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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Nevermind, wrong thread

Edited by Raziel on 2024/1/15 16:01:04

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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If any of you has a reproducable crash on exit with a certain game/engine, please do tell.

For me it seems to be quite random, which is hard to catch



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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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I have a problem with the game Gobliiins 5. I downloaded the demo from the official site on itch.io. I unzipped the zip archive, copied it to ScummVM, then added the game, which ScummVM recognized without any problem.

I would also add that in the saves directory I have a timestamps file, which was created back when I was using an older version of SCummVM, and it collects savegame information for various games.

When trying to start Gobliiins 5, a message pops up assign timestamps volume:, whether I assign anything or select cancel. Another message appears asking me to assign gobliiins5-1.999

Then I get the message
ErrorInvalid attempt co create file /saves/goooblins5-1.999!

The game, of course, does not start. I will add that other previously installed games work ok.

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It's a cloud backup issue. You must create a "save1" directory in the scummvm directory and configure the gobliiins 5 game to save the directory "save1".

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Now it works. Thanks for your help!

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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There is a new test build up
called scummvm-free-signals-fix

Please test if the quit crash is gone for good


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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Raziel wrote:@all
Please test if the quit crash is gone for good

Multiple crashes are still present, at least here on the virtual machine. It is easy to reproduce.... open Odyssey go to YouTube and play a video via YT. Then run ScummVm....boom DSI, but it can be ignored and continues to work. So should be tested on real hardware.

Otherwise I noticed that your test version supports software rendering perfectly again without having to replace libSDL2-2-28 with an older version and rename it to libSDL2-2-28. Thank you


MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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i did found a similar one, but it doesnt involve yt.

just open odyssey, surf to amigans.net and start scummvm...dsi crash that points to libssl.so...not sure, but maybe openssl is clashing with amissl

anyways, right now id like to hesr if the exit crash is gone

thank you


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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Raziel wrote:@Maijestro

i did found a similar one, but it doesnt involve yt.

just open odyssey, surf to amigans.net and start scummvm...dsi crash that points to libssl.so...not sure, but maybe openssl is clashing with amissl

anyways, right now id like to hesr if the exit crash is gone

I also noticed something similar...Start Odyssey....Os4Depot...download something ....Run ScummVM. Again, it resulted in DSI or crash.

There doesn't seem to be much interest in ScummVM as few people are testing it. Personally, I am very grateful for your port and work on ScummVM.

What we do know is that there are several crashes or DSI when using these apps before:


We have already tried to debug the problem, but it did not solve the problem.


Maybe someone has an idea how we can solve the problem?

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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yeah, well its a gaming app...not much demand for such

and my coding skills are non-existant, so...

thank you for testing nonetheless...maybe your emulation environment will come in handy someday when/if there is a solution to debugging anything from outside the OS?


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thank you for testing nonetheless...maybe your emulation environment will come in handy someday when/if there is a solution to debugging anything from outside the OS?

I'm not a programmer either and have no idea about these things, but I'm always happy to learn.

I'm not sure but normally debugging should be possible like on real hardware, on the virtual machine everything can be forwarded to the serial port.

Unfortunately I don't know how a meaningful debugging is done, but what I have tried is to boot AmigaOs4.1 with debug level 20 and it gives me all output via the serial port, also the start of ScummVM is recorded that way. But I'm not sure if it can be helpful to collect these logs, you can see it in my video.

If it is helpful for you or someone else I will reproduce a DSI and make the recording available for someone to watch.

Edit: I will delete the video later so as not to slow down the thread.

Edited by Maijestro on 2024/2/18 8:03:11
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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I found the problem that causes ScummVm to crash after using Odyssey/YT etc.

Kernel command lineserial debuglevel=20

Registers pointing to code
r0 module Download:Testen/TestScummVM/sobjs/libcurl.so.12 at 0x7A3BAEE0 (section 0 0x8AA84)
r6 module scummvm at 0x00000001 (section 0 0xFFFFFFDC)
r13scummvm:_ZN3OPL6DOSBox5DBOPLL9WaveTableE()+0x10c8 (section 32 0x5D74)
r18native kernel module elf.library.kmod+0x006a7338
native kernel module elf.library.kmod+0x006a73f4
native kernel module elf.library.kmod+0x006a73a4
native kernel module elf.library.kmod+0x006a73c8
native kernel module elf.library.kmod+0x006a7470
module scummvm at 0x00000001 (section 0 0xFFFFFFDC)
r24native kernel module elf.library.kmod+0x006a7380
native kernel module elf.library.kmod+0x006a7618
: [audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src/SincResampler.cpp:64scummvm:_ZN8SRCTools13SincResampler5Utils22computeResampleFactorsERjRdddj()+0x324 (section 10 0xDE9FB0)
lr module Download:Testen/TestScummVM/sobjs/libcurl.so.12 at 0x7A3BAEF0 (section 0 0x8AA94)
ctrnative kernel module kernel+0x0003602c

Stack trace
0x66BD2C20) [audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src/SincResampler.cpp:64scummvm:_ZN8SRCTools13SincResampler5Utils22computeResampleFactorsERjRdddj()+0x324 (section 10 0xDE9FB0)
0x66BD2C50module Download:Testen/TestScummVM/sobjs/libcurl.so.12 at 0x7A3BAEF0 (section 0 0x8AA94)

It's because of sobjs libcurl.so.12 in their ScummVM archive, so I added Sys:SObjs/libcurl.so.11 to their archive and renamed it to liburl.so.12 because ScummVm looks for it when it starts. I ran this test 3 times and it didn't lead to any DSI or crash of ScummVM after I ran my tests where I could clearly reproduce the DSI. I can clearly reproduce the DSI error with version 12, which is in your archive.

I also noticed that there is no version 12 of libcurl.so in Sys:SObjs/ there is only version 11. But your ScummVM is using version 12 so maybe you should change that. Or check what changes have been made from version 11 to 12 that are causing the problem.

Please test this, you will get the same result as me. Tested with ScummVM 2.8.0 and 2.9.0git

Edited by Maijestro on 2024/2/18 8:17:48
Edited by Maijestro on 2024/2/18 8:22:05
Edited by Maijestro on 2024/2/18 10:25:18
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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im not on my gear for plenty of days, so cannot test anything.

does that reproducible crash always point to the same address?

could you try doing a
stack 4000000
in shell just before starting scummvm and see if something changes, please?

and lastly, if you have, could you start 5 different games from 5 different engines, quit them when they have load in and then quit scummvm?

does it crash for you then?

thank you


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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Raziel wrote:@Maijestro

does that reproducible crash always point to the same address?

Yes, it always refers to libcurl.so.12 when I use Odyssey or YT before and then start ScummVM.


could you try doing a
stack 4000000
in shell just before starting scummvm and see if something changes, please?

I changed the stack from default settings of 1024000 to 4000000 and started 5 engines in a row and stopped ScummVM no DSI no GrimReaper. Also tested after running Odyssey and YT which normally always resulted in a DSI crash. In the log you can see that I have executed 5 engines in a row without DSI/GreamReaper after exiting ScummVM

User picked target 'bladerunner-win-de' (engine ID 'bladerunner'game ID 'bladerunner')...
Looking for a plugin supporting this target... Blade Runner
Running Blade Runner 
STARTUP.MIX57d674ed860148a530b7f4957cbe65ec2314301 bytes.
Using pixel formatRGB565@2
DefaultSaveFileManager::assureCachedCan not cache path 'Programme:ScummVM/Save/''Failed to create directory 'Programme:ScummVM/Save/''!
Subtitles version infov8 (13:37:36 09/08/2022EFIGS
Subtitles font 
'SUBTLS_E.FON' was loaded successfully.
Blade Runner
        From the dark recesses of David Leary
's imagination comes a game unlike any
        other. Blade Runner immerses you in the underbelly of future Los Angeles. Right
        from the start, the story pulls you in with graphic descriptions of a
        grandmother doing the shimmy in her underwear, child molestation, brutal
        cold-blooded slaying of innocent animals, vomiting on desks, staring at a
s assthe list goes on. And when the game startsthe real fun begins -
shoot down-on-their-luck homeless people and toss them into a dumpsterWatch
        with sadistic glee 
as a dog gets blown into chunkybloodybits by an
, and even murder a shy little girl who loves you. If you think David
        Leary is sick
, and you like sickthis is THE game for you.
JWDon't forget the wasting of helpless mutated cripples in the underground.
s such a beautiful thing!
DLGo ahead.  Just keep beating that snarling pit bull...ignore the foam
        around his jaws
There's room on the top shelf of my fridge for at least one
        more head... - Psychotic Dave
        MG: Is David Leary a self-respecting human or is he powered by rechargeable

User picked target '
sword25-de' (engine ID 'sword25', game ID 'sword25')...
   Looking for a plugin supporting this target... Broken Sword 2.5
Running Broken Sword 2.5: The Return of the Templars (German)
data.b25c: f8b6e03ada2d2f6cf27fbc11ad1572e9, 654310588 bytes.
User picked target '
dig-de' (engine ID 'scumm', game ID 'dig')...
   Looking for a plugin supporting this target... SCUMM [all games]
User picked target '
dreamweb-cd-de' (engine ID 'dreamweb', game ID 'dreamweb')...
   Looking for a plugin supporting this target... DreamWeb
Running DreamWeb (CD/DOS/German)
dreamweb.r00: 9960dc3baddabc6ad2a6fd75292b149c, 155886 bytes.
dreamweb.r02: 076ca7cd326cb2abfb2091c6cf46ae08, 201038 bytes.
WARNING: DefaultSaveFileManager::assureCached: Can not cache path '
Programme:ScummVM/Save/': 'Failed to create directory 'Programme:ScummVM/Save/''!
User picked target '
grim-win' (engine ID 'grim', game ID 'grim')...
   Looking for a plugin supporting this target... Grim
Running Grim Fandango (Windows/English)
VOX0001.LAB: 444f05f2af689c1bffd179b8b6a632bd, 57993159 bytes.
WARNING: Lua_V1::SetGamma, implement opcode, level: 0.000000!
WARNING: DefaultSaveFileManager::assureCached: Can not cache path '
Programme:ScummVM/Save/': 'Failed to create directory 'Programme:ScummVM/Save/''!
WARNING: !!!! Trying to call MakeSectorActive without a scene!
WARNING: !!!! Trying to call MakeSectorActive without a scene!
WARNING: !!!! Trying to call MakeSectorActive without a scene!
WARNING: !!!! Trying to call MakeSectorActive without a scene!
WARNING: !!!! Trying to call MakeSectorActive without a scene!
WARNING: DefaultSaveFileManager::assureCached: Can not cache path '
Programme:ScummVM/Save/': 'Failed to create directory 'Programme:ScummVM/Save/''!

and lastly, if you have, could you start 5 different games from 5 different engines, quit them when they have load in and then quit scummvm?

does it crash for you then?

I have tested 5 engines and the global settings are set to go back to the ScummVM GUI after the engine is closed. I had no problems, please keep in mind that this only affects the software rendering.

You can see it in my video which I will delete later after you have seen it.

I never had such a stable ScummVM version under AmigaOs4.1 with libcurl.so.11 from Sys:sobjs/, with which I replaced their version 12. So now I am sure that libcurl.so is the problem. As always I could only test the software renderer, so it should be tested with Opengl/OpenGles2, but libcurl.so is not hardware related and does not access the 3D acceleration so there should be improvements when starting ScummVM.

All tests were performed with ScummVM 2.8.0 and replaced libcurl.so.12.

Edited by Maijestro on 2024/2/27 18:40:00
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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thank you


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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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just to be sure...as i cant make out the version of scummvm you are basing your tests on...is that 2.8.0 release or the test build i uploaded?

because 2.8.0 used an older libcurl...hence .11, while the *unreleased* test build is using the latest release from os4depot...hence .12


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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Raziel wrote:@Maijestro

just to be sure...as i cant make out the version of scummvm you are basing your tests on...is that 2.8.0 release or the test build i uploaded?

because 2.8.0 used an older libcurl...hence .11, while the *unreleased* test build is using the latest release from os4depot...hence .12

The tests were carried out with your last public version 2.8.0, which you uploaded to Os4Depot. The archive also contains libcurl.so.12 in the sobjs directory.

However, I also tested your test build 2.9.0git by replacing libcurl.so.12 with version 11, and again no DSI or crash occurred. In tests where I could otherwise reproduce a DSI.

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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ill provide a new test build asap then


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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Raziel wrote:@Maijestro

ill provide a new test build asap then

Cool thanks I will do all the tests for you. Simply because I want to use ScummVM on AmigaOs4.1 without any bugs. I could find some minor other bugs/problems, but the main problem at the moment is libcurl.so and we should solve that first. Just let me know when it starts

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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