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Publications : "Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: AmigaDOS" out now
Posted by AmigaPapst on 2024/12/15 10:10:49 (388 reads) News by the same author

Great news for Amiga fans and dedicated programmers: Thomas Richter's "Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: AmigaDOS" has been shipped from the printer earlier than planned and will be sent to all customers who pre-ordered it starting Tuesday, 17 December 2024.

The 400-page English-language reference book in US Letter format of the original reference manuals is the ultimate source of information for programmers who want to fully exploit the potential of the Amiga operating system. It covers the latest features of the AmigaDOS file system, the implementation of handlers, the productive use of the AmigaDOS shell and much more.

There are no plans to reprint the book, so if you order now you will get one of the last copies of the print edition. If you get your order in quickly, you should be able to have the book in time for Christmas.

Price: Euro 29.90 (plus shipping)

Contents of this book:

This volume provides a long missing addendum to the AMIGA ROM Kernel Reference Manual Series and adds a comprehensive description of the AmigaDOS system component. The AmigaDOS Reference Manual presents a detailed description of the central I/O and process subsystem of AmigaOS. This volume covers the latest version of Amiga's operating system. It includes:

- An introduction into elementary components of AmigaDOS such as files and locks
- AmigaDOS handlers and file systems, and how to interface them
- Pattern matching and recursive directory scanning
- A discussion of the AmigaDOS Process management
- A complete breakdown of the Fast File System disk structure
- Direct packet communication and a comprehensive documentation of DosPackets
- A detailed description of the AmigaDOS executable and link file structure
- The documentationof the AmigaDOS ROM Shell, including a tutorial and source code for implementing custom shells
- The AmigaDOS startup mechanism

Preorder and further information:

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Author Thread
Published: 2024/12/16 0:53  Updated: 2024/12/16 0:53
Just can't stay away
Joined: 12/01/2006
From: Copenhagen, Denmark
Comments: 1548
 Publications : "Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: AmigaDOS" out now
Just to make sure we all understand: When you say "the latest version of Amiga's operating system", do you mean 3.something or 4.1FE Update2? BTW, using a term such as "the latest" makes sure your statement will likely obsolete itself at some future point in time ... :-) Best regards, Niels
Published: 2024/12/21 16:41  Updated: 2024/12/21 16:41
Just can't stay away
Joined: 12/01/2006
From: Germany
Comments: 1957
 Re: Publications : "Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manua...
As it mentions the obsolete and no longer supported, except for some emulation in dos.library for backward compatibility, "- Direct packet communication and a comprehensive documentation of DosPackets", instead of documenting the current AmigaOS (4.x vector port) file system API, it's only usable for obsolete 0.x-3.9 versions of AmigaOS.
Additionally it was written by THOR, and just by checking the release notes of his illegal AmigaOS 3.x/m68k backport of my AmigaOS 4.x/PPC CDFileSystem it's obvious that he doesn't have the slightest clue on how dos.library works in current AmigaOS versions.
In case someone needs additional docs or help with the current AmigaDOS, for example the dos.doc AutoDoc and dos.library includes in the AmigaOS 4.x SDK may not be enough if you want to implement a new AmigaOS file system, you should contact the author of the complete re-implementation from scratch of dos.library, Colin J. Wenzel, instead. According to my experience he was always willing to help.
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