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Software News : Perl for AmigaOS updated to 5.22.1
Posted by broadblues on 2015/12/16 9:16:21 (1432 reads) News by the same author
Software News

I'm pleased to announce the latest release of my port of Perl (The Practical Extraction and report Language) for AmigaOS 4.1

Perl for AmigaOS is now updated to te latest stable version of perl 5.22.1

For information about perl and the new features in the latest version of the language got to https://www.perl.org/

The following is new for the amiga port:

(click Read more)

Port to Perl 5.22
Improved handling of NIL:
Environment variables now correctly inherited by subprocesses.
Fix exec, and exit in "forked" subprocesses.
Fix issue with newlib's unlink, which could cause infinite loops.
Add flock() emulation using IDOS->LockRecord.
Improved handling of signals and signal handlers.

Further to this port with the valuable help of Jarkko Hietaniemi the AmigaOS src code has been merged with the main perl src and so it's now possible to build a bleeding edge version of perl. This will make support of future versions much easier.

Please note I just uploade a quick fix for the perldoc pager and so release 2 is in the os4depot queue as I type this, so please wait for 5.22.1_02 to appear on os4depot before installing (or if your in hurry be sure to update whenh it comes available).

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Published: 2015/12/16 10:52  Updated: 2015/12/16 10:52
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