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Software News : New version 1.7 of AmiCygnix available
Posted by cygnusEd on 2023/1/6 15:45:00 (780 reads) News by the same author
Software News

The version 1.7 brings some innovations around the topic "start of external programs" (remote start).
In addition, a Unix shell and an Amiga shell adapted to AmiCygnix are now available.
By the complete revision of the utility library "libaos4util" for AmiCygnix some bugs have been fixed again.
The addition of the coreutils package also removes some dependencies on the OS4 SDK.

New in AmiCygnix-Base:

* All display drivers for the Workbench now have a menu for starting a Unix or an Amiga shell. The environment of these shells is specially adapted to AmiCygnix. A further menu item can be used to open a preference editor for changing the access rights to the X server.
* Until AmiCygnix 1.6 there were some dependencies to the OS4-SDK. The commands of the coreutils package needed by some shell scripts were not included in AmiCygnix. Especially the ROX-Filer was affected by this. These commands are now included and can also be used in the shells.
* Due to an error in Newlib the arguments of some shell commands were not read correctly. Especially the backslash "\" was affected. This has now been fixed.
* The shell commands of AmiCygnix compiled with Newlib did not have wildcard support (resolution of "*" in filenames). The versions of the OS4-SDK compiled with Clib2 did. This has now been implemented so that no Unix shell is required anymore for the affected shell commands.
* Contains now a special version of the ABC shell adapted to AmiCygnix called "acxsh" for better compatibility with AmiCygnix.
* In the new directory "Prefs" is a preference editor to edit the access rights to the X server. Important for the call of remote applications.
* A script named "Start_XServer_Only.bat" allows to start an X server without starting an application. Is mainly intended for starting external programs.
* Update of the SSL/TLS layer "GnuTLS" to version 3.7.3. Fixes some problems with certificates.
* The integrated root certificates for GnuTLS and OpenSSL have been updated.
* Now includes the new GTK default theme "Adwaita", which is now also the default theme for GTK+ 2 and GTK+ 3 programs.
* Support for GTK+ 3 programs was buggy. Bug has been fixed.
* Revised version of the preference editors "myX11Setup" and "myX11SetupLight".
* When using the window manager "dwm" (Dynamic Window Manager) introduced with AmiCygnix 1.5, key combinations with ALT could not be used. For key commands of "dwm" the left Amiga key is now used.
* The library "libaos4util" used in all AmiCygnix programs has been completely revised and all programs have been re-linked to it.
* The support of the old "threads.library" has been removed. This is no longer needed by any of the current programs.
* The printer tool "lpr" could crash. Has been fixed.
* The data for the time zones has been updated.
* With installed AmigaOS4 SDK the commands of the SDK are preferred now with the environment variable "PATH" of the ABC Shell. Basically general environment variables are set at the start of AmiCygnix only if they are not present in ENVARC:.
* Many more bugfixes...

New in AmiCygnix-Tools:

* All binaries are now linked with the revised version of the utilitiy library "libaos4util".
* The browser "NetSurf" and the included "curl" command are now linked with the latest version 3.7.3 of the SSL/TLS layer GnuTLS. This fixes problems with certificates and SSL connections.

Download links:

http://os4depot.net/index.php?functio ... k/misc/amicygnix-base.lha
http://os4depot.net/index.php?functio ... /misc/amicygnix-tools.lha

or on Aminet



Resized Image

The base package

Resized Image

The new Unix shell

Resized Image

The new prefs editor for X server access

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Author Thread
Published: 2023/1/6 17:54  Updated: 2023/1/6 17:54
Just popping in
Joined: 08/21/2008
Comments: 187
 Great New Years gift!
Running well so far. One thing I've noticed with 1.7 when I run the normal desktop I can easily send X11 apps from my Linux box to my Amiga, firefox was enjoyable to use! I did notice that when I run "XServer-Access" I get a Hollywood error: "ID "mn_exit" already used by this application! File: XServer-Access.hws (current line: 910 - In function: CreateApp)" Anyone else see that error? Cheers, Bill "tekmage" Borsari
Published: 2023/1/6 18:46  Updated: 2023/1/6 18:46
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 01/05/2007
Comments: 273
 Great update
That's an amazing update, thank you Edgar!
Published: 2023/1/6 19:26  Updated: 2023/1/6 19:26
Just can't stay away
Joined: 02/23/2007
From: Finland, the land of Santa, sauna, sisu and salmiakki
Comments: 1205
 Re: Great New Years gift!
"when I run "XServer-Access" I get a Hollywood error: "ID "mn_exit" already used by this application! File: XServer-Access.hws (current line: 910 - In function: CreateApp)""

I get that error too.

"I can easily send X11 apps from my Linux box to my Amiga"

How do you do that ? And is it possible from a Mac as well ?
Published: 2023/1/7 0:48  Updated: 2023/1/7 0:48
Quite a regular
Joined: 12/01/2006
From: Michigan, USA
Comments: 583
 Re: New version 1.7 of AmiCygnix available
Abiword is running great. . . Sylpheed is too. Thanks
Published: 2023/1/7 4:36  Updated: 2023/1/7 4:36
Just popping in
Joined: 08/21/2008
Comments: 187
 Re: Great New Years gift!

There are two things to do:

1) set the permissions on the "X11 Server"
2) set the $DISPLAY varible on your client to your "X11 Server"

For #1, you need to edit the files X#?.hosts under amicygnix:cygnixPPC/etc/, Mine looks like this:
5.Work:AmiCygnix/CygnixPPC/etc> cat X0.hosts

For #2, you set the DISPLAY varible on your client like this:
$export DISPLAY=

Then you just run a program, like "xeyes."

Let me know if that helps!

Bill "tekmage" Borsari
Published: 2023/1/7 4:58  Updated: 2023/1/7 4:58
Home away from home
Joined: 07/07/2009
From: Man Cave, Canada
Comments: 3091
 Re: New version 1.7 of AmiCygnix available
great stuff thanks Edgar
Published: 2023/1/7 11:31  Updated: 2023/1/7 11:31
Just can't stay away
Joined: 02/06/2007
From: Donostia (SPAIN)
Comments: 1063
 Re: Great New Years gift!
I too get "ID mn_exit" already used..." error when launching Xserver-Access (maybe some Hollywood issue?).

Do I need some holywood libs/resources to be able to execute Xserver-Access?
Published: 2023/1/7 12:12  Updated: 2023/1/7 12:13
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 10/06/2022
From: Aussieland
Comments: 369
 Unix Shell
Wow. Sounds like a great update. Much check what version I have installed. The new Unix Shell sounds very useful. I wonder if it can help in compiling software? Would be good if it can run configure scripts without breaking. Which is an old issue with ABC shell.
Published: 2023/1/7 16:49  Updated: 2023/1/7 16:49
Quite a regular
Joined: 12/24/2006
From: Germany
Comments: 566
 Re: Great New Years gift!
@ tekmage, TSK, jabirulo

Thanks for the hint! There was a bug in the english gui file. Here you can download a fixed file:


Please replace it in "Cygnix:Prefs/gui".

Will be included in my next release.
Published: 2023/1/7 16:55  Updated: 2023/1/7 16:55
Quite a regular
Joined: 12/24/2006
From: Germany
Comments: 566
 Re: Unix Shell
@ Hypex

Of course you can use the Amicygnix version of the ABC shell for configuring projects. But you cannot expect, that the configure scripts will always work. Sometimes the test programs are too Unix like and uses things not available on OS4 or Amicygnix (for example the alarm() function or fork()).
So I sometimes I have to fix this in the configure script by hand.

But it is possible, that it works better because of the different coreutils and the more Unix like environment.
Published: 2023/1/7 22:21  Updated: 2023/1/7 22:21
Just can't stay away
Joined: 02/23/2007
From: Finland, the land of Santa, sauna, sisu and salmiakki
Comments: 1205
 Re: Great New Years gift!

Thanks! I got xeyes to run on AmiCygnix screen. But any of the web browsers had some errors and didn't open any window on a Mac. (I don't even know where Chrome is installed.)


Thanks! Now XServer-Access works. And thanks for the new version!
Published: 2023/1/8 9:45  Updated: 2023/1/8 9:45
Just can't stay away
Joined: 02/06/2007
From: Donostia (SPAIN)
Comments: 1063
 Re: Great New Years gift!
Confirmed it works now with updated XML. THXaLOT
Published: 2023/1/8 17:46  Updated: 2023/1/8 17:46
Site Builder
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Athens/Dublin
Comments: 1718
 Awesome work
AmiCygnix works pretty well on my system. I have a few questions though 1. How can I set different keymap layouts (i.e. US and GR) and how can I set the way to switch these from the keyboard? 2. Will we see a newer version of NetSurf to work with it? It is handy using it with Sylpheed
Published: 2023/1/8 19:29  Updated: 2023/1/8 19:29
Quite a regular
Joined: 12/24/2006
From: Germany
Comments: 566
 Re: Awesome work
@ walkero

Currently the only way to change the keyboard layout is to change the layout in the systems "Input" settings and relaunch the X server. The X tools will not help much.

A newer version of Netsurf is in the works
Published: 2023/1/11 11:25  Updated: 2023/1/11 11:25
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 10/06/2022
From: Aussieland
Comments: 369
 Re: Unix Shell

In my experience I haven't noticed any issues with test programs needing any alarms for forking. Though an alarm() function should be possible and I thought OS4 would have it by now. My issue tends to be in the interpretation of the script. Even though it runs in an Amiga shell, which it just uses as a terminal, I find the ABC shell can act too Amiga like. An example would be a file like "this:that" in a script. It will try and load "this:that" as one file and keep asking for "this" volume while looking for "that" file. I would have expected the interpreter to know what "this:that" means but for some reason it doesn't. It's some common trick in configure scripts to create dual files.
Published: 2023/1/11 21:00  Updated: 2023/1/11 21:00
Quite a regular
Joined: 12/24/2006
From: Germany
Comments: 566
 Re: Unix Shell
@ Hypex

O.K. - I understand. But an alarm() function is not easy to implement and it is not in Newlib. I have some configure scripts that end in an endless loop because of the missing alarm() function (my utility library contains only a dummy function). Then I have to edit the configure script by hand.

I know the "this:that" problem and I also have to fix it in configure. Maybe I had to say it more clear: My Unix shell is based on the abc-shell, you can see it in the screenshot. So it would not help.
Published: 2023/1/14 13:42  Updated: 2023/1/14 13:42
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 10/06/2022
From: Aussieland
Comments: 369
 Re: Unix Shell

Thanks for the info. There's been times having an alarm function would have been useful. I imagine passing a MsgPort or signal with time would be one suitable way about it, such as to a system function, which would be an easy way to handle it.
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