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Amiga Events : Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
Posted by afxgroup on 2010/12/6 17:41:44 (3084 reads) News by the same author
Amiga Events

Nexuiz is a fast paced 3d deathmatch game project created online by a team of developers called Alientrap. It is available for download for Windows, Mac, and Linux (all the same archive).
The first version was released May 31st 2005, released entirely GPL and free over the net, a first for a project of its kind. Since then it has been downloaded over 1.5 million times, and the game is still being updated and developed, currently at version 2.5 and new releases being developed.

Resized Image


Nexuiz is a FPS with thirteen weapons, 24 official maps and over 240 community created maps, as well as 15 player models. The graphics in Nexuiz use coronas, the bloom shader effect, Realtime World and Dynamic Lighting and shadowing, shaders (with OpenGL 2.0), offset mapping, and High dynamic range rendering. All these effects can be turned off to make the game run on older hardware.
Nexuiz is primarily multiplayer (though it includes a full single-player campaign, which allows one to play through the various multiplayer game types and maps with bots), and allows for hosting and joining of games. It can also support new gametypes, or whole conversions quickly applied to it (much like Quake). Nexuiz supports most Quake modifications (although with varying functionality). Currently there are a few custom mods and maps used.


Download the game and unpack it wherever you want.

Since the game has been packed on MacOS X it is possible that you have to set the execute bit on Nexuiz exe file

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Published: 2010/12/6 17:48  Updated: 2010/12/6 17:48
Quite a regular
Joined: 11/19/2008
From: Tarsus IV
Comments: 548
 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
That rocks!!!

Have to start downloading it now as it's nearly a 1GB archive.

Hope that it will be playable under Sam, likewise Cube is.

Congrats Andreas for another excellent port.
Published: 2010/12/6 18:06  Updated: 2010/12/6 18:06
Home away from home
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Italy, Perugia
Comments: 3772
 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
ouch ! 861MB zipped ! :-O

Thanks ...
Published: 2010/12/6 18:41  Updated: 2010/12/6 18:41
Just popping in
Joined: 01/09/2010
From: Poland
Comments: 21
 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
How does it look like on Amiga? It would be great to upload a video somewhere. My concern is particularly about the shaders - doesn't Amiga have a problem with that?
Published: 2010/12/6 18:42  Updated: 2010/12/6 18:42
Quite a regular
Joined: 11/19/2008
From: Tarsus IV
Comments: 548
 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
Yes, there's a major problem with shaders, but I believe that you can turn them off from the options.
Published: 2010/12/6 18:52  Updated: 2010/12/6 18:52
Just can't stay away
Joined: 10/25/2007
From: Gothenburg / Sweden
Comments: 1175
 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
time to download and try this game :)
Published: 2010/12/6 19:00  Updated: 2010/12/6 19:03
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Joined: 10/29/2008
From: Uppsala, Sweden
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 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
Thank you for this excellent game A video showing Nexuiz on OS4 would be nice
Published: 2010/12/6 19:31  Updated: 2010/12/6 19:31
Just can't stay away
Joined: 12/09/2006
From: Lyon, France
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 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
For those who want to see before downloading, check this video on Youtube.

Published: 2010/12/6 20:04  Updated: 2010/12/6 20:04
Quite a regular
Joined: 11/19/2008
From: Tarsus IV
Comments: 548
 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
There's also a quite long video at Nexuiz's home page:

Published: 2010/12/6 20:25  Updated: 2010/12/6 20:25
Amigans Defender
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Taranto, Italy
Comments: 1344
 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
try to avoid official videos..
You will see a game that will be totally different..
Published: 2010/12/6 20:48  Updated: 2010/12/6 20:48
Quite a regular
Joined: 11/19/2008
From: Tarsus IV
Comments: 548
 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
That's why we asked for an Amiga-specific video.
Published: 2010/12/6 20:58  Updated: 2010/12/6 20:58
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Joined: 09/20/2008
From: Gothenburg, Sweden (via Finland)
Comments: 523
 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
Video looks cool, downloading... hope this works on my Sam.
Published: 2010/12/6 21:22  Updated: 2010/12/6 21:22
Just popping in
Joined: 12/26/2006
From: Athens/Greece
Comments: 145
 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
Last time I check, around 3 years ago, Nexuiz, was very demanding. It literally kneeled my old 1Ghz Athlon, 512 SDram, GF3Ti200 128MB, ATA133HD. I am very interested to see it in action on a PegII G4 1Ghz and have a description about the settings used in the options menus, along with resolution, etc. Anyway, if the game is playable, I would definitely recommended to all fps lovers out there. Well, if you get ""GTFO, n00b", on online arenas, never mind, it's usual at the beginning
Published: 2010/12/6 22:00  Updated: 2010/12/6 22:02
Just can't stay away
Joined: 10/25/2007
From: Gothenburg / Sweden
Comments: 1175
 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
861mb file. I packed it up and started. When i try to load a singleplayer mode it starts loading files and just gets stuck. The same for multiplayer, first it download some files needed and then gets stuck. Or maybe i should wait for a couple of minutes ? Ill try more tomorrow.

Im on Amigaone G4Xe 512mb, radeon 9200 (not the SE)
Published: 2010/12/6 23:52  Updated: 2010/12/6 23:52
Amigans Defender
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Taranto, Italy
Comments: 1344
 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
you have to wait..
Published: 2010/12/7 0:55  Updated: 2010/12/7 0:55
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Joined: 11/19/2008
From: Tarsus IV
Comments: 548
 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
I have the same problem with Kicko. Selected single player and Amiga freezes at the control panel. Nothing works, no mouse, no caps lock. Do we have to wait really?
Published: 2010/12/7 0:58  Updated: 2010/12/7 1:32
Home away from home
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Italy, Perugia
Comments: 3772
 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
It's unplayable here, game is slow as an hell, initial menu isn't readable at all (fonts are quite small and distorted like an LCD monitor with an unsuppported resolution)

... and then when playing gfx will be corrupted after a few seconds


Please Andrea what happen ??

More info:

Game say: 1 or 2 FPS but it hardly to believe ehm .. :-/

I'm using 1680*1050 in WB but the game running at 640*480 (almost it is what game say)

Hardware: Sam Flex 800 Mhz, Radeon 9250 + 1 GB Ram
Software: AmigaOS 4.1 Update 2, MiniGL 2.3
Published: 2010/12/7 1:07  Updated: 2010/12/7 1:07
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Joined: 11/19/2008
From: Tarsus IV
Comments: 548
 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
Did the music output in the menu plays well in your system? Because in mine, it's not perfect.
Published: 2010/12/7 1:27  Updated: 2010/12/7 1:28
Home away from home
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Italy, Perugia
Comments: 3772
 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
Well music in menu seems ok but i've not listened too carefully
Published: 2010/12/7 8:16  Updated: 2010/12/7 8:16
Amigans Defender
Joined: 12/02/2006
From: Taranto, Italy
Comments: 1344
 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
Simply. you have to wait the next w3d. As i told in this forum the game is unplayable in the current situation. But i had daily many mails that asked me to release it in any case..
So. or you have at least a 256MB gfx card and an A1 with 1GB of RAM, forget to play it. And also in this case that game could vary from 3 to 20 fps depends from the game zone..
Published: 2010/12/7 9:15  Updated: 2010/12/7 9:20
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9073
 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
As i say before for you in the other topic : prepare that all the latest and modern games, will just suck hard on slow hardware, and x1000 will be the minimum for many of the very latest games.

New games use tons of textures, tons of features, for all of this need fast cpu, fast gpu, many VRAM, and of course normal drivers (as 3d one, as opengl one).

For example your SAM, are only 800mhz, not have L2 , os4 have slow and buggy warp3d, and all of this give you such results (that was very expected of course).

If some new games still works more or less fine on your config : it's just luck. For example that "cube" game, its one of the thousands games, which done expectually to works on slow computers, i.e. its some kind of proof-of-concept, that 3d games can works normal on slow-rare HW. But "cube" almost have no features, textures un-modern, and its all looks like quak1/quake2 mix. Because of it it works more or less fine for you. "assault cube" even on my peg2 sometime feels not so fast. And that is on 1ghz + l2 (512kb) + radeon with 256 mb. That is because new features was added.

When games start to looks better, nicer, and modern, then we need raw horses which will handle all the data and operate with it.

There will be no miracles, and if x1000 will never out for mass production, by any reassons, then we will not enjoy fully all the games which we already have.
Published: 2010/12/7 9:23  Updated: 2010/12/7 9:23
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Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9073
 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
I will try to make today a video in action with all reduced settings on my peg2, just for show to everyone how it looks like on current aos4 and on current HW.
Published: 2010/12/7 13:46  Updated: 2010/12/7 13:46
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Joined: 11/19/2008
From: Tarsus IV
Comments: 548
 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
@ kas1e

Yes, that would be nice. But there is also an alternative way of playing this game.

If you fed up of waiting for a powerful Amiga-like system, then install all these games on your Win/MacOS/Linux machine. Very simple and very true.
Published: 2010/12/7 14:18  Updated: 2010/12/7 14:18
Just can't stay away
Joined: 10/25/2007
From: Gothenburg / Sweden
Comments: 1175
 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4
didnt know about w3D. Just to wait then. does it come with next os4update or own archive ?
Published: 2010/12/7 14:58  Updated: 2010/12/7 15:09
Home away from home
Joined: 09/11/2007
From: Russia
Comments: 9073
 Re: Nexuiz for AmigaOS4

If you fed up of waiting for a powerful Amiga-like system, then install all these games on your Win/MacOS/Linux machine. Very simple and very true.

We all know that :) Imho there is no one who use only amiga, and think that only amiga make it possible :) that all fuzz about apps/games is for making aos4 more or less modern OS (like linux or macos), and when all that games are slow, it show us where aos4 developers should works, to make it fine for end users.

I.e. it mostly not about "i want play in game", it mostly about "we want to make aos better".

Imho it will be in the next aos4 update. Because its already done (beta-testers have it for now).
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