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Port request: libgphoto2
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Hi All,

I was looking at the DCRAW package and saw the libgphoto2 work. A few things are interesting about libgphoto2.

First, it's still under development and supports the latest cameras.

Second, it has a 'port' capability for talking directly to cameras which is beyond what PTP can do.

Third, it has a fuse module so camera's can be mounted directly to the systems.

Fourth, I think it would be possible to leverage libgphoto2 in a datatype that would unlock the world of RAW images for any format within our beloved tools.

The code is here: https://github.com/gphoto/libgphoto2

Bill "tekmage" Borsari

PS, Eldee will ask for an SPE-compiled version!

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Re: Port request: libgphoto2
Just popping in
Just popping in

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It would nice.

Couple of questions came to mind.

We dont have raw-processor.

I have 20.8 MP and 45,7 MP cameras. 45.7 MP with 14bit per pixel is quite lot of data.

Any ase it needs memory and raw processor power. Many, if not all raw processors uses gpu . It may help, if it is possible with amiga.

By the way, Cr2_dt from os4depot can open low res jpeg embedded on raw. Tested with nikon raws. Not very useful.

Peg2 1GHz G4, 1Gb mem, Radeon 9250
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Re: Port request: libgphoto2
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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A long time ago, it was at the age of my A1XE with prerelease 2 or so, when I was playing with usb driver for a digital camera and VHI I did a port of this library.
It probably changed quite a lot since I did it but I may have a look this weekend.

Back to a quiet home... At last
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Re: Port request: libgphoto2
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Ok as promised I did some research on my hard-drive and I found out that in fact back in the time I only extracted the few files I needed from the libgphoto and libgphoto_port in order to get working the particular camera driver I was interested in. Far from a complete port!
I cloned the github repo and it needs really more work than I can afford to spend currently on an Amiga project. I am sorry for the false hope :-/
It does not sem to require to much exotic dependencies we do not have yet. But it may need some work to make the dynamic loading to work if our libdl isn't up for the job.

Back to a quiet home... At last
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