otag files for the core fonts. Check the included readme on how to extract and install the TTF files.
Published: 2008/2/3 12:02  Updated: 2008/2/3 12:02
Quite a regular
Joined: 11/27/2006
From: Scarfskerry
Comments: 639
 Re: OWB 1.7
Looking good.

Any chance of getting rid of all references to Cygnix: and replacing them by progdir. It still comes up wanting to find a Cygnix: assign.
Published: 2008/2/3 12:44  Updated: 2008/2/3 12:44
Quite a regular
Joined: 11/24/2006
From: Long Riston, East Yorkshire.
Comments: 756
 Re: OWB 1.7

Since a lot of people seem to have problems with the fonts I've uploaded an archive with the .font and .otag files for the core fonts. Check the included readme on how to extract and install the TTF files.

That solved it for me.
Also cookies seem to be working now, I can log in to here and Amigaworld.net. I couldn't complete a post though, as I could select the preview button, but not the submit one.
Published: 2008/2/11 18:26  Updated: 2008/2/11 18:26
Just can't stay away
Joined: 12/01/2006
From: Germany
Comments: 1944
 Re: OWB 1.6

And a new OWB gui here:
Since I've never used any of the external OWB GUIs I don't know what features they have, but with OWB version 1.8 they shouldn't be required any more
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