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Re: EntwicklerX: Super Star Blast for AmigaOS4.1 released!
Posted on: 12/22 18:01
Just popping in 
@trixie I use a Logitech F310 wired USB controller and it works fine with my X5000.
My Amiga blog: markround.com/amigaMy hardware: X5000 running OS4.1; A1200 Vampire V1200v2, OS 3.1.4; MiSTer running MiniMig core, OS 3.2
Re: EntwicklerX: Super Star Blast for AmigaOS4.1 released!
Posted on: 12/14 20:16
Just popping in 
 Having a proper session down in AmigaLand - Transplant rocking on the A1200, and Super Star Blast going on my X5000. Tunes provided by ProTracker on my MiSTer and my Spectrum +3 joining in with some Spectranet action[1] so it doesn't feel left out Playing the two games back to back is great fun, and I love spotting all the little tributes to Transplant in Super Star Blast, right down to the enemy designs. Such a brilliant game and I'm so happy it finally got released! Going to follow up with another great EntwicklerX game, M.A.C.E. on the X5000 after this. A long evening of Amiga fun awaits! What a great early Xmas present :) [1]= https://tnfs.markround.com
My Amiga blog: markround.com/amigaMy hardware: X5000 running OS4.1; A1200 Vampire V1200v2, OS 3.1.4; MiSTer running MiniMig core, OS 3.2
Re: EntwicklerX: Super Star Blast for AmigaOS4.1 released!
Posted on: 12/14 17:33
Just popping in 
I get a error on launch saying I need newlib.library 53.68 or newer. I'm running os 4.1 FE update 2 - where can I get this library?
Edit: Found it, I just needed to run Amiupdate and install the update from there!
Edit 2: Wow, this was worth the wait. What a game! I can't tell you how happy this makes me - I have so many childhood memories of playing "Transplant" on my A600, and having a modern version on my X5000 is an absolute blast.
Edited by mdr on 2024/12/14 17:54:31
My Amiga blog: markround.com/amigaMy hardware: X5000 running OS4.1; A1200 Vampire V1200v2, OS 3.1.4; MiSTer running MiniMig core, OS 3.2
Re: EntwicklerX are working on Super Star Blast for OS4
Posted on: 2024/9/7 21:05
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At the risk of thread necromancy, is there any update on this? I've been checking https://entwickler-x.de/super-star-blast every now and then, and no Amiga news. Is it ever going to come for AmigaOS 4? I'd gladly pay for it, even if it is "rough around the edges". Loved Transplant back in the day and this brings back some great Amiga gaming memories :)
My Amiga blog: markround.com/amigaMy hardware: X5000 running OS4.1; A1200 Vampire V1200v2, OS 3.1.4; MiSTer running MiniMig core, OS 3.2
Amiga programming in 2023
Posted on: 2023/9/18 10:49
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Hi all! I recently posted an article on my blog about my experience getting back into Amiga development and my dev environment in 2023. The article is here: https://www.markround.com/blog/2023/08 ... tems-programming-in-2023/ and it generated a lot of discussion on Hacker News and other sites. I thought I should really post it here as well as this forum has been a gold-mine of useful information and had provided me with a lot of help in my experiments! Hope you enjoy it, and please feel free to send any comments or corrections my way - as I said in the article, this is my first time writing C in a very long time, and despite having owned Amigas since the 90s, this is my first time properly experimenting with all of this stuff! Cheers, -Mark
My Amiga blog: markround.com/amigaMy hardware: X5000 running OS4.1; A1200 Vampire V1200v2, OS 3.1.4; MiSTer running MiniMig core, OS 3.2
Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
Posted on: 2022/9/12 9:28
Just popping in 
Mine is still PENDING a month later. I've emailed @amigakit to ask what the status is.
UPDATE: They replied saying "Sorry for the delay. A-EON has made a few tweaks and changes to the driver.". I have been sent a download link to the product which I will try later this week.
Edited by mdr on 2022/9/12 16:00:22
My Amiga blog: markround.com/amigaMy hardware: X5000 running OS4.1; A1200 Vampire V1200v2, OS 3.1.4; MiSTer running MiniMig core, OS 3.2
Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
Posted on: 2022/8/31 18:35
Just popping in 
So, is the RadeonHD V5 driver actually released then? I purchased it through the Amigakit store over 2 weeks ago and it still shows my order as PENDING. From what I gather, that's normal for Amigakit, but I'm wondering if the product is actually ready, or if it's being held up somehow.
My Amiga blog: markround.com/amigaMy hardware: X5000 running OS4.1; A1200 Vampire V1200v2, OS 3.1.4; MiSTer running MiniMig core, OS 3.2
Re: EntwicklerX are working on Super Star Blast for OS4
Posted on: 2022/8/20 19:35
Just popping in 
Oh wow, this looks just like a modern version of "Transplant", one of my favourite PD games on my 68k Amigas. Spent many hours playing it back in the day, it'll be awesome to have a modern version to try out on my X5000.
I'll definitely be playing this, I hope there's an option to pay for the development or send a tip :)
My Amiga blog: markround.com/amigaMy hardware: X5000 running OS4.1; A1200 Vampire V1200v2, OS 3.1.4; MiSTer running MiniMig core, OS 3.2
Re: A new editor for AmigaOS 4 is in the works
Posted on: 2022/5/3 15:21
Just popping in 
Nothing to add to the technical discussions here, I just wanted to say Thank You for your hard work - this is one of the best things to happen to OS4 in a long time. I've already switched over to LiteXL2 for all my Amiga development and it's a game-changer. Amazing stuff!
My Amiga blog: markround.com/amigaMy hardware: X5000 running OS4.1; A1200 Vampire V1200v2, OS 3.1.4; MiSTer running MiniMig core, OS 3.2
AW.net down?
Posted on: 2022/1/12 21:59
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Seems like it's been down a day or so now. Anyone know what's up? I don't see any mention of it on the other forums but I'm pretty sure it's not just me as https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/amigaworld.net also shows it as being borked.
My Amiga blog: markround.com/amigaMy hardware: X5000 running OS4.1; A1200 Vampire V1200v2, OS 3.1.4; MiSTer running MiniMig core, OS 3.2
Re: A new editor for AmigaOS 4 is in the works
Posted on: 2022/1/12 19:40
Just popping in 
I might be branded a heretic for saying this, but I actually prefer Ctrl. It helps with the muscle memory when switching between systems, and also feels far more natural with less contortion required. Always wished Commodore had made it Left-Amiga instead!
My Amiga blog: markround.com/amigaMy hardware: X5000 running OS4.1; A1200 Vampire V1200v2, OS 3.1.4; MiSTer running MiniMig core, OS 3.2
Re: A new editor for AmigaOS 4 is in the works
Posted on: 2022/1/12 10:49
Just popping in 
This is AMAZING work. I can't thank you enough - this is easily the best editor I have used under OS4 for coding, it feels almost like a "lite" VScode. Thanks so much for your efforts!
My Amiga blog: markround.com/amigaMy hardware: X5000 running OS4.1; A1200 Vampire V1200v2, OS 3.1.4; MiSTer running MiniMig core, OS 3.2
Re: Don't automount MorphOS volumes?
Posted on: 2021/1/18 15:11
Just popping in 
Thanks all. I added several dismount statements to my user-startup, and this did the trick!
My Amiga blog: markround.com/amigaMy hardware: X5000 running OS4.1; A1200 Vampire V1200v2, OS 3.1.4; MiSTer running MiniMig core, OS 3.2
Don't automount MorphOS volumes?
Posted on: 2021/1/16 10:20
Just popping in 
Hi all,
I'm dual-booting MorphOS and OS4 on my X5000. I have all my MorphOS partitions on a separate SSD attached to the on-board SATA, and I'd like to avoid them auto-mounting when I boot into OS4.
Is there a way of doing this? If I toggle the automount flag on the partition, it affects the MorphOS side, so was looking for another way of excluding them. I guess I can always just hide them from Workbench, but I'm still worried I might accidentally end up writing to them or otherwise corrupting them.
My Amiga blog: markround.com/amigaMy hardware: X5000 running OS4.1; A1200 Vampire V1200v2, OS 3.1.4; MiSTer running MiniMig core, OS 3.2
Re: updating sgit
Posted on: 2020/5/7 8:26
Just popping in 
@billyfish I would also be happy to beta test, I'm using sgit daily for my Amiga projects. Thanks for all the work you've done so far!
My Amiga blog: markround.com/amigaMy hardware: X5000 running OS4.1; A1200 Vampire V1200v2, OS 3.1.4; MiSTer running MiniMig core, OS 3.2
Re: OS4Depot hosting payment 2019-2020
Posted on: 2019/8/7 18:45
Just popping in 
@orgin Donation made. Thank you for all you do!
My Amiga blog: markround.com/amigaMy hardware: X5000 running OS4.1; A1200 Vampire V1200v2, OS 3.1.4; MiSTer running MiniMig core, OS 3.2
Re: updating sgit
Posted on: 2019/8/5 20:32
Just popping in 
Ah, I got it all working now - seems like the assertation error was only thrown on an empty repo with no commits. I've now got it all hooked up and working with GitHub nicely and have blogged about it (including a link to this thread!) http://www.markround.com/blog/2019/08 ... -development-environment/ I aim to try and get a cross-compiling environment going so I can help contribute to your efforts, but in the meantime please do let me know if/when you have a binary available for testing. Many thanks again for all your work on this, it's very much appreciated.
My Amiga blog: markround.com/amigaMy hardware: X5000 running OS4.1; A1200 Vampire V1200v2, OS 3.1.4; MiSTer running MiniMig core, OS 3.2
Re: updating sgit
Posted on: 2019/7/28 16:53
Just popping in 
The error I get is an assertation failed. Here it is, showing context:
[Work:]> t:
[RAM Disk:T]> makedir test
[RAM Disk:T]> cd test
[RAM Disk:T/test]> sgit init Initialized empty Git repository in /RAM Disk/T/test/.git/
[RAM Disk:T/test]> touch foo
[RAM Disk:T/test]> sgit add foo
[RAM Disk:T/test]> sgit status # On an unnamed branch assertion "ref" failed: file "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/sgit.amiga/libgit2/src/refs.c", line 367
[RAM Disk:T/test]> sgit version sgit version 0.639 using libgit2 0.26.3 and OpenSSL 1.0.1u 22 Sep 2016
My Amiga blog: markround.com/amigaMy hardware: X5000 running OS4.1; A1200 Vampire V1200v2, OS 3.1.4; MiSTer running MiniMig core, OS 3.2
Re: updating sgit
Posted on: 2019/7/5 20:16
Just popping in 
Hi, could you please send me a link to a binary (or post one here) ?
I'd love to try your improvements as it would make a big difference to my usual workflow too! Sadly, my current install of the "old" sgit has started bombing out with errors whenever I try to use it, so I'd also be keen to see if your build resolves these issues.
Many thanks for your efforts on this!
My Amiga blog: markround.com/amigaMy hardware: X5000 running OS4.1; A1200 Vampire V1200v2, OS 3.1.4; MiSTer running MiniMig core, OS 3.2