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Re: DOpus5 frustration
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Just popping in


Jokes on me again, I guess.

I have four windows open on DOpus that look pretty much like the four you showed me. "File Types" isn't populated like yours, but I do have the PDF line.

The left-hand "Document, PDF" looks like yours, except no Default Icon.... I couldn't find one that looks like that.

My "Document, PDF : Double-click" looks the same as yours, except that the name bar looks different, no silver piece of disk behind the name when selected, and the ghosted selector has "Command" rather than "AmigaDOS."

The right-hand "Document, PDF" doesn't have "Match" in the selector unless I click "Add" or "Insert." And this one isn't having the results I would expect. ANYthing I double-click on gets me "maybe not a PDF" and "PDF is damaged" messages, unless it actually is a PDF, and then it doesn't matter whether there is a ".pdf" suffix or not. Well, I don't get those invitations to Sniff anymore, so not all bad.

Changing the line in "Document, PDF : Double-click" to "AppDir:AmiPDF {f} pubscreen {Qs}" works. Thanks for that. (It didn't work on the first try, maybe because I hadn't resaved the File Types document yet.)

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Re: DOpus5 frustration
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Just popping in


Wow, yes! That almost did it.

All I have to do now is figure out why it opened the file on my Workbench screen instead of the DOpus screen. We'll see (or at least I will) whether I'm smart enough to figure that out. (I started feeding punched cards to main frames in 1967, but didn't have a computer of my own until 1978, so I'm a bit behind...)

A1000 -> A2000 --> AOne XE --> (SAM460ex) & AmigaOne X1000 --> AmigaOne X5000
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DOpus5 frustration
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Just popping in

I've been using DiskMaster--DM2 for a quarter of a century. When OS4 included DirectoryOpus, I gave it a couple of tries as a possible replacement, but I couldn't figure out what the icons in the Toolbar meant, so I went back to DM2.

When this announcement came up I downloaded and installed what I assume is version 5.90. And I started through the manuals to see how to work it. I was looking at the manuals via Workbench. Neat; all I had to do was click on the Dopus5 icon in my Apps drawer, and there is a Documents icon which lets me at Dopus55.pdf, which opens automatically and legibly. The possibility of the program's use as a Workbench replacement was very interesting.

After reading the manual for a while, I got the idea that it might make sense to read it from the actual DOpus window, and be able to see what it was talking about, so I tried it, clicking on the Apps icon in on the DOpus screen, and then on "DOpus55.pdf." And up comes a "Directory Opus Request" rather than a text file, saying "The file 'DOpus55.pdf' could not be identified. Launch Filetype Sniffer to investigate?"! I gave it the go-ahead, and was told, "There is a filetype installed which matches the selected file. Do you wish to use [it] ...?" Whatever that means.

No obviously better option, so I click "Use" and find myself back where I started. "Aha!" I think. "I should just select the file 'DOpus55.pdf' and then click 'Read' in the command box!" Sure, if I want to read hex!

What the heck is going on?

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Re: Odyssey DSI's
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Just popping in

@pseudaxos & zzd10h

Thanks. It helps a lot to know I'm not the only one.

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Odyssey DSI's
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Just popping in

I get frequent DSI's when using Odyssey. Asking the machine (X1000) to ignore them works perhaps half the time, but just as often the machine dies immediately and I have to push the reset button and grow a couple minutes older before continuing with what I was doing. Sometimes I am treated to an ISI before total crash, giving me a chance to warm reboot.

I just remembered I had started to keep a diary of OWB crashes, so this is not new with Odyssey after all.

Is this common with (OWB/)Odyssey, or is there something wrong with my machine? I do get occasional DSI's with other programs, but not several times a day.

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Re: graphics print stretched vertically
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Just popping in

You may be onto something (but then, wouldn't one of the other people with the problem have figured it out by now?).

I currently have it set to "Ignore," which "means to not apply limits." In the past I have found use for "Bounded," or was it "Absolute," maybe when printing merchant coupons or something.

I have just turned the printer on and am about to reprint, via Multiview, the last offending graphic, with Absolute > Height set to "0" (and Width at 75 for Letterhead 8½x11).

Well, that made no difference. I'll try "Bounded," with Height = 80.

What that did was cut the height to 8", but kept the same shape by cutting width down to 5¼.

I'm sure I have used some of those things successfully in the past, but maybe it was only when I had my HP2605dn LaserJet. That was a wonderful printer while it lasted (about five years).

For now, I guess I'll go the long way around and use PageStream.

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graphics print stretched vertically
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Just popping in

This may have started when I switched from SAM460ex to X1000, so just possibly an X1000 problem.

I use an HP Officejet 6700 Premium and HP_Photosmart to drive it. If I open a graphic file with Multiview, which displays it properly, and then print it (via usbprinter.device), the result gets stretched out in the vertical direction, making people look skinny for one thing.

I don't find any obvious solutions in Printer Preferences. What should I do?

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Re: AmiKit 7 is now available for FREE download!
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Just popping in

I thought maybe I had Android 4.2, but the jokes on me: 4.1.2.

I get the initial screen graphic briefly, and it'll stay on if I play with settings, but if I don't, it just goes black. Lucky I have a real Amiga!

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Re: The Big Thing...
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Just popping in

I don't get it. A bunch of vertical black lines of different lengths turn red one by one. I sort of expected sound, but none.

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Re: Cyrus+
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Just popping in

I realized right after posting the "amigaboot.of on the CF card" idea that, as LyleHaze points out, it probably wouldn't speed things up much, because that is where I do have my linux kernel, and linux comes up even slower than OS4!

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Re: CA certificates
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Just popping in

That "And just in case, be sure you set 'ignore ssl erros' in preference" seems to have take care of it.

I vaguely remember having to set that some years ago, but I don't even remember what browser I was using then.

(Sorry about not using the Odyssey section.)

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Re: Cyrus+
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Just popping in

You said, "The CF slot on Nemo IS used for boot. it holds amigaboot.of, which can also be loaded from the first partition of the HD."

I'm puzzled. The manual for the X1000 says under "Motherboard Features," "One CF (Compact Flash) slot." Until I installed Linux, my CF slot was empty, and now it has a card with a couple of Linux kernels in it, but certainly no amigaboot.of.

On the other hand, I imagine it might be possible to copy amigaboot.of to it and change the first CFE command to address it. Is that what you have done and assume everyone else has too? (If amigaboot.of isn't too hard for me to find, I might even give that a try. And, with my luck, discover that that is a good way to turn the X1000 into a huge paperweight.)

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CA certificates
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Just popping in

A couple days ago, one of my more important web sites refused to deal with me because of unverified CA certificates or something like that. Today another site won't show me my bank statement for the same reason.

How do I fix this? I seen no sign of any certificates at all in my Odyssey drawer, or in muiowb, for that matter.

I tried copying certificates.db over from IBrowse, to no avail.

So how do I fix this?

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Re: Sudden Launch-handler problem
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Just popping in

OK, thanks. It didn't work, though, until I "reset to defaults."

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Sudden Launch-handler problem
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Just popping in

Clicking on a URL in a post in YAM this morning, I got a "launch-handler 53.31" alert: "Error / There were no client programs found to handle the protocol. "HTTPS."

I "Acknowledge"d, bringing up another alert, "? Edit preferences HTTPS.LH." I clicked "Run" and to my surprise, on the HTTPS page Odyssey's Commandline Format was "URL=*"http://%s*"". I added an "s" to that "http" and saved.

That didn't help at all. I get the same result clicking on the URL (if I click the HTML icon under the e-mail message I get the same thing about "... the protocol. 'FILE'"). But when I run the edit program, it still has the "s" that I added. Yet L:launch-handler remains dated 07-16-2013 instead of today's date.

System:Documentation/handlers/launch-handler-quick-setup suggests testing like this:

Type the following commandline in a shell;
URLOpen "http://www.google.com"

Doing so here results in Odyssey opening, but not to google. Whatever URL I try, it opens to "about:blank."

I'd like to fix this, but I'm stumped. I'm on an X1000 with YAM 2.9 (but apparently it isn't a YAM problem).

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Re: Getting Odyssey set up
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Just popping in

... people told me I should ... use Odyssey ..., so I installed it. And I was totally astonished and baffled to find that it opened with my muiowb home page! How did it know? ...

Its the same program, only newer version.

But it is in a different drawer. How did it come up with "http://www.staradvertiser.com/" in Settings > General > Start Page:?

I find that site referenced in Internet:Odyssey/Conf/LocalStorage, but no hint as to how it got there.

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Getting Odyssey set up
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Just popping in

A couple people told me I should quit using mui-owb and use Odyssey instead, so I installed it. And I was totally astonished and baffled to find that it opened with my muiowb home page! How did it know? But the accompanying readme doesn't answer that or some of the other questions I have.

The Odyssey/ drawer has in addition to an Odyssey icon something called OdysseyLauncher. Sure enough, clicking on it launches Odyssey, but so does clicking on the Odyssey icon. What's the point?

The readme says one can use bookmarks from IBrowse. It's been a few years since I added bookmarks to IBrowse, so I was hoping I could use something newer.

For Timberwolf, I use "Open file" on my muiowb bookmarks, which works well as a substitute for actually having a bookmarks file set up. (My SAM installation had proper bookmarks, but so far no luck on the X1000.) The first time I tried that with Odyssey, it didn't work -- I got a blank page titled "Bookmarks." I just tried it again, and it works now, but I'd rather get the real bookmarks menu item working.

So I went back to the IBrowse method. After considerable searching I finally found my IBrowse bookmarks in ibrowse-hotlist.html, copied it into my Odyssey drawer and changed the name to "bookmarks.html," trusting the readme promise:

"Odyssey can import IBrowse bookmarks. Just copy it to Odyssey directory as bookmarks.html. If you wish to make an entry appear in fastlinks or pulldown menu, just check the relevant option in bookmark editor."

Maybe I was expecting too much, but it looks like I have to add the bookmarks one at a time after all after getting the website that I want to bookmark via the method I use on Timberwolf. Or am I missing something?

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Re: amigans.net from AmiCygnix NetSurf
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Just popping in


I'm using the AmiCygnix version [of NetSurf] instead of the OS4 native frontend because it didn't come with my X1000. It's not on my SAM460 hard drive either, although I did have it on my G4 XE (never found it superior to OWB).


Just tried the phony log-in and it worked! I'd been to the specific login page before, but don't remember whether it worked before or not.
Had to try OWB again because of the inability to copy and paste the stuff I'm writing now into Timberwolf, which to my surprise had me logged into Amigans.net automatically!

@JusDuchIt and LiveForIt

If I've ever heard of Odyssey, I probably assumed it was a Mac browser. I'll look it up on OS4Depot when I get finished with the two threads I'm dealing with here.

One down, one to go.


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amigans.net from AmiCygnix NetSurf
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Just popping in

I've been finding it difficult to impossible to get on www.amigans.net from MUIOWB, but found it easy from Timberwolf (which remembers my password) and now from NetSurf in AmiCygnix.

Just in case others are having similar problems. Today I tried 11 times from MUIOWB, getting "Thank you for logging in, kilaueabart" 11 times, and unlogged in each time.

Apparently the problem is MUIOWB's alone.

Well, there seems to be a problem in this NetSurf as well. "Preview" gets "Warning: this button cannot be activated." Let's try "Submit."

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Re: AmiCygnix on X1000
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Just popping in

I apologize again for using your personal e-mail a few minutes ago. It turns out I am able to get on to Amigans.net via Timberwolf. (Unfortunately, I cannot paste my mis-sent post in, so I retype.)

Your Refresh-All-Caches.bat suggestion worked like a charm. But I still have to click "Get" when Sylpheed comes up in order to get my new Usenet posts. How can I fix that?

Is it safe to copy missing software (AbiWord, GNumeric, etc.) from my other installation of AmiCygnix, or should I try to figure out how to reinstall it all?

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