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Amigans News : AACU Challenge - Results
Posted by elfpipe on 2013/9/7 0:08:17 (2854 reads) News by the same author

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The results in the marvelous AACU Challenge....

1st prize: zzd10h
One fully equipped MiniMig
2nd prize: spotUP
Competition PRO USB + a special prize ;)
3rd prize: Chris Young
Competition PRO USB Joystick
4th prize: cha05e90
AmigaOne coffee mug

Thanks to all who participated, and to all who followed, you all contributed to make Qt part of the Amiga family (and vice versa)!

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Author Thread
Published: 2013/9/7 0:12  Updated: 2013/9/7 0:12
Amigans Defender
Joined: 11/17/2006
From: England
Comments: 3426
 Re: AACU Challenge - Results

I'd like to thank Alfkil for porting Qt, the OS4 dev team for AmigaOS 4, Acube for the hardware, Commodore for all their work bringing the Amiga to [Chris drones on for several hours thanking random people, before finally being escorted off stage by security]
Published: 2013/9/7 6:33  Updated: 2013/9/7 6:33
Just can't stay away
Joined: 08/14/2012
From: France
Comments: 1496
 Re: AACU Challenge - Results
Hourra, I'm very happy

and I thank you very much Alfkil to

1) have work (and still work) hard on Qt
2) to have organized this contest

And thank you to TommySammy, Samo79 and K-L for the icons, tests and advices.

And too, to my wife who allowed me to be a total geek during this crazy month.

And too, my family and the technical team...
What a nice day :)
Published: 2013/9/7 10:39  Updated: 2013/9/7 10:39
Quite a regular
Joined: 03/10/2009
From: Germany
Comments: 651
 Re: AACU Challenge - Results
Huh! Huh! I won something! How cool's that!

I'm still completely overwhelmed by Alfkil's work - thank you very much for your efforts, you're a coder extraordinaire! And of course thanks to all porters and our beta testers.

Congratulations to Guillaume, spot and Chris, great work!
Published: 2013/9/7 11:28  Updated: 2013/9/7 11:28
Home away from home
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Italy, Perugia
Comments: 3798
 Re: AACU Challenge - Results
Congratulations to all devs involved, it was a pretty nice competition and now we have tons of new interesting software to test
Published: 2013/9/7 13:10  Updated: 2013/9/7 13:10
Just popping in
Joined: 03/16/2009
Comments: 140
 Re: AACU Challenge - Results

I love it, good work!
Published: 2013/9/7 21:56  Updated: 2013/9/7 21:56
Just can't stay away
Joined: 10/07/2009
From: Odense
Comments: 1576
 Re: AACU Challenge - Results

Please send me an email with your address, so I can ship you something!
Published: 2013/9/7 22:16  Updated: 2013/9/7 22:16
Quite a regular
Joined: 03/10/2009
From: Germany
Comments: 651
 Re: AACU Challenge - Results
Mail sent.
Published: 2013/9/8 20:14  Updated: 2013/9/8 20:14
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/26/2006
Comments: 1492
 Re: AACU Challenge - Results
Alfkil, please send the joystick to cha05e90 instead, i have no use for it. :)
Published: 2013/9/9 20:15  Updated: 2013/9/9 20:15
Just popping in
Joined: 12/05/2006
From: Planet Boing
Comments: 68
 Re: AACU Challenge - Results

Congrats on your finished challenge. Now it could have been nice if had told us a bit more detailed why these particular three guys won??

(for those of us not following this intensely)

To the winners - You're badass super duper good for the amiga scene - you guys kick ass!

(I imagine you must have done a hell of a job)
Published: 2013/9/10 3:24  Updated: 2013/9/10 3:24
Quite a regular
Joined: 02/27/2007
From: Gravity well
Comments: 739
 Re: AACU Challenge - Results
Congratulations, I hope you had fun as well.
Published: 2013/9/14 19:09  Updated: 2013/9/14 19:09
Quite a regular
Joined: 03/10/2009
From: Germany
Comments: 651
 Re: AACU Challenge - Results
It arrived! Thanks!

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Published: 2013/9/17 23:10  Updated: 2013/9/17 23:10
Just can't stay away
Joined: 08/14/2012
From: France
Comments: 1496
 Re: AACU Challenge - Results
MiniMig just received from Amedia.
Thank you a lot Alfkill for this whole package (keyboard, joystick, mouse and case)

Very very nice and many many thanks !!!
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