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Software News : New AmigaAmp 3.10
Posted by RIBDEVIL on 2013/7/27 14:00:00 (1738 reads) News by the same author
Software News

Thre's a new version of AmigaAmp 3.10.
Download from http://www.amigaamp.de/
or via Amiupdate.

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Author Thread
Published: 2013/7/27 19:30  Updated: 2013/7/27 19:30
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/24/2006
From: Sanremo
Comments: 1910
 Re: New AmigaAmp 3.10
Thanks! updated yesterday with AmiUpdate! :)

Feature request: Is it possible to add, in the preferences, the default path for the music? In this way, when i click to open a file, it automatically look for a directory containing all my music (like Tunenet)
Published: 2013/7/29 12:36  Updated: 2013/7/31 8:58
Amigans Defender
Joined: 05/01/2009
From: Czech Republic
Comments: 1659
 Re: New AmigaAmp 3.10

Feature request: Is it possible to add, in the preferences, the default path for the music?


The default path is currently read from tooltypes. This is, I agree, inconsistent, as all other paths are set in the Prefs. The fact that the program is configurable from two different places (tooltypes and Prefs) is awkward as well.

If Thomas decides to ditch the tooltypes altogether, I'll move the respective settings to the Prefs window.
Published: 2013/7/29 14:40  Updated: 2013/7/29 14:40
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9122
 Re: New AmigaAmp 3.10
As i remember in some of latest releases there was added something like "loading of files just by selecting directory". I for now just do "open file", then go to "work:" , choice "music" (which contain bunch of mp3s), and nothing loads. Is it intended to be like this still, or a bug ?
Published: 2013/7/29 16:21  Updated: 2013/7/29 16:21
Amigans Defender
Joined: 05/01/2009
From: Czech Republic
Comments: 1659
 Re: New AmigaAmp 3.10
I for now just do "open file", then go to "work:" , choice "music" (which contain bunch of mp3s), and nothing loads.

This definitely worked in version 3.9; if it doesn't then the latest version is borked. (Sorry I cannot check at the moment.)
Published: 2013/7/29 16:42  Updated: 2013/7/29 16:42
Just popping in
Joined: 12/05/2006
From: Doncaster, uk
Comments: 85
 Re: New AmigaAmp 3.10
Ive set this up in the Tool Types, something like DIRECTORY=WORK:MUSIC
Published: 2013/7/29 16:46  Updated: 2013/7/29 16:46
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9122
 Re: New AmigaAmp 3.10
Its only for one time then, but whole idea is just to select directory, and all the files inside will loads recursive into play list with scanning all the directories inside of choicen one.
Published: 2013/7/30 22:17  Updated: 2013/7/30 22:17
Just can't stay away
Joined: 10/25/2007
From: Gothenburg / Sweden
Comments: 1175
 Re: New AmigaAmp 3.10
Thanks for update :)
Published: 2013/7/31 9:00  Updated: 2013/7/31 9:00
Amigans Defender
Joined: 05/01/2009
From: Czech Republic
Comments: 1659
 Re: New AmigaAmp 3.10

whole idea is just to select directory, and all the files inside will loads recursive into play list with scanning all the directories inside of choicen one.

This feature works for me in version 3.10, I have just checked.
Published: 2013/7/31 9:37  Updated: 2013/7/31 9:40
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9122
 Re: New AmigaAmp 3.10

I rechecked to have 3.10 now (seems previous one was 3.9), and its "half of working". What i mean is:

--- first problem:

1. Press button for open files.
2. Go to work:music (without anything else, just dbl-click work, then dbl-click music directory, so it go inside of directory)
3. press "select" in asl requester

It loads then all what i have in the work:music, and there is not only mp3s, but some png files , some .txt files by some reasons and some other crap. So it loads bunch of all non-music files in play list, tryed to play some noise and then freezes (no crash, no freezing of os, just amigaamp freezes).

--- second problem:

1. press open button
2. go to work by dbl-click
3. just select by one click "music" directory (i.e. mark it)
4. press "select" in asl requester.

Now, everything also should loads, the same if i going inside of the directory too. Instead it says "can't open file!" and load in the playlist just a "music" name (what mean, it can be get from ASL req. as well to make a recursive loading too, just it not handled, while when and if, it can be better as users will not confused and does not matter just they select dir for recursive loading, or going inside: it will do what it should in both cases).

But in end of all, if i just choice directory only with mp3 files, and go to it by dbl-click, then yes, it loads recursive.

Imho need to make it also to do the same when just "mark" by one click and press select, the same as apply loading filters to only supported format in the moment of loading. After those 2 fixes recursive loading will rockz imho.
Published: 2013/7/31 10:40  Updated: 2013/7/31 10:40
Amigans Defender
Joined: 05/01/2009
From: Czech Republic
Comments: 1659
 Re: New AmigaAmp 3.10

I've informed the author about your report.
Published: 2013/7/31 11:01  Updated: 2013/7/31 11:01
Just popping in
Joined: 02/21/2009
Comments: 56
 Re: New AmigaAmp 3.10
Hi kas1e,

The first problem is a known limitation currently:

AmigaAMP currently doesn't perform a full check on files to be added to the playlist. It just adds them and then checks when you try to play them. Normally, unplayable files will just be skipped in this case but this doesn't work always.

I could add the "is it playable at all?" check earlier so that most of the non playable files will not make it into the playlist in the first place.

The second problem is strange. It's probably because different requester implementations handle selected directories in a different way. I'll try to make it more robust.
Published: 2013/7/31 11:20  Updated: 2013/7/31 11:31
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9122
 Re: New AmigaAmp 3.10


I could add the "is it playable at all?" check earlier so that most of the non playable files will not make it into the playlist in the first place.

Sounds good , yep.

Btw, did amigaamp have any option which mean "save the list on exit". I.e. i open bunch of files, then close amigaamp, and when i will run it again, the whole list will be there again ?
Published: 2013/7/31 14:11  Updated: 2013/7/31 14:11
Just popping in
Joined: 02/21/2009
Comments: 56
 Re: New AmigaAmp 3.10
No, there's no "save playlist on exit" option. I don't want applications to save anything unless you click on some sort of "save" button.

That's what I hate about TuneNet, iTunes, etc: You fill the playlist with all sorts of crap, exit the program and next time you start it again the crap is still there.
Published: 2013/7/31 14:24  Updated: 2013/7/31 14:24
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9122
 Re: New AmigaAmp 3.10
But maybe option like "save playlist on exit" ON/OFF can cover all the users ? (default NO, and if anyone want then ON) ?
Published: 2013/7/31 17:57  Updated: 2013/7/31 17:57
Home away from home
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Italy, Perugia
Comments: 3798
 Re: New AmigaAmp 3.10

As kas1e suggested i will also add a "Save playlist on exit" but not as a requester message (requester is always annoying expecially when abused) but as a simple option in AmigaAMP-Prefs !

Also about the "is it playable at all" option would be cool if AmigaAMP can be able to track the real music files automatically, i don't know if a method exists but for sure again a popup requester still not so elegant ...

Still both functionalities are needed and would be very welcome in AmigaAMP 3.11 !
Published: 2013/7/31 20:45  Updated: 2013/7/31 20:45
Just can't stay away
Joined: 11/24/2006
From: Sanremo
Comments: 1910
 Re: New AmigaAmp 3.10

thanks for the info, so that option is already available, I have only to set it in the tooltype :)
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