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Hardware News : AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
Posted by Rigo on 2010/5/28 19:20:00 (4137 reads) News by the same author
Hardware News

As posted in the news section of http://a-eon.com, the X1000 beta program is now being stepped up to invite interested parties to join in the preliminary testing.

From the website:

"London, 23th May 2010

AmigaOne X1000 Beta Test Team and Program

You may have read in various interviews that AmigaOS 4.1 has been booting to Workbench on the AmigaOne X1000 hardware for quite some time. We can also confirm that additional Nemo prototypes have been supplied to several OS4 developers to allow them to complete the necessary onboard hardware drivers (SATA, Ethernet and HD sound, USB is already mostly working). Meanwhile a revision 2 version of the Nemo motherboard is being finalised and to ensure we have the widest possible testing we are making 100 Rev 2 motherboards available to Beta testers under a special discount program.
We have received many request from Amigans who wish to join the Beta Test team and these will be processed by Hyperion-Entertainment who are coordinating the Beta Test program in conjunction with A-EON Technology.

Trevor Dickinson
A-EON Technology CVBA "

Applications should be sent to contact@a-eon.com - (source: amigaworld.net)

A description of the potential testers has been posted here and says:

The beta program is intended for dedicated people with the following skillset:

- ability to assemble a full system with just a bare motherboard and memory provided to you

- ability to file accurate and detailed bugreports in a dedicated bugtracker (Bugzilla) in order to help AmigaOS 4 developers track down any remaining issues

- sufficient dedication and time to test newly developed components which are released on a daily basis (as is the case now for AmigaOS development and AmigaOS betatesters)

- adherence to the terms of a NDA as part of a larger contract which allows everyone to pull out with a full refund prior to actual shipping of the hardware

- a 750 euro deposit to attract the most dedicated people.

Note that you will NOT be considered an end-user if you are allowed into the betatest program.

The beta program is quite explicitly NOT intended for:

- people with limited knowledge of AmigaOS

- people with insufficient skills to assemble a system with a bare motherboard as a starting point

- people with insufficient time and dedication to carry out the required testing of software components and file bugreports against the appropriate AmigaOS components

- people who beieve that by signing up, they will learn the identity of the CPU or other undisclosed information which most likely will only be disclosed prior to shipping at which time they can bail out with a full refund if they don't like the specs

- people who do not intend to abide by the terms of the contract including the NDA provisions (which they can evaluate prior to signing or not signing) as this will not be taken lightly at all

This is a limited, closed betaprogram intended to ensure the best end-user experience possible.

Existing AmigaOS 4 betatesters have precedence over "newbies" and people with a development trackrecord will have precedence over people without such trackrecord. Other than that, it will be "first come, first served".

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Author Thread
Published: 2010/5/28 19:26  Updated: 2010/5/28 19:26
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/26/2006
From: Here right now!
Comments: 354
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
yay well posted Rigo
Published: 2010/5/28 19:45  Updated: 2010/5/28 19:45
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 05/23/2007
From: Bergen/Norway
Comments: 416
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
Just read about it and have to say it's just excellent! It shouldn't be too long now to see it for sale for allround users like most of us.
Published: 2010/5/28 21:14  Updated: 2010/5/28 21:14
Home away from home
Joined: 11/30/2006
From: Norway
Comments: 2638
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
Looking forward to this.
Published: 2010/5/28 23:22  Updated: 2010/5/28 23:22
Just popping in
Joined: 06/24/2007
From: Buckinghamshire, England
Comments: 49
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
How do you become a beta tester?

Published: 2010/5/29 0:39  Updated: 2010/5/29 0:39
Home away from home
Joined: 07/07/2009
From: Man Cave, Canada
Comments: 3216
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
"Poster: wizzard_o??Posted: 2010/5/28 15:22:25

How do you become a beta tester?


send A-Eon an email...it's at the bottom of the news item
Published: 2010/5/29 1:43  Updated: 2010/5/29 1:43
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Joined: 11/24/2006
From: Long Riston, East Yorkshire.
Comments: 756
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update

Just read about it and have to say it's just excellent! It shouldn't be too long now to see it for sale for allround users like most of us.

Are you not becoming a beta tester?
Published: 2010/5/29 6:55  Updated: 2010/5/29 6:55
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
"How do you become a beta tester?"

You buy any Amiga related hardware or software in the last 10 years
Published: 2010/5/29 9:24  Updated: 2010/5/29 9:24
Just popping in
Joined: 12/05/2006
From: Wolverhampton, England
Comments: 228
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
Good one !

Alhough to be fair to the A1XE, that was a bit less Beta than the SE...
Published: 2010/5/29 10:08  Updated: 2010/5/29 10:08
Home away from home
Joined: 05/19/2007
From: England
Comments: 3582
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
Applications should be sent to contacts@a-eon.com

This is incorrect! The correct address is:
(note the "s" has been removed)
Published: 2010/5/29 10:37  Updated: 2010/5/29 10:37
Supreme Council
Joined: 11/19/2006
From: London, England
Comments: 1394
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
Ooops - fixed
Published: 2010/5/29 14:53  Updated: 2010/5/29 14:53
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 10/06/2009
From: Italy
Comments: 312
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
Very good to hear, I'm just an end user with little AOS experience, so I will wait for my (much)beloved out of the box experience, if I was an AOS expert I would go for it though
Published: 2010/5/29 16:45  Updated: 2010/5/29 17:12
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
Its a lot of money for us common folk to just fork out without seeing it.
Published: 2010/5/29 21:05  Updated: 2010/5/29 21:05
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/27/2006
From: California - S.F. Bay area
Comments: 384
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
I forked out $1000 usd for my micro with os4 5 years ago. Only saw pictures of the board & had no idea what a G3 cpu was, I only cared it was much faster then my 060/50MHz 4000T. I don't see where this is any different other then final cost.
Published: 2010/5/29 23:31  Updated: 2010/5/29 23:31
Just can't stay away
Joined: 10/25/2007
From: Gothenburg / Sweden
Comments: 1175
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
Its faster then my A1 and more modern everything so ill buy the final thing :)
Published: 2010/5/30 4:09  Updated: 2010/5/30 4:09
Home away from home
Joined: 01/26/2007
From: New Zealand
Comments: 2808
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
Its a lot of money for us common folk to just fork out without seeing it.

Which is why the beta testing program is not for you if you aren't serious about beta testing.

Published: 2010/5/30 5:40  Updated: 2010/5/30 5:40
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update

Ah its a forkout measuring contest.

I've forked out for an A1XE, two uA1cs, one to a developer and one to aw.net as a prize. I've forked out for a uA1b, and I've forked out for a Sam.

I decided the Sam was the last one I'd buy without seeing it in action. These days my money has other priorities.

Hold on? Whats that? You are going to SEE the X1000 in action soon?

You guys
Published: 2010/5/30 5:46  Updated: 2010/5/30 5:58
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update

Which is why the beta testing program is not for you if you aren't serious about beta testing.

So its not the (reduced) price of the motherboard, its a test of seriousness about betatesting?


To make sure you are serious about betatesting we ask you to stump up less money.




The discount thing kind of makes a mockery of that Hans.

No, I'm reasonably sure that there is the usual mechanism of those applying for the "Beta Test Discount" where the right-thinkers (those willing to work for free) are kept and the wrong-thinkers and flakes are told politely that the "programme is full".

Here is a couple of ways you might not be joining the list:

1. You are rude to or about Ben Hermans.
2. You are rude to or about AmigaOS4
3. Amigas aren't more important than being able to pay your bills, mortgage or look after your dying grandad.
4. You signed up on MorphZone and don't troll there.
5. You won an argument against Rogue.
6. You want AmigaOS4 on x86

Of course I'm kidding ;)

There might be some highly qualified betatesters who might be prepared to be all solemn about it who have no money. Bank account balance level is not an indicator of seriousness or ability.

Are we all so far gone in capitalism we think it is?
Published: 2010/5/30 5:59  Updated: 2010/5/30 5:59
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/27/2006
From: California - S.F. Bay area
Comments: 384
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update

Geesh, its only money & it grows on trees, just ask my wife...
Published: 2010/5/30 6:14  Updated: 2010/5/30 6:15
Home away from home
Joined: 01/26/2007
From: New Zealand
Comments: 2808
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
The discount thing kind of makes a mockery of that Hans.

Uh, no. People have two options, risk money on a board that they know hasn't been thoroughly tested yet (and commit to do the testing), or wait until the fully tested consumer machine is out and buy that.

Discount or not, unless you're serious about beta testing, you're more likely to wait for the final tested release.

Published: 2010/5/30 6:31  Updated: 2010/5/30 6:31
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/27/2006
From: California - S.F. Bay area
Comments: 384
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update

Uh, no. People have two options, risk money on a board that they know hasn't been thoroughly tested yet (and commit to do the testing), or wait until the fully tested consumer machine is out and buy that.

Where did you get the idea the boards haven't been tested? I thought this program was about testing the os4 port.
Published: 2010/5/30 7:23  Updated: 2010/5/30 7:23
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update

Uh, no. People have two options, risk money on a board that they know hasn't been thoroughly tested yet (and commit to do the testing), or wait until the fully tested consumer machine is out and buy that.

Discount or not, unless you're serious about beta testing, you're more likely to wait for the final tested release.

As Sundown said this is not what they want beta testers for, so I dont follow.

Does personal riches == dedication? If so explain drug dealers.
Published: 2010/5/30 10:23  Updated: 2010/5/30 10:24
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Joined: 05/16/2010
From: Grimsby, UK
Comments: 950
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
750 euros is a tiny amount of money to any serious business that has a vested interest in Amiga's future. For an individual to pay that amount then sure that could be an issue, but then its not really aimed at the individual who expects a cheeky discount as part of the deal now is it?

A-eon is a business not a charity, they aren't willing to give away things willy-nilly - one of the reasons why they have the hardware loan scheme in place.

Alas great to hear another dribble of X1000 related news.
Published: 2010/5/30 16:09  Updated: 2010/5/30 16:11
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 05/23/2007
From: Bergen/Norway
Comments: 416
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
Well, i don't have the skills of a programmer or a typical developer. I'm merely an allround-user and would say i have adequate knowledge of the AmigaOS and its' compatible hardwares, but
at an "allround-user" level, of course..

So in other words, as an end-user, which is the correct word, i'll by the FINAL version of AmigaOne X1000.
Published: 2010/5/30 16:14  Updated: 2010/5/30 16:14
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 05/23/2007
From: Bergen/Norway
Comments: 416
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
Don't let your wife use your credit cards, sundown Women should NEVER use credit cards, as they will dry out all the cards faster than doing
a makeup every day.
Published: 2010/5/30 22:17  Updated: 2010/5/30 22:17
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From: New Zealand
Comments: 2808
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update

Sure the board itself has been tested to the extent that's possible. However, if the machine were fully tested, then they wouldn't need beta tester now, would they?

Published: 2010/5/30 22:58  Updated: 2010/5/30 22:58
Home away from home
Joined: 01/26/2007
From: New Zealand
Comments: 2808
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update

As Sundown said this is not what they want beta testers for, so I dont follow.

Does personal riches == dedication? If so explain drug dealers.

See my reply to Sundown. My patience is becoming very thin right now. I simply remarked that if you think that it's too much to pay right now then the beta testing program isn't for you. Now I'm getting some rant about capitalism and riches????? Honestly!

They want beta testers and NOT people who just want a discount or a freebee. Yes, there's a certain amount of risk involved when being a beta tester of something new that isn't present when you buy the fully tested consumer item. And yes, people willing to put their money where their mouth is is an indication (but not the only one) that they are genuinely interested; otherwise they wouldn't spending their hard-earned cash on it!

Will there be people who would like to be a beta tester but can't afford it? Sure. I didn't apply to become an Amiga OS 4.0 beta tester years ago because I couldn't afford the hardware. No, it's not perfect, but it's better than just accepting the word of a stranger.

Published: 2010/5/31 5:29  Updated: 2010/5/31 5:29
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Joined: 12/05/2007
Comments: 88
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
It's exciting to see this moving forward. If I had more time I would, but alas. Good luck and thanks in advance to those who do beta-test!!!
Published: 2010/5/31 19:44  Updated: 2010/5/31 19:44
Just can't stay away
Joined: 12/06/2006
From: Michigan
Comments: 1027
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update

Ah its a forkout measuring contest...

I've forked out for an A1XE, two uA1cs,...I've forked out for a uA1b, and I've forked out for a Sam...

@ DaveP
Oh, 'fork you' man!
How about all the money donated to those wonderful program developers! Thanks guys...
I spent a few forks there!

The 'X1000 Beta Tester' agreement is badly worded for me to even consider it. 'End User' ? Let's say you will have to convince me. I'll definitely wait a year and see what happens.
Published: 2010/6/2 6:31  Updated: 2010/6/2 6:31
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Joined: 03/11/2008
From: Dunedin, New Zealand
Comments: 868
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
Slayer in one of his fairly rare appearances these days steps out of the shadows and says Cool Bananas! then disappears again
Published: 2010/6/3 3:11  Updated: 2010/6/3 3:11
Test Dummy
Joined: 12/19/2006
From: Westhall, Suffolk, UK
Comments: 169
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update

They want beta testers and NOT people who just want a discount or a freebee. Yes, there's a certain amount of risk involved when being a beta tester of something new that isn't present when you buy the fully tested consumer item.

You are having a laugh I hope. If not, you have been living in Amiga land for far too long. How many genuine beta testing programs have you ever heard of where you pay the company? EA are trying this on, and it will most certainly end with pie in their face too - Like A-Eon, Electronic Arts are banking on people so desperate to get a sneak preview.

Published: 2010/6/3 8:13  Updated: 2010/6/3 8:13
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Joined: 03/11/2008
From: Dunedin, New Zealand
Comments: 868
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update

You've inspired me to construct my moderation flow chart earlier than I planned... under this guideline I will create your post would simply be removed... and desperate? That kind of remark was just the extra nail in your coffin...

Since proving a point with out any positive reflection on an Amiga endevour would not be allowed to survive on a PROAmiga Forum... And if you think the means justifies the end you are incorrect, I wouldn't sabotage this endevour to bring the prices down or eliminate them altogether then feel happy about being part of it... I've never wanted anything for free and that is what contributes to the worlds problems today, freebies never guarantees anything but discontentment...

also, who the hell cares who does what or who has done what... Amiga is NOT about realism or NOT about modern comparisons... Amiga IS about difference and that extends to everything inside its world.

It's about a great OS and cool HW and the spirit... the rest of the world belongs to you and your peers!

And when I say it really isn't worth having, do you think anyone will have a valid flow chart to remove that statement successfully? lol



Kiwis Rule
Published: 2010/6/3 13:29  Updated: 2010/6/3 13:29
Test Dummy
Joined: 12/19/2006
From: Westhall, Suffolk, UK
Comments: 169
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
It's about a great OS and cool HW

Oh see, that's where I have been going wrong. I thought it was about a substandard, unfinished OS and old lackluster hardware. Now I agree, I will sign up for the beta programme immediately - Thanks for your help!
Published: 2010/6/4 3:43  Updated: 2010/6/4 3:43
Just popping in
Joined: 12/18/2006
From: Hawaii
Comments: 221
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update
That 750 euros is to be a deposit, refundable before shipping the motherboard and memory. Will one need to pay more before the actual shipping?

Is the deposit amount any clue to the final price?
Published: 2010/6/4 5:44  Updated: 2010/6/4 5:44
Home away from home
Joined: 01/26/2007
From: New Zealand
Comments: 2808
 Re: AmigaOne X1000 Beta program update


You are having a laugh I hope. If not, you have been living in Amiga land for far too long. How many genuine beta testing programs have you ever heard of where you pay the company? EA are trying this on, and it will most certainly end with pie in their face too - Like A-Eon, Electronic Arts are banking on people so desperate to get a sneak preview.

No I'm not having a laugh. Firstly, we're talking about hardware, and you'll find that hardware beta testing programs often collect back the hardware at the end; i.e., the testers don't get to keep them. That would be very unpopular, and probably unworkable given how spread out across the globe Amiga enthusiasts are.

Secondly, there's a big difference between a software company giving a group of testers free access to a $50 title, and a hardware company handing out hardware worth well over $1000 each. The difference in price would make getting into the hardware testing program much more lucrative. Free hardware without having to give it back is pretty much guaranteed to attract people who just want to get something expensive for nothing.

Finally, I looked at your link, and most people commenting there think that, yes, plenty of people would be willing to pay (even if some of them personally wouldn't). That link doesn't support your stance at all.

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