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Re: Airprint betatesting
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email sent ;)

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Re: Airprint betatesting
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Just popping in


Airprint 0.36 detects my samsung c480x printer and launches the print job correctly, but...
it prints the page the size of a postage stamp centered at the top of page

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Re: NetSurf 3.11 has been released!
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Just popping in

latest 3.12 beta version 6752 with sam460 full beta update:


NetSurf requires guigfx.library.....

Best Regards

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Re: Sam460LE boot problem
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Just popping in

better info for all about graphics card are in the guide in our website:


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Re: Sam460LE boot problem
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Just popping in


from the prompt of uboot you need to write the command "ver" to see the version of your uboot.

anyway I suggest you to type also this command:


ranger magically will see the correct version of uboot ;)

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Re: Sam460LE boot problem
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Just popping in

uboot is in the board not in the SD Card, anyway the board recognizes the video card but for use it with AmigaOS4 you need to buy the driver from aeon.
there is also a guide in our shop.

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Re: NetSurf 3.11 has been released!
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Just popping in

on sam460 with OS4.1FE without Beta components, version downloaded from os4depot everything it's ok, nice speed also.

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Re: NetSurf 3.11 has been released!
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Just popping in


on second machine asked again for guigfx.library and corrupt graphics on the top right (search) I try also here with proprietry screen 16 bit depth anyway some problem than PJS

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Re: NetSurf 3.11 has been released!
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Just popping in

Hi Chris, a few steps forward, now it doesn't corrupt the graphics and it doesn't ask for guigfx.library. I can navigate the first site I open but when i try to open a second website then everything freezes.

update: with proprietary screen work better than on wb screen, anyway i keep a window with many error in wb screen and later a dsi

I'll try on a second machine later

Edited by henryout on 2024/1/3 18:28:47
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Re: New Sam460cr boards will hit the road soon!
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Just popping in


no, I checked personally the board, I suspect a problem with the temperature variations during transport that have moved the thermal tape between the CPU and the heatsink.

Anyway is the first time I have this issue, very very strange.

I have two hands, they are many ;)

I hope after this, you will be very happy with our Sam460CR

Best regards

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Re: New Sam460cr boards will hit the road soon!
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Just popping in


yes, it's very strange.
Please kas1e check also this...
when I send the board to you no one paper was between cpu and cooler....
Another hit, in the package with the fan you can find also his power adaptor and the screws to fix it.

Obviously you are welcome to contact me or Max for every issue.

I would also to thanks publicly Spectre660 for the support he had to you.

Best Regards

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