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Re: The right memory
Posted on: 2008/2/27 6:45
Just popping in 
I'm not right person to answer to this one. But i have my doubts, that it will not work...
?A1-C 750GX@933, 512mb, Onboard GFX, Multi DVD Burner. OS4 JulyUpd
Re: The right memory
Posted on: 2008/2/26 13:26
Just popping in 
@Skov I suggest that you go here http://www.intuitionbase.com/comphard.php to check what kind of memory you buy...
?A1-C 750GX@933, 512mb, Onboard GFX, Multi DVD Burner. OS4 JulyUpd
Re: The right memory
Posted on: 2008/2/26 10:24
Just popping in 
No there is only one slot, and it's btw SO-DIMM slot. So you cannot fit XE module into microA1..
?A1-C 750GX@933, 512mb, Onboard GFX, Multi DVD Burner. OS4 JulyUpd
Re: DHCP IP Address?
Posted on: 2007/11/16 8:38
Just popping in 
Or you can visit http://www.os4depot.net and look to upper right corner.
?A1-C 750GX@933, 512mb, Onboard GFX, Multi DVD Burner. OS4 JulyUpd
Re: Usb problems
Posted on: 2007/11/14 11:26
Just popping in 
I Don't know is this relative at all, but with my nokia phones have been problems with MP3 when +e flag wasn't set to mp3..
so check have those .mp3 files e flag set? If not then use like shell "protect FILE.mp3 +e" And try again..
?A1-C 750GX@933, 512mb, Onboard GFX, Multi DVD Burner. OS4 JulyUpd
Re: Make CD
Posted on: 2007/9/24 12:58
Just popping in 
Well, my opinion is that we'll have to get new version from FryingPan, way easier to use.
?A1-C 750GX@933, 512mb, Onboard GFX, Multi DVD Burner. OS4 JulyUpd
Posted on: 2007/9/21 11:29
Just popping in 
Yes, youre right my memory doesnt serve me right :) Antec minuet, not Aria
?A1-C 750GX@933, 512mb, Onboard GFX, Multi DVD Burner. OS4 JulyUpd
Posted on: 2007/9/21 9:19
Just popping in 
What case is it? I have blew one Antec Aria's case PSU, and i got replacement, seems that that is also going down. (Odd noises from PSU, like from first that blew up).
So it was last Antec's cases i'm going to buy never.
?A1-C 750GX@933, 512mb, Onboard GFX, Multi DVD Burner. OS4 JulyUpd
Re: Radeon cards - please list your config here
Posted on: 2007/4/21 20:22
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This is an offtopic question but it is interesting me.
When that new UBoot is going to be out, that i'm able to buy new GFX card for my ?A1-C????
Far as i know ( I MIGHT BE WRONG ), i'm not able to install anything into my micro PCI slot as long as that new uboot is not here....
?A1-C 750GX@933, 512mb, Onboard GFX, Multi DVD Burner. OS4 JulyUpd
Re: RAD: on AOS4.0
Posted on: 2007/4/9 10:20
Just popping in 
Sorry, i'm in a hurry and no time to read entire forum.
But this is what i do when mounting RAD:
Open shell and type rad: AmigaDOS asks what to do, press mount.
And voila i have a "standard" floppy, i can format it, i can write *.adf and *.dms on it like into a normal disk.
?A1-C 750GX@933, 512mb, Onboard GFX, Multi DVD Burner. OS4 JulyUpd
Re: Amiga user for the longest time?
Posted on: 2007/2/26 16:25
Just popping in 
Well, i'm not the oldest one, i jumped into this wheel some 89-90
?A1-C 750GX@933, 512mb, Onboard GFX, Multi DVD Burner. OS4 JulyUpd
Re: New CPU module for A1/uA1 from ACube System tested..
Posted on: 2007/2/20 21:09
Just popping in 
Well then i misunderstanded...
Time to get in bed....
?A1-C 750GX@933, 512mb, Onboard GFX, Multi DVD Burner. OS4 JulyUpd
Re: New CPU module for A1/uA1 from ACube System tested..
Posted on: 2007/2/20 20:12
Just popping in 
@Jack On my module (G3) has those multipliers 4 plus 1 (JP1 open or short)depends frequency i choose... But this is far as my manual tells... And what comes into my last post regarding max frequency Quote: sundown
Where is the clock frequency generated on the micro? I see 2 crystals on the board, but my docs don't mention any settings above 933MHZ. Will any A1 support a 1.7GHZ cpu? If so, what is the upper limit?
I might have misuderstunded what does he (sundown) mean.... Please correct me if i have done so...
?A1-C 750GX@933, 512mb, Onboard GFX, Multi DVD Burner. OS4 JulyUpd
Re: New CPU module for A1/uA1 from ACube System tested..
Posted on: 2007/2/20 16:07
Just popping in 
I have checked the manual, and my (?A1-C Mini-ITX PPC Board Documentation) tells me that multipliers are from 4x to 8x with step 0.5x. so its from 533 mhz up to 1066 mhz,
Of cource there might be more that manual doesnt tell..
?A1-C 750GX@933, 512mb, Onboard GFX, Multi DVD Burner. OS4 JulyUpd
Re: WarpSnes
Posted on: 2007/2/20 9:31
Just popping in 
Snoopy is your friend.
?A1-C 750GX@933, 512mb, Onboard GFX, Multi DVD Burner. OS4 JulyUpd
Re: New CPU module for A1/uA1 from ACube System tested..
Posted on: 2007/2/20 7:19
Just popping in 
It's possible to clock higher than that, i have to check the manuals when i get back to home....
?A1-C 750GX@933, 512mb, Onboard GFX, Multi DVD Burner. OS4 JulyUpd
Posted on: 2007/2/17 11:36
Just popping in 
OK, here is the thing. I bought G4 (7455) XE CPU module for my ?A1, and now when i turn my computer on my audio start to crackle and humming. Here is the sound http://www.mtreasure.f2s.com/jape/Recording.wavThat sound disappears when i start whatever program witch uses AHI? When i have used my audio i can make warm reboot without that noise coming. But if i do cold reboot, that noise starts immediatedly till that when i start some prog witch uses AHI So could this be somekind of "initialization" bug in UBoot? Suggest? I'm little lost here... And sorry about poor quality of sound, quickly recorded with my phone. EDIT: that noise seems to come from left channel
?A1-C 750GX@933, 512mb, Onboard GFX, Multi DVD Burner. OS4 JulyUpd
Re: New CPU module for A1/uA1 from ACube System tested..
Posted on: 2007/2/14 13:20
Just popping in 
Erm. want to tell me more???
So this is just ?A1 CPU module with new CPU? How about XE module? Is it possible to change to it too?
?A1-C 750GX@933, 512mb, Onboard GFX, Multi DVD Burner. OS4 JulyUpd
Re: Hello
Posted on: 2007/2/12 13:06
Just popping in 
Welcome aboard....
?A1-C 750GX@933, 512mb, Onboard GFX, Multi DVD Burner. OS4 JulyUpd
Re: Report your 'AmigaOS 4.0 Final' bugs here!
Posted on: 2007/2/5 17:36
Just popping in 
Heres that "input.device" crashlog.
It was quite hard to find those real lines from 26421 lines. And i'm still not sure did i get right data
Registers pointing to code: r0 : module LIBS:commodities.library at 0x7FFD92E8 (section 4 @ 0x12C8) r6 : native kernel module Kickstart/kernel+0x0099334C r7 : native kernel module Kickstart/kernel+0x00993370 ip : unknown (0xFFFDA280) lr : module LIBS:commodities.library at 0x7FFD9338 (section 4 @ 0x1318) ctr: unknown (0xFFFDA280)
native kernel module Kickstart/input.device.kmod+0x0000014C native kernel module Kickstart/input.device.kmod+0x00001A14 native kernel module Kickstart/kernel+0x00019624
Disassembly of crash site: FFFDA270: 65736574 oris r19,r11,25972 FFFDA274: 20666169 subfic r3,r6,24937 FFFDA278: 6C65642C xoris r5,r3,25644 FFFDA27C: 206E6F20 subfic r3,r14,28448 >FFFDA280: 504F5200 rlwimi r15,r2,10,8,0 FFFDA284: 4B62643A ba 0xFF626438 FFFDA288: 20202064 subfic r1,r0,8292 FFFDA28C: 69736162 xori r19,r11,24930 FFFDA290: 6C65206B xoris r5,r3,8299 FFFDA294: 6579626F oris r25,r11,25199 Stack pointer (0x6FF5FF00) is inside bounds Redzone is OK (4)
68k register dump DATA: FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ADDR: 6FF04FB4 6FEDB408 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 6FEDB150 AHI_SetSound(0, 65535, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x695052C0, 0) Terminating IO Request 0x68D46D90AHI_SetVol(0, 0x00010000, 0x00008000, 0x695052C0, 1) AHI_SetEffect(0x690C0ED0 (Effect 0x00000001), 0x695052C0)
STCK: 6FEDB1B0 01563E10 031101C5 032501D8 6FEDB180 032501D8 69E0C5C0 031101C5 STCK: 6FEDB180 6FEDB1D0 01C927D0 6FF50518 6FEDB1A0 016A2310 6FEDB1D0 01E50000 STCK: 6FF50518 6FFA3800 69C50B30 6AA0E4F0 6FEDB1D0 016A5574 00000000 6FEDB1EE STCK: 6FEDB1D0 6FEDB1EA 6FEDB368 6FEDB21E 6FEDB1F0 6FEDB300 6FEDB2F0 6FFB0700 STCK: 6FEDB1F0 6FEDB300 00000002 6FEDB21E 6FEDB21C 6FEDB21A 6FEDB2F0 6FFB0700 STCK: 6FEDB260 016EEA3C 00000002 00000001 6FEDB210 01E50000 0000000A 6FF501B8 STCK: 6FEDB230 016A2310 00350002 05CD0002 6FEDB240 6FEDB310 00000000 6FFB0770 STCK: 6FEDB240 00000008 69C34748 6FF501B8 6FEDB260 016A2310 00000000 01C927D0 Address of 68k IP r21 0xFFFFFFFE not found Address of 68k IP r8 0x00000000 not found ----> 01563E10 - "Kickstart/intuition.library.kmod" Hunk 0000 Offset 0001AA4C ----> 01C50325 - "Kickstart/kernel" Hunk 0001 Offset 00000321 ----> 01D86FED - "Kickstart/kernel" Hunk 0001 Offset 00136FE9 ----> 01D869E0 - "Kickstart/kernel" Hunk 0001 Offset 001369DC ----> 01C56FED - "Kickstart/kernel" Hunk 0001 Offset 00006FE9 ----> 01C927D0 - "Kickstart/kernel" Hunk 0001 Offset 000427CC ----> 016A2310 - "Kickstart/rtg.library" Hunk 0000 Offset 0001690C ----> 016A5574 - "Kickstart/rtg.library" Hunk 0000 Offset 00019B70 ----> 016EEA3C - "Kickstart/ATIRadeon.chip" Hunk 0000 Offset 00003578 ----> 016A2310 - "Kickstart/rtg.library" Hunk 0000 Offset 0001690C ----> 016A2310 - "Kickstart/rtg.library" Hunk 0000 Offset 0001690C ----> 01C927D0 - "Kickstart/kernel" Hunk 0001 Offset 000427CC
Dump of context at 0x01C88EE0 Trap type: ISI exception Machine State (raw): 0x1000F030 Machine State (verbose): [ExtInt on] [User] [FPU on] [IAT on] [DAT on] Temporary stack trace: #0: 0xFFFDA280 #1: in module Kickstart/input.device.kmod+0x0000014C (0x0154700C) #2: in module Kickstart/input.device.kmod+0x00001A14 (0x015488D4) #3: in module Kickstart/kernel+0x00019624 (0x01419624)
Crashed task: input.device (0x6FF62240) 0: 7FFD92E8 6FF5FF00 00000000 6ADD25B0 6FF8242E 00000000 01D9334C 01D93370 8: 00000000 FFFDA280 6AD9DF24 6ADCF7A4 35FF9F33 00000000 00000000 00000000 16: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000 24: 80000009 8000000A 8000000B 6ADCF7B0 6FF8242E 00000000 6ADCF86C 6ADCF6CC CR: 35FF9F33 XER: C000FF7F CTR: FFFDA280 LR: 7FFD9338 ISI verbose error description: Instruction fetch in non-execute segment BeginIO(0x68D46D90)
----------------------------------------------FROM THIS POINT "dumpdebugbuffer" REPEATS THIS 1147 times-------------------------
CMD_WRITE AHI_SampleFrameSize(3)=>4 AHI_LoadSound(1, 1, 0x690C0F08, 0x695052C0) [T:0x00000003 A:0x68A1C02C L:2048]=>0 AHI_PlayA(0x695052C0, AHIP_BeginChannel, 0, AHIP_LoopFreq, 44100, AHIP_LoopVol, 1.0, AHIP_LoopPan, 0.500, AHIP_LoopSound, 1, AHIP_LoopOffset, 0x00000000, AHIP_LoopLength, 0x00000800, AHIP_EndChannel, 0, TAG_DONE) AHI_SetFreq(0, 44100, 0x695052C0, 0) AHI_SetVol(0, 0x00010000, 0x00008000, 0x695052C0, 0) AHI_SetSound(0, 1, 0x00000000, 0x00000800, 0x695052C0, 0) AHI_SetSound(0, 65535, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x695052C0, 0) Terminating IO Request 0x69C96820AHI_SetVol(0, 0x00010000, 0x00008000, 0x695052C0, 1) AHI_SetEffect(0x690C0ED0 (Effect 0x00000001), 0x695052C0) AHI_SampleFrameSize(3)=>4 AHI_UnloadSound(0, 0x695052C0) =>0
?A1-C 750GX@933, 512mb, Onboard GFX, Multi DVD Burner. OS4 JulyUpd