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Re: ignition open sourced
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abalaban wrote:
Fact is that today Ignition has facility to crash under OS4, so at least doing an OS4 port might give us the opportunity to use it.
Also a stagnant working project is better than a developped non working project !!

It worked for me until I updated to OS4.1. I had to disable the JIT in Compatibility Prefs to get it to go, but it worked fine. Now, with OS4.1 even disabling the JIT doesn't help. It is a shame, it was a good program.

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Re: I'm Smiling
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In a way, I am worse off than you. I don't break it, I don't even get to try it out. If I can install the software and get it to work then the documentation is clear and complete and the installer script is idiot proof. There are things on OS4 Depot, however, that I cannot get to go. For some, I cannot locate all the necessary required programs I need to run it. For others, I have all the parts and the instructions are too vague for me to follow. The result is that I am not running all the software that there is for OS4, just the ones that I could get to work. I hope the developers keep in mind that there are folks like us out here, Less advanced users who chose Amiga because of it is supposed to be intuitive and easy to use.

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Re: Radeon cards - please list your config here
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15 0x1002 0x5960 ATI Technologies RV280 Radeon 9200 Pro
ATI Radeon 9250 PCI card with 256 MB RAM

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Re: Time to Pay, I have an idea........
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I don't know if they have paypal, but...

Thomas Rapp author of PicShow, Thumb and LimpidClock.

Alfred Faust - Bars&Pipes

Rudolph Riedel - DiskMaster 2

Chris Young - Wet (Unsatisfactory software)

Stephan Rupprecht - Image2Icon, Eastern, SGrab and others.

Edited by DoodooHead on 2007/4/19 2:52:25
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Re: Amiga Center at Kent
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Yes, all those who have been calling for Amiga Inc. to redo the web site have gotten their wishes granted. Now the complaining about the new design can begin.

(The home of the San Jose Sharks ice hockey team, near where I live, is named the HP Pavilion. The naming rights were bought by Hewlett Packard.)

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Re: New version of Wet released [updated]
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Thanks you for fixing it. Version 4.17 works great here. No problems.

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Re: New version of Wet released
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I started Wet by double clicking on its icon. (It is not in WBStartup.) I waited for it to get the weather data from my local station. I then chose Quit from the project menu. I did this ten times with the old version and ten times with the new one. It crashed every time on the new version and not once with the older one.

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Re: New version of Wet released
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Yes, it happens every time I quit the program. I don't use the Docky. It happens no matter if I run it for 5 minutes or over an hour.

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Re: New version of Wet released
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I gave it a try, but I get a DSI error when I quit the program. I had no problems with the previous version though.

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Re: Has your Total Amiga magazine arrived yet?
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It arrived today! Now, I have got some reading to do.

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Re: Has your Total Amiga magazine arrived yet?
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No, I'm still waiting...

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Re: Report your 'AmigaOS 4.0 Final' bugs here!
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@ Paul

Wet works for me, I recommend you reinstall it. (Mine was unable to find the banner in the locale directory. I did a fresh install of OS4 and of course the wet banner was not placed in the locale directory.)

Limpid Clock also works for me, make sure you have the latest version and reinstall it as well. (I had version 1.16 installed and it didn't work, I got version 1.17 and it works.)

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Re: Report your 'AmigaOS 4.0 Final' bugs here!
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Not necessarily an OS4 bug, but BarsnPipes doesn't work for me anymore.

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Re: Directory Opurs 4.18 released
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Just popping in

Another great present this Christmas! Thanks for all the hard work put into this fine program.

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