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Hardware News : Alinea Computer: New V2 of KickRom-Progger and KickRom-Flash released
Posted by AmigaPapst on 2024/11/6 15:57:03 (660 reads) News by the same author
Hardware News

We are pleased to present two of our popular products in version 2.

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KickROM Flash Rom V2
The KickROM Flash Rom V2 is a programmable Flash-Rom replacement for EPROM devices (e.g. 27c400) or Kickstart-Roms in the Amiga computer. Up to 4 Kickstarts (512 kb each) can be loaded onto a module and switched via jumpers or a switch.
The special feature of version 2 is that the respective active block is also displayed via the LED display on the top. Version 1.x will continue to be sold until it is completely replaced by version 2.
A KickRom flash can be purchased from 29.95 euros. A programming service is also available for customers without a programming device.

- Fits in all Amigas (own version for the Amiga 600 is available)
- Holds up to 4 Kickstart roms on one chip
- Switchable via jumper or an optional rotary switch
- New in V2: Active bank is indicated by an LED display on the top.

Link to the product: https://www.amiga-shop.net/en/Amiga-Ha ... -emulator-v1-2::1305.html

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KickROM-Flash Progger Programmer V2
The KickRom Progger v2 is a programming device for programming the KickROM flash devices. In addition, standard 27C400 modules can be read out. The programming device can be operated directly on your Amiga via the serial interface or on more modern computers via USB. From V2 the Progger has a new firmware with some new features and instead of a MicroUSB interface a USB-C socket for data transfer and power supply.
The KickRom Progger V2 can be purchased without accessories for 49.95 euros. A zero-force socket and a serial cable for BigBox Amigas are available as options.

As of V2, the Y modem is also supported via its own firmware in addition to the X modem protocol.

The programming device has the following additional capabilities with the Y-modem protocol:
- File size of the file to be programmed is checked before the programming process
- Support for packet sizes of 1024 bytes. This enables faster transmission.
- All 4 blocks can be read out directly and are automatically divided into four files and named according to the block numbers (rom_x.bin).
- All 4 blocks can be written directly to the respective block by naming the block number in the file name (file_[1-4])
- A byte swap is automatically performed for .rom based on the file extension

Link to the product: https://www.amiga-shop.net/en/Amiga-Ha ... ming-device-v2::1306.html

Upgrade service for customers of version 1 of the programming device
For customers of V1 of the KickRom Flash Progger we offer an inexpensive upgrade service. Customers who want to upgrade the programmer to V2 simply contact us at the e-mail address s.neumann@alinea-computer.de. For an upgrade price of 10 euros, we will replace the control chip and flash the new firmware.

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