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Joined: 2008/8/16 12:36 Last Login
: 2010/8/28 19:13
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Hi there - its ok - I realised that because the other modes had = there too, so I copied that. Very confused as to why this doesn't work. I thought it might be because I had too many screen modes listed, so I thought I'd delete the 800x600 ones as I don't use those, and then it didnt boot correctly (had to go in the OS 3.1 and fix the tooltypes to get back in to OS4!)
Are the 800x600 modes required even though Im using 1024x768@75? (monitor info confirms that this is the true resolution)
Sidestepping - when you select the AGA mode in Quake - I assumed that this meant it would output the video on the RGB and composite video ports on the Amiga - is this not the case, because all I get is a dark cropped unuseable output on the BVision output.....