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Software News : Cinnamon Writer v. 0.80 is available for download
Posted by desler on 2012/3/13 10:49:09 (2135 reads) News by the same author
Software News

It is our pleasure to announce that version 0.80 of Cinnamon Writer is available for download at desler.be or at OS4Depot.net

Get the new version here

Cinnamon Writer is a compact and efficient word processor developed especially with Amiga and Amiga-like systems in mind. CW have all of the basic functionality expected of a modern word processor. This includes changeable layout style, support of anti-aliased truetype fonts, infinite "intelligent" Undo/Redo history, user defined page setup and file compatibility with other word processors as Word and OpenOffice that can use RTF or DocX files.

New in version 0.80:
CW now supports spell checking while you type: I have been able to port a small and very efficient spell checker and integrate it into CW. As a result, you now have the possibility to have your document checked for spelling mistakes while you are working with it. You are able to work with as many different languages within the same document as you wish. When a miss-spelled word is detected it is highlighted and, if possible, suggestions for replacement are given. Please read the supplied manual for usage.
English and German dictionaries are supplied as standard with CW 0.80 and dictionaries of other languages will be made available from the download section of Desler.be in the near future. If you have access to a comprehensive list of words within your language of choice, please send me the list or a link to it at projects@desler.be. I will build a dictionary file and make it available as fast as possible. However, please make sure that the licensing of the file allows distribution.
If you are a software developer who would like to add spell-checking abilities to your program, feel free to contact me for the source codes for CW spell-checker. You are also welcome to use the CW dictionary files for your own projects as long as you abide to the licenses that may follow a dictionary. Please contact me at projects@desler.be.

Better integration with AOS: The focus of CW has so far to implement functionality and not necessarily implement the typical Amiga feel that people would expect from a project like this. As the feature list is now becoming more and more comprehensive I will start integrating the small things that make the program more “amiga” like and ease the daily use. Implemented in this version are a comprehensive collection of short-cut keys and the introduction of a right-click menu. This work will continue in future versions of CW

Known Issues / bugs:
The RTF file format is not being developed further. With the introduction of DOCX support I have decided to out phase RTF support. It is simply too much work to support different file formats and DOCX is the de facto standard within most areas. CW also supports load/save of unformatted text

The first time the spell checker needs to spell check a word in a specific language, it will have to load the corresponding dictionary. As a result there will be a small lag until the file has been loaded. This lag is dependent on the size of the dictionary and the speed of your harddrive / system. This is not a bug. If you find the spell checking to be slowing down CW, you can turn it off. CW is quite usable on my G4 @ 800. But I do not know how it runs on lower specced machines

Printer / PDF functionality of CW 0.80 has not been improved since the prior version. Any inconsistencies therefore still exist. This will be improved in a future version

A lot of work has been put into this version, however bugs may still persist. If you find a bug and it is not described in "Known problems" in the manual, please submit it to me at bugs@desler.be. You can also use the new bugtracker, which you can find here

Visit the homepage for more information here

If you like this product and would like to see its development continue, please consider a donation

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Author Thread
Published: 2012/3/13 11:28  Updated: 2012/3/13 11:28
Just can't stay away
Joined: 10/25/2007
From: Gothenburg / Sweden
Comments: 1175
 Re: Cinnamon Writer v. 0.80 is available for download
Nice with right-click-menu. Sure feels more amiga now. I tried it out and i come to a crash. I wrote a line, i selected it and then tried to use the bold/italic/underline buttons but then i got the grim. Ill do a PM to you.

EDIT: Thats on X1000
Published: 2012/3/13 11:48  Updated: 2012/3/13 11:49
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9079
 Re: Cinnamon Writer v. 0.80 is available for download
Blah, write so big post and its disappear somehow !

Then in brief:

Very good version. Amiga menu via RMB are very good looking. Everything seems more stable and better than before.

Through notice some moments: scrollbar a bit jumpy and feels not very intuitive. Like something in calculating a bit wrong sometime. Also tryint to load as txt file one of dictionaries: it show nothing and then slow everything down, but imho CW also (as any other world processor) should open any kind of files, even binary in txt form.

And have a question : did you have in plans to integrate also amiga-like windowses ? I.e. for aboit and stuff. And if yes, what you will choice: reaction, mui, plain boopsi or something like that to be more portability later ?

I will donate you for sure soon.
Published: 2012/3/13 12:01  Updated: 2012/3/13 12:06
Just popping in
Joined: 02/02/2007
Comments: 61
 Re: Cinnamon Writer v. 0.80 is available for download
Hi Kicko

Thanks for the bug report. I will try to reproduce the bug.
As usual I will collect the bugs that people may find the next couple of days and upload a corrected version as fast as possible :)

Hi Kas1e
Thanks for the feedback. More Amiga-ish functionality will be built in for the next version. (Edit: Forgot to answer your other question - I haven't decided for GUI classes to use yet. Lots of pro/cons)

CW writer does support load/save of txt files, but you need to select "load txt" / "save txt" specifically. Please see if this solves your problem, else I will look into it
Published: 2012/3/13 12:11  Updated: 2012/3/13 12:11
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9079
 Re: Cinnamon Writer v. 0.80 is available for download

CW writer does support load/save of txt files, but you need to select "load txt" / "save txt" specifically. Please see if this solves your problem, else I will look into it

I mean "load txt" should be able to load anything, just show it as txt. Even binary, or any other stuff.

Currently if you will try to load via "load txt" one of your dictionary files for example, it will just show nothing and then slow everything down.
Published: 2012/3/13 18:52  Updated: 2012/3/13 18:52
Home away from home
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Italy, Perugia
Comments: 3774
 Re: Cinnamon Writer v. 0.80 is available for download

Thanks Desler, this version look very smooth on my Sam, the program is also already 100% usable !

Just (as kas1e already say) the scrollbar is a bit strange in general, also mouse wheel does not react at all on it (don't work), so no scrolling possible using the mouse .. an iconify support should be usefull aswell along as any other Amiga like GUI (for example a Workbench menus with the usual options)

Another idea: drag&drop support --> dragging a text/doc file into Cinnamon to open it on the fly

Yeah lot of suggestions sorry, even now still a great program ...
Published: 2012/3/14 6:15  Updated: 2012/3/14 6:15
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Joined: 10/29/2008
From: Uppsala, Sweden
Comments: 810
 Re: Cinnamon Writer v. 0.80 is available for download
Thanks! Working really nice on my new AO500
Published: 2012/3/14 7:55  Updated: 2012/3/14 7:55
Home away from home
Joined: 01/26/2007
From: New Zealand
Comments: 2766
 Re: Cinnamon Writer v. 0.80 is available for download
I was starting to wonder if this project was still active, and now we have a substantial update!

I'll have to try this out some time soon.

Published: 2012/3/14 8:59  Updated: 2012/3/14 8:59
Just popping in
Joined: 02/02/2007
Comments: 61
 Re: Cinnamon Writer v. 0.80 is available for download
Don't ever be sorry for giving suggestions. Even though I can't implement all the things you suggest right away they are all very good ideas. I think I have been able to implement some of your previous suggestions in this version already so keep em coming :)

Have anyone successfully tried CW on a x1000? How about a Sam440? Classic? Im very interested in making CW usable on all current and future machines
Published: 2012/3/14 15:10  Updated: 2012/3/14 15:10
Home away from home
Joined: 07/07/2009
From: Man Cave, Canada
Comments: 3092
 Re: Cinnamon Writer v. 0.80 is available for download
hi & thanks for the new update! I've sent you a crashlog from my x1000 after opening CW for a few minutes and just typing a few lines and messing with font types, fotn sizes etc. The crash came when I was trying to highlight some words.

btw, I'd love to be able to enter pirctures into a CW document one day
Published: 2012/3/14 20:22  Updated: 2012/3/14 20:22
Just popping in
Joined: 11/29/2006
From: Geneva CH
Comments: 227
 Re: Cinnamon Writer v. 0.80 is available for download
Unfortunately, it quits as soon as it opens a docx with the following message :

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::length_error'
what(): basic_string::_S_create
Published: 2012/3/14 21:38  Updated: 2012/3/14 21:38
Just popping in
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From: Earth
Comments: 58
 Re: Cinnamon Writer v. 0.80 is available for download
Same error here as well.
Published: 2012/3/15 3:55  Updated: 2012/3/15 3:55
Home away from home
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Italy, Perugia
Comments: 3774
 Re: Cinnamon Writer v. 0.80 is available for download

Published: 2012/3/15 5:08  Updated: 2012/3/15 5:08
Quite a regular
Joined: 06/01/2009
From: Germany
Comments: 733
 Re: Cinnamon Writer v. 0.80 is available for download
@desler it works fine here on my X1000
Published: 2012/3/15 9:42  Updated: 2012/3/15 9:42
Just popping in
Joined: 02/02/2007
Comments: 61
 Re: Cinnamon Writer v. 0.80 is available for download
@Ricossa and Amigadad
Could you please make sure that the zip command in C: folder is functioning correctly? I have supplied an older zip version that work. The zip command that is supplied with a basic AOS4 installation does / did not work as it ignores all file attributes when packing / unpacking and causes CW to crash.
If this is not the case I would really appreciate if you could send me the DocX files in question so I can reproduce your problem
Published: 2012/3/15 15:12  Updated: 2012/3/15 15:12
Just popping in
Joined: 11/29/2006
From: Geneva CH
Comments: 227
 Re: Cinnamon Writer v. 0.80 is available for download
yes, I have the new zip you had put in the archive
Published: 2012/3/16 10:42  Updated: 2012/3/16 10:42
Home away from home
Joined: 12/04/2006
Comments: 2370
 Re: Cinnamon Writer v. 0.80 is available for download

Have you taken a look at libzip ? There a port on os4depot

It's what I use to handle my 'zipped xml' sketchblock file format.

It's a much more robust solution that inssiting pople use a specific external zip command.

I forgot to add the source tree to the most recent sketchblock release but i would be happy to send you some example code.
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