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Re: New AmigaOS4 video editing tool release
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Quite a regular

Just wanted to let everyone know I didn't release the latest version of VideoClipper. I released the source code to others as I was/am unable to continue supporting it for personal reasons.

AmigaOne X1000, uA1
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Re: Sam460 and 720p video playback
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Quite a regular

Convert the video to the format your machine can handle.

If you want to convert virtually any codec and format on your SAM460 with an easy to use GUI use ffmpeg and ffmpegGUI from OS4depot. You can set the "duration" time so you don't have to convert the whole video.

Resized Image
(Click for larger view)

AmigaOne X1000, uA1
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Re: Simplemail
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Quite a regular


Try turning off the "Cleanup Deleted Folder on Exit" option.
It's in the "General" panel of the configuration.

I've had the crash problem on exit since v.36 until I discovered recently that turning off this option avoided the crash. I delete the fold manually now before exiting.

AmigaOne X1000, uA1
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DropBox Alternative
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Quite a regular

Just tried out copy.com with Timberwolf on my X1000 and it seems to work quite well. Copy.com is a Dropbox like site that seems to work very much the same way. You get 15GB of storeage space for free but if you use the following ULR to sign up you get an extra 5GB free: Copy.com signup

The catch is you have to install the "copy" application on an andriod, iphone, windows, or linux device to get the extra 5G. If 15G is enough for you then just sing up at www.copy.com website and I don't think you have to install their applicatoin on any device.

Full disclosure, I get an extra 5GB as well if you use the link above to sign up. Hope this doesn't sound like an advertisement, that wasn't my intention. Just trying to share an alternative that works for me on my X1000. Feel free to use my link or not to sign up.

WARNING: Don't try to use the copy.com site with MUIOWB or Reaction OWB. You will definatly crash your computer. :(

Here is a shot of the website running on Timberwolf: (Click picture for larger version)
Resized Image

AmigaOne X1000, uA1
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Re: Spoof As ?
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Quite a regular


tonyw wrote:
but is there any way I can spoof with RA-OWB?

Included with "ClipDown", found on OS4Depot, is a script called "Start_OWB" that allows you to set the OWB user agent via a requester, starts ClipDown, then starts OWB. There are user settings at the top of the script and plenty of comments to tell you how to use it. If you don't want to use ClipDown you can just comment the lines below the user settings that have Clipdown in them. The request has a default time out of 3 seconds before is uses the default. This timeout can be set in the user settings. Maybe this will work for you.

AmigaOne X1000, uA1
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Re: VideoClipper questions / comments (V1.1 released)
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Quite a regular


mr2 wrote:
Yes, disabling 'copy' did the trick... but Play Output button is still ghosted.
An output file is located in ram.

...and your sure the requester at the end of decoding said it completed with not errors?

Try setting video codec to something other than Copy as well. Just set the Profile to one of the DRAFT modes and see what happens.

AmigaOne X1000, uA1
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Re: VideoClipper questions / comments (V1.1 released)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


mr2 wrote:
Yes, I'm using muimplayer. I could not use Play Output button because I have to have an output file, I suppose? The button is ghosted. Tried to cut a few seconds from a video but mencoder reported some audio incompatibilities

Sound like the file you are cutting uses AAC audio codec.
mencoder does not support that codec due to licensing issues. You have to convert it to another format so just make sure your Audio Codec setting is not set to "Copy" and it should work. Then the output button will be enabled.

AmigaOne X1000, uA1
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Re: VideoClipper questions / comments (V1.1 released)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


mr2 wrote:
Added a file (*.mp4) then tried to save a frame while playing but there is no saved files in Ram. Play slower, faster, stop playing, mute work OK. Did I miss something?

Hmm...I thought I had that working. I'm guessing your
using MUIMPlayer?

I'm at work right now so I can't double check it but I thought I fixed that bug. Maybe I fixed it for the Play Output button and didn't fix it for the Preview button.

A couple things to check.
Does Save Frame work if you use the Play Output button to start mplayer?
Are you paused when you click the Save Frame button?
If yes, does Save Frame work it while the video is running?
Does pressing the 's' key on the keyboard save a frame while muiplayer is running?
If pressing the 's' key doesn't work then you can probably get it to work by adding the following line to MPlayer config file:


If the 's' key doesn't work after that then there may be a compatibility problem between mplayer and your SAM.

MUIMPlayer does have a known bug related to the screenshot function where if you are paused then press the 's' key, the screenshot won't be saved until you start playing the video again or do a frame step. I added a workaround in VideoClipper to do a frame step when Frame Save is clicked.

Let me know what you find. I'll look at the code again tonight.

AmigaOne X1000, uA1
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Re: VideoClipper questions and comments (Version 1.1 released)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The news item should show up soon but just wanted to let you know I've released version 1.1. It should appear on OS4Depot soon.

I believe I've implemented all your suggestions and more.
Now go out and make some vidoes with it! :)
Hey, if you actually do it would be nice if you make note of it.

I'll be taking a bit of a break from the programming but I'm always happy to hear and respond to comments, questions and bug reports. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

AmigaOne X1000, uA1
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Re: VideoClipper questions and comments
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Antique wrote:

How about implementing the 2 other programs aswell? sibtitles and audio? Would make it more complete package, And easier to use than having to use 3 seperate programs.

The trick is how to do it and keep the interface simple and workable. I guess it depends on what you want to do.

1. Have independent times for cut files, audio files and title files:
If you want to be able to add audio and titles with independent start and end times from the cut start and end times it's a lot of work and I'm not sure this is the best interface style for that. Trying to figure out the timings with the limited preview capabilities would be difficult.

2. Be able to add audio and titles to each indepenent cut:
Adding audio and/or titles that match the use the same start and end timings as the video would'nt be so difficult and might work out Ok but the same music couldn't span seperately cut files and you would have to repeat the title entry if you wanted it to span cuts files.

3. Add one audio file and one title file to the fully cut and joined video file.
This would be rather easy to do and in fact can be done as program stands right now. The down side is you would sill have to use a seperate program to create the titles. The audio file would just automatically get cut at the end of the video but you would probably still want to create the audio file of in another program.

Here is how to do number 3 with the current interface:

1. Cut and join your file to get the video the way you want it.
2. Clear the video list and load the file created above.
3. In the "Enter additional options" area on the Video/Audio Settings tab enter the following option for audio:
-audiofile Ram:audiofilename.mp3 (use your volume:path/filename)
4. to add a title enter the following in the add options area:
-sub Ram:titlefile.srt (use your volume:path/filename)
5. If your only adding an audio file then set the Profile to Copy. No need to re-encode to add an audio file.
6. If your adding a title file or title and audio file you will need to re-encode so set the video codec to something other than copy. Make sure you set other video setting as desired. The audio codec can be left at copy if you wish. Encoding will be faster with audio codec left at copy.
7. Rename the "Output File" to something different.
8. Click the "Cut & Join" button.

Now you have a vidoe with a new audio track and subtitles.

AmigaOne X1000, uA1
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Re: VideoClipper questions and comments
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Thematic wrote:
Maybe mplayer could be used. Okay it tends to crash if you step over the end of file (didn't in Linux though) but if such a program could read the verbose output mplayer sends to stdout... exact enough?

Speculative example: preview file, pause mplayer and step (.) to start position. Then in editor choose some function which will mark this position. Resume preview and repeat for the end position.

Good idea.
There is actually code in VideoClipper to try to read the time position via AREXX but I haven't gotten it to work. The idea is to add a button next to the Start Time and End Time gadget that when clicked would read the current position from MPlayer and enter it into the appropriate time field.

AmigaOne X1000, uA1
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Re: VideoClipper questions and comments
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


pvanni wrote:
Is it possible to have time format in:
This way it'll be more simple to do precise video editing

Unfortunatly not. That's a limitation of mencoder. Usually you can find a particular spot in two or three tries if you need it that exact. The quickest way to find a spot is to set the Profile setting on the Video/Audio Settings Tab to Copy. This disables encoding and speeds up the cutting. Then set your times and use cut and preview to see if you haapy with it. Don't forget to set the profile back when your ready to join if you have video files with different formats and setting.

AmigaOne X1000, uA1
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Re: VideoClipper questions and comments
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


kas1e wrote:
ps. If i want for example cut 5 seconds in the middle of the file, what start time / end time should i set in video clipper ? By logic i of course thinking about setting in start time the begining of area which i want to delete, and end time just +5 seconds to the start time, but thats seems will be different as well ?

Your still thinking in terms of what you want to delete. You need to think in terms of what you want to keep. So for your example above, if you want to keep the portion of the video from 10 to 15 seconds, set the Start Time to 00:00:10.000 and the End Time to +5 after the start time or 00:00:15.000.
Something that may help is to look at the duration field and you'll see that in this case it is 5 seconds. The length of the section of video that will be left after cutting.

AmigaOne X1000, uA1
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Re: VideoClipper questions and comments
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

First, thanks for the feedback!

@kas1e wrote:
when you run any Help item from RMB menu, i can't use main programm (busy pointer).

Good point. I agree the help should run asynchroniously. I leveraged a function I wrote several years ago that uses the amigaguide.library and at the time I couldn't figure out how to make it run asynchroniously. I should update it sometime. In the mean time you can open the guide file outside the program or use the extensive gadget hints. Every gadget should have good hints. Maybe better than the help.

: set on "end time" 5 (so, start time are 0, and so i want to delete first 5 seconds).

Cutting in VideoClipper cuts the portion of the video you want to keep, not the portion you want to delete. If you want to cut off the first 5 seconds of a video then set the Start Time to 00:00:05.000 and leave the End Time at 00:00:00.000. No End Time specified means to continue to the end of the video.

press "cut" in the main tab - it run mencoder, do stuff, but button "Play output" still ghosted.

The cut button under the playlist will only cut the selected video in the list. Use the Preview button under the list to view it.

Then i repeat the steps, and tryed to use "Cut Only" button: again menoder starts, do stuff, but "Plat Output" still ghosted.

The "Cut Only" button just cuts all the files in the list and doesn't create an Output File. You can then use the "Preview" button to view the cut files. (if I remember right). If you use the "Cut & Join" button an output file will be created and the "Play Output" button will be activated. I can see where this can be a bit confusing if you are only want to cut one entry.

And all the auto-saved files all the time the same size as original, without cutting.

Hmmm....are you sure your end time is set properly? Sounds
like your End Time is set longer than the total video time or is so small as to not make a difference in the file size. The format is Hours:Minutes:Seconds:miliseconds. I'll double check but this should work fine.

In virtualdub cuttin done just like this: user load a file via "open file", then just choice start time, end time, and press "delete", so that areas just cuts. Then he choice "save" and save edited video. Imho pretty handy.

I'm not familiar with Virtualdub but from a quick look at the Website it looks like Virtualdub is intended to just cut out the peices of the video you want to delete and process what is left. Doesn't look like it can join videos. I could be wrong.

VideoClipper is designed to cut the peices of multiple videos you want to keep, process them then join them together, or you can cut out multiple peices of a longer video and join them together. A little different concept than Virtualdub.

How just i can load a video file, cut a part from it, and save ?

Good question. I can see where this coudl be confusing given the design of VideoClipper.

Here are the steps to cut the first 5 seconds off a video:

1. In the Clip Editor tab use the Add button to select the video you want to cut.

2. Set the Start Time to 00:00:05.000 and leave the End Time at 00:00:00.000.

3. In the Video/Audio Profile tab, set the Profile to Copy.
Ensure the Video and Audio Codec's get set to Copy.

4. Make sure you have "Output File" set to where you want to save the resulting video.

5. Click "Cut & Join" at the bottom of the window.
(I admit this part is confusing. Why Join is you only have one video.)

The cut file will now be written to the Output File location and the "Play Output" button should be activated.

Thanks for the input and all you do for the comunity kas1e.

Check out the gadget hints. Their help is sometimes better (unfortunatly) than the VideoClipper.guide help.

Also, feel free to email me. My address is in the Contact section of the help file.

Edited by ktadd on 2013/1/18 20:01:49
Edited by ktadd on 2013/1/18 22:49:24
AmigaOne X1000, uA1
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VideoClipper questions / comments (V1.1 released)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

kas1e had some good questions and comments about VideoClipper in the news item so I thought I'd start a thread to answer his questions and provide an area for other to post who might have comments or questions.

VideoClipper News Item

Please post comments, questions and bug reports here.

Edited by ktadd on 2013/1/18 22:50:17
Edited by ktadd on 2013/1/31 13:44:35
AmigaOne X1000, uA1
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Re: Avcodec.library bounty update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

If you would rather use ffmpeg from a GUI use FFMpegGUI from OS4Depot.

Set your input file.
In the Video and Audio tabs set the Codec to Copy.
Set the Output filename and Output Format to .avi
In the Map Streams tab set:
Stream 0: infile # to zero, Stream # to the video stream (probably zero)
Stream 1: infile # to zero, Steam # to the audio stream you want to keep.

Use the "Input file Info" button to identify the streams in the Input file.

Resized Image

(Click picture for larger view)

Edited by ktadd on 2012/10/18 20:39:26
Edited by ktadd on 2012/10/18 20:40:37
Edited by ktadd on 2012/10/18 20:41:10
AmigaOne X1000, uA1
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Re: Mplayer, last version?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


JosDuchIt wrote:
And is this CLI verson availlable elsewhere (not commercial ?)

The version of MPlayer packaged in the AMC archive is subject to the GPL licesne and is free as far as I know. Just download the demo archive of AMC, extract it and fine MPlayer. Someone correct me if I'm wrong on this.

Having said that I personally registered AMC to support their work.

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Re: Mplayer, last version?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


kas1e wrote:
But as i say before, muimplayer IS command line one as well. GUI mode just by default, via icon, but you can just run it from shell to have command line mode, or provide a necessary option to swith from/to gui/command line.

I tried to use it from the command line a while ago with the no gui options and didn't get it to work. I didn't spend much time on it then because I was in the middle of developing some code. I'll have to go back and look at it again sometime.


And yep, it have AREXX port as well. Just checked right now the code, and there is

Do you have a list of supported AREXX commands? I looked at it quite a while ago and your right it did have an AREXX port but I don't think the commands were compatable with the command line MPlayer, or there were a very limited number of commands, or I didn't know what the commands were. It would be great if you could supply more info.

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Re: Mplayer, last version?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


kas1e wrote:

To add, there is no point to waste time on other and eny else mplayers anymore, because mui one already works , has gui, can works in any kind of form (command line or not) and if there is something which someone dislike, or found that something in old mplayer done bette, then its just small (or not so) mistakes which should be reported and fixed.

Hmm....does MUIMPlayer have an AREXX port like the command line one? The commnad like verwsion is used by my programs, SimpleSub, ffmpegGUI, and VideoClipper through the AREXX port. Until MUIMplayer has an Arexx port I don't think we should consider the command line version to be not worthy of supporting.

By the way, the command line version I use and suggest is the one found in the AMC Package.

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Re: "YouTube and Clipdown not working again"
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


sundown wrote:
I got an email from ktadd this morning, here it is, I haven't got it to work in IBrowse, but OWB seems to work, though I'm having a problem getting it to work as described. Post what works for you.

Sorry, this may not work as described because I forgot I had modified ClipDown to support links produced by www.savefrom.net. The new version of ClipDown (v3.3) has just been uploaded to OS4Depot. Get that version then follow the instruction below to play YouTube videos.

Example Use to play or download YouTube videos:

1. Go to YouTube and left click to select a video to view.
2. Put "savefrom.net/" in front of the URL and press "Enter"
(ie. savefrom.net/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piZrjDTx2eg
3. Once the links to the URL for the videos are loaded just copy one into
the clipboard.
4. Click on the "ClipDown" button.

If "ClipDown v3.3" is set to "Auto Action" mode the video will be played.
If "ClipDown v3.3" is set to "Download File" mode the video will be downloaded.

Other site that www.savefrom.net supports will work as well

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