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Re: fastfix for 1.23
Posted on: 2014/4/1 13:02
Just popping in
After I boot into OS4.1 (update 6 with all the latest downloads) I only have about 260 Meg of RAM left on my machine. Could that be the problem?
Does anyone else have this issue? What uses so much memory by default in OS4.1?
Re: fastfix for 1.23
Posted on: 2014/3/30 17:47
Just popping in
@kas1e Here's another example...I go to youtube, select the video for Transformers, Age of Extinction Trailer and start watching it. It runs for about a minute and a half, then starts "skipping" record sounds...like bad rap music....I move the mouse pointer and get a requester that says:
OWB Fatal Error
Assertion Failed
You can either:
-Crash -Retry -Quit
I try crash...Odyssey locks up. If I select quit, wait 10 seconds, then restart...I seem to be more prone to getting errors with the new Odyssey that opens.
I see this requester fairly regularly.....It is often how I end my Odyssey session.
Re: fastfix for 1.23
Posted on: 2014/3/30 17:35
Just popping in
As for reproducing crashlogs....it just seems like once I do a certain "thing", everything after that is prone to crashing....and I haven't figured out that "thing" yet. Here's another crashlog:
Crash log for task "Odyssey" Generated by GrimReaper 53.16 Crash occured in module Odyssey at address 0x7DA7B8C0 Type of crash: DSI (Data Storage Interrupt) exception
Register dump: GPR (General Purpose Registers): 0: 7DA7B8C0 62F068A0 2B800009 00000000 60C5FA88 01CA2AD8 00000028 0041583C 8: 5DD521B8 00000000 0165F248 01DB6876 0000015C 60936AB0 7D60B17C 7E1F6FC0 16: 7E1F61D0 7D629760 7D62BE30 7E1FBC80 7E1F61D0 7D629760 7D62BE30 5FEDF734 24: 7D60B17C 7EC02478 62F06934 62F06930 5A8BC5C8 00000000 6081C05C 584AC258
FPR (Floating Point Registers, NaN = Not a Number): 0: nan 0 0 0 4: 0.0221562 -0.999755 7 0 8: 0 -0.999755 4.5036e+15 0.000626087 12: 0 -4.29497e+09 -2.13823e-86 -4.3914e-135 16: -2.57809e+206 -7.35148e-113 -2.04549e+226 -1.44723e+174 20: -1.76558e+58 -3.17604e+71 -7.63092e+212 4.68485e+81 24: 3.08707e-189 -3.12628e+183 -2.14424e+192 5.6887e+61 28: 0 0 1.39604e+09 0
FPSCR (Floating Point Status and Control Register): 0xA6008100
SPRs (Special Purpose Registers): Machine State (msr) : 0x0000F030 Condition (cr) : 0x54357390 Instruction Pointer (ip) : 0x7DA7B8C0 Xtended Exception (xer) : 0x01426FAC Count (ctr) : 0x00000000 Link (lr) : 0x00000000 DSI Status (dsisr) : 0x014450EC Data Address (dar) : 0x00000000
680x0 emulated registers: DATA: 63520CAE 00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ADDR: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 62F062F0 FPU0: 0 0 0 0 FPU4: 0 0 0 0
Symbol info: Instruction pointer 0x7DA7B8C0 belongs to module "Odyssey" (PowerPC) Symbol: _ZNK7WebCore14ResourceBuffer12sharedBufferEv + 0x0 in section 1 offset 0x0061189C
Stack trace: _ZNK7WebCore14ResourceBuffer12sharedBufferEv()+0x0 (section 1 @ 0x61189C) _ZN7WebCore11CachedImage13finishLoadingEPNS_14ResourceBufferE()+0xa0 (section 1 @ 0x655858) _ZN7WebCore14ResourceLoader16didFinishLoadingEPNS_14ResourceHandleEd()+0x1c (section 1 @ 0x616AF8) _ZN7WebCore21ResourceHandleManager21downloadTimerCallbackEPNS_5TimerIS0_EE()+0x294 (section 1 @ 0x1A5DA4) _ZN7WebCore5TimerINS_21ResourceHandleManagerEE5firedEv()+0x30 (section 1 @ 0x1A815C) _ZN7WebCore12ThreadTimers24sharedTimerFiredInternalEv()+0x178 (section 1 @ 0x1E1DFC) _ZN7WebCore12ThreadTimers16sharedTimerFiredEv()+0x44 (section 1 @ 0x1E1E70) _ZN7WebCore17fireTimerIfNeededEv()+0x38 (section 1 @ 0x1CF0E8) _ZN14WebViewPrivate21fireWebKitTimerEventsEv()+0x2c (section 1 @ 0xDE24C) _ZN7WebView21fireWebKitTimerEventsEv()+0x30 (section 1 @ 0xB6030) _ZL28handleMM_OWBApp_WebKitEventsP6IClassPmP4_Msg()+0xcc (section 1 @ 0x518C) _ZL8dispatchP6IClassPmP4_Msg()+0x6c0 (section 1 @ 0xF824) native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x0001824c native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x00018470 native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x00008448 native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x00008088 _Z9main_loopv()+0x1fc (section 1 @ 0x718) main()+0x1a4 (section 1 @ 0x1214) native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x000020a4 native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002d54 native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002ee8 _start()+0x170 (section 1 @ 0x16C) native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x00024cd0 native kernel module kernel+0x00041350 native kernel module kernel+0x000413d0
PPC disassembly: 7da7b8b8: 7c0803a6 mtlr r0 7da7b8bc: 4e800020 blr *7da7b8c0: 80630008 lwz r3,8(r3) 7da7b8c4: 4e800020 blr 7da7b8c8: 81230008 lwz r9,8(r3)
System information:
CPU Model: IBM PowerPC 750 FX V2.2 CPU speed: 800 MHz FSB speed: 133 MHz Extensions: performancemonitor
Machine Machine name: AmigaOne Memory: 524288 KB Extensions: bus.pci bus.agp
Re: fastfix for 1.23
Posted on: 2014/3/30 17:16
Just popping in
Hi. I am quite sure from the comments of everyone else that here must be something missing (or something too much) in my configuration. I was wondering about AISS...is there a particular version Odyssey 1.23 needs to run properly?
Ok, you know my system: micro A1 512M RAM standard inbuilt Radeon 32M graphics chip. I have a 3114 SATA hard drive, 1TB in size. My WEB partition where the Odyssey drawer resides is about 44 Gig, of which 42.5 gig is free. It is formatted as SFS02 with 512 byte sector size. I am using a wired LAN internet connected to a WIFI router - I get very high speed downloads - often exceeding 1 megabyte per second. Odyssey 1.23 was installed in a new folder from the archive on OS4depot. Any old Odyssey folders were deleted.
When I say "a lot" of errors, let me give an example. I go to youtube and the main page comes up just fine. I enter something like "AmigaOne" in the youtube search and see lots of videos available. I go select one and it starts to play. Then I get a DSI. Or perhaps I open another tab and do a google search for Debian Wheezy, select one of the links that comes up, and get a DSI. Odd. No rhyme or reason to it. (Oh...Dopus 5 works fine on this system partition by the way....). Let me give you a few more memory dumps and you can see if there is a pettern....
Re: fastfix for 1.23
Posted on: 2014/3/30 12:05
Just popping in
Thank you for your great efforts to port Odyssey 1.23 to OS4.1!
I still get a lot of errors and DSIs with Odyssey 1.23 on my system. Below is one such example. I think maybe I need an update to the icon system used by Odyssey..I have seen issues with Icon data in some of the DSI messages. Anyway, does this reveal anything? I am using a micro A1 with 512M of RAM. This is the 2nd Odyssey 1.23 you put on OS4Depot.
Crash log for task "Odyssey" Generated by GrimReaper 53.16 Crash occured in module Odyssey at address 0x7E935D60 Type of crash: DSI (Data Storage Interrupt) exception
Register dump: GPR (General Purpose Registers): 0: 7E935D50 62F04940 39296480 5F469078 6FDA0410 FE502A80 5335A873 00073656 8: 00000007 DFEBFBB8 000000F0 01DB6876 000F4240 6094FAB0 00000000 60C8C340 16: 7D47B094 00000000 00000000 00340014 01E70000 01E70000 18356BC4 60948988 24: 62F04C88 622DC024 62A5B9C0 62A5B978 60954018 606C4BB0 60885BE8 5F469020
FPR (Floating Point Registers, NaN = Not a Number): 0: nan 1.39604e+09 0 0 4: 386 719 879 879 8: 0 1 1 0.0046289 12: 0 99.2686 -2.13823e-86 -4.3914e-135 16: -2.57809e+206 -7.35148e-113 -2.04549e+226 -1.44723e+174 20: -1.76558e+58 -3.17604e+71 -7.63092e+212 4.68485e+81 24: 3.08707e-189 -3.12628e+183 -2.14424e+192 5.6887e+61 28: 0 0 1.39604e+09 0
FPSCR (Floating Point Status and Control Register): 0xA2004100
SPRs (Special Purpose Registers): Machine State (msr) : 0x0000F030 Condition (cr) : 0x5B507390 Instruction Pointer (ip) : 0x7E935D60 Xtended Exception (xer) : 0x01426FAC Count (ctr) : 0x00000000 Link (lr) : 0x00000000 DSI Status (dsisr) : 0x014450EC Data Address (dar) : 0x00000000
680x0 emulated registers: DATA: 6350CCAE 00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ADDR: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 62F042F0 FPU0: 0 0 0 0 FPU4: 0 0 0 0
Symbol info: Instruction pointer 0x7E935D60 belongs to module "Odyssey" (PowerPC) Symbol: _ZN3JSC4Heap21deleteAllCompiledCodeEv + 0xC4 in section 1 offset 0x014BBD3C
Stack trace: _ZN3JSC4Heap21deleteAllCompiledCodeEv()+0xc4 (section 1 @ 0x14BBD3C) _ZN3JSC4Heap21deleteAllCompiledCodeEv()+0xb4 (section 1 @ 0x14BBD2C) _ZN3JSC4Heap17collectAllGarbageEv()+0x3c (section 1 @ 0x14C03F0) _ZN7WebCoreL7collectEPv()+0x64 (section 1 @ 0x22BBC0) _ZN7WebCore12GCController12gcTimerFiredEPNS_5TimerIS0_EE()+0x30 (section 1 @ 0x22BC1C) _ZN7WebCore5TimerINS_12GCControllerEE5firedEv()+0x30 (section 1 @ 0x22BF10) _ZN7WebCore12ThreadTimers24sharedTimerFiredInternalEv()+0x178 (section 1 @ 0x1E1DFC) _ZN7WebCore12ThreadTimers16sharedTimerFiredEv()+0x44 (section 1 @ 0x1E1E70) _ZN7WebCore17fireTimerIfNeededEv()+0x38 (section 1 @ 0x1CF0E8) _ZN14WebViewPrivate21fireWebKitTimerEventsEv()+0x2c (section 1 @ 0xDE24C) _ZN7WebView21fireWebKitTimerEventsEv()+0x30 (section 1 @ 0xB6030) _ZL28handleMM_OWBApp_WebKitEventsP6IClassPmP4_Msg()+0xcc (section 1 @ 0x518C) _ZL8dispatchP6IClassPmP4_Msg()+0x6c0 (section 1 @ 0xF824) native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x0001824c native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x00018470 native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x00008448 native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x00008088 _Z9main_loopv()+0x1fc (section 1 @ 0x718) main()+0x1a4 (section 1 @ 0x1214) native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x000020a4 native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002d54 native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002ee8 _start()+0x170 (section 1 @ 0x16C) native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x00024cd0 native kernel module kernel+0x00041350 native kernel module kernel+0x000413d0
PPC disassembly: 7e935d58: 41beffa8 beq- cr7,0x7E935D00 7e935d5c: 813f0000 lwz r9,0(r31) *7e935d60: 88090034 lbz r0,52(r9) 7e935d64: 2f80000c cmpwi cr7,r0,12 7e935d68: 409effe8 bne+ cr7,0x7E935D50
System information:
CPU Model: IBM PowerPC 750 FX V2.2 CPU speed: 800 MHz FSB speed: 133 MHz Extensions: performancemonitor
Machine Machine name: AmigaOne Memory: 524288 KB Extensions: bus.pci bus.agp
Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Posted on: 2014/2/20 13:59
Just popping in
Have you posted this problem over on the Hyperion forums, or on OS4coding? I think you may get better results there.
Re: QT4.7 more library problems
Posted on: 2014/2/18 3:23
Just popping in
Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Posted on: 2014/2/18 3:07
Just popping in
Two days of silence!
What does it mean?
Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
Posted on: 2014/2/14 11:15
Just popping in
Yes, I did exactly that. I copied the "vanilla" OS4.1 libs on top of the full up libs directory, replacing all files of the same name, to ensure that I had the latest copy of any libs required by OS4.1 set up correctly.
But...Dopus5 still gives DSIs with this new library folder. Could it bet hat Dopus5 is trying to open something that most people do not have like (for example) inovamusic.library, and works fine because nobody else has it, but I DO HAVE IT and so it starts getting DSIs? Obviously, that's just one possible example.
If I get time, I'll try to run Snoopy and see if I can see any odd libraries being opened by Dopus5.
Re: Greetings!
Posted on: 2014/2/13 0:09
Just popping in
I hope you enjoy it and have a lot of fun!
Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
Posted on: 2014/2/13 0:04
Just popping in
Actually....it turns out that it is one or more of my files in the libs: directory. I saved my new OS4.1 update 6 "vanilla" library drawer and copied over my full up libs drawer from my old OS4.1 install, it has 337 lib files in it....and the next time I ran dopus5, I got 2 DSI's exiting and DSI's using buttons banks. There is no Dopus.library in either libs: drawer. Wonder which other library might cause this?
Re: QT4.7 .so lib ... how do I add it?
Posted on: 2014/2/9 21:08
Just popping in
dir sobjs: >NIL: <--add this line
Thats what I was looking for. That did the trick....
Now, to go figure out how to configure mplayer for SMTube....
Re: QT4.7 .so lib ... how do I add it?
Posted on: 2014/2/9 16:45
Just popping in
@Chris The original archive is the latest one on Os4depot dated 7 July, 2013? That is the newest for QT 4.7? I thought Alfkil had to make some changes to some components...are they included in that version on Os4depot, or will I have to go hunting for all the hacks and changes required to get it working again? IIRC, when I first installed qt 4.7 I had this problem with the .so libs never being seen by QT apps, and solved it by manually copying all the qt .so files into my sobjs directory...but that is not a good solution.
QT4.7 .so lib ... how do I add it?
Posted on: 2014/2/9 11:59
Just popping in
I have gotten a new hard drive and reinstalled OS4.1. I have QT4.7 already loaded on one of my hard drive partitions that I copied over to my new drive. My user-startup has this:
assign Qt: "SDE:Qt-4.7" ; QT4.7 path Qt:bin ADD assign sobjs: Qt:lib ADD setenv PATH $PATH:/qt/bin
but when I go and try to start any QT program, such as SMTube, none of the qt .so objects are seen. Is it necessary to copy them to my sys:sobjs directory? I prefer not to if possible.
Re: Qt5 progress
Posted on: 2014/2/9 11:53
Just popping in
Any progress on QT5.0?
Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Posted on: 2014/2/9 11:32
Just popping in
Thanks again for your efforts to get the latest Odyssey working on OS4.1!
How close are you to having a public Beta?
Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
Posted on: 2014/2/9 11:29
Just popping in
Okay, I have started over with a new SSD hard drive and installed the latest nightly Dopus5 build as of Feb 8, 2014. No more errors with button editor, or anything else.
Great work. I wonder if some of my old Os3.x button banks that I imported might have been causing problems?
Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Posted on: 2014/1/25 3:34
Just popping in
Great work Kas1e! Keep going!
..and thanks!
Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
Posted on: 2014/1/20 1:27
Just popping in
oops..actually, I think this is the first one...that last one happens once I quit dopus after getting these errors. [Edit: Use http://crashlog.os4depot.net/ when posting crash logs]
Edited by orgin on 2014/1/20 9:18:53
Only Amiga Makes It Possible! AmigaOne Micro A1-c 512M RAM 1TB SSD using SATA 3114 controller
Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
Posted on: 2014/1/20 1:24
Just popping in
@kas1e I am using the one Dated 29 Dec 2013. When I go to edit a button bank, I get 3 DSI errors in a row. Here is the first one: [Edit: Use http://crashlog.os4depot.net/ when posting crash logs]
Edited by orgin on 2014/1/20 9:18:15