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FS-UAE OS4 boot freeze
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Hi guys.

So I've had this random issue for a while. I set up OS4 emulation in FS-UAE running on Linux Mint Una. But sometimes when booting to Workbench it displays the boot logo for a short while then goes black and sits there.

I tried booting to a shell and running startup. It was able to do that. FS-UAE does seem stubborn when I need to get to early startup though. Takes it 5 times on average to respond to both mouse buttons. For some reason it likes it ignore them. I don't know if FS-UAE or Linux has an issue with detecting mouse buttons.

But sometimes and too many times when booting normally it gets to the point of loading Workbench, blanks the boot logo, then just stalls. Does anyone else see this? Is this a common glitch?

FS-UAE Launcher 3.1.67
FS-UAE 3.1.64
QEMU-UAE 3.8.9

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